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Section C

Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.


A. Promise behaviors

B. Attitude beats experience

C. Job-winning qualities

D. Employer and employee relation

E. Stable career choices

F. Importance of teamwork skills

Despite the economy, experts advice students to major in what interests them.



Aware of the worst job market in more than 25 years, many students enrolling in colleges and universities this fall are considering majors that they believe will land them stable career. 

Students with degrees in nursing, health care, accounting, computer, general science and engineering report the most success in finding jobs. Those with degrees in finance, journalism, graphic design, and international relations have had tougher times, liberal arts graduates also struggle.



Still career experts say students should major in whatever area most interests them, even if it’s a less specialized liberal arts field, such as Chinese and or sociology. In a national survey, communication, followed closely by a strong work ethic and team work skills, was rated at the most important qualities sought by employers. “Liberal arts teaches us how to learn. When we go out into the world of work, we are going to have to continue to learn,” said Dan Naegeli, director of the university of North Texas career center.



Texas Health Resources uses a wide range of workers at its 14 hospitals and other sites. The 18,000 employees company hires about 2000 people a year. It looks for candidates with “promise (有前途的) behaviors,” human resource director Justin Clem said.

     “The resume is great… Education is wonderful,” Clem said. “But when we interview, we really want to look at situations they were put into the past, what actions they took, and what were the results. Do these results really support treating other people with courtesy dignity and respect? And communicating clearly and earning people’s trust? And thinking before they act?”



The company also looks for people who have record of providing service, said Janaelle Nowne, vice president of human resource. If a student mowed lawns or worked at a fast-food restaurant, she said, “ the things that we would want to hear is how you attended to providing service to people that you were working with and how you were attending to the quality of the products that you have. ”

“Experience is always helpful, but it is not always the guarantee that person is going to get the job,” she added. “We look at the behaviors and the attitude they bring in and their willingness to be a part of the team.”



Lockheed Martin has all sorts of jobs in all sorts of fields. One of the skills recruiters consider is the ability to work in teams.

“Most of what we do is problem solving, and you get people with different kinds of skills together to solve the problem,” said Norman Robbins, senior manager community relations. “If you are real bright but you can’t get along with anybody, you’re not going to be as successful as you will be if you can work in teams.”

76. E           77. C            78. A           79.B      80. F


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Since many of you are planning to study at a college or university in this country, you may be curious to know what you usually do in a typical week, how you can get along with your fellow students, and so on.These are the questions I want to discuss with you today.

First, let’s talk about  what your weekly schedule will look like. No matter what your major may be, you can expect to spend between four and six hours a week for each class attending lectures. Lectures are usually in very large rooms because some courses such as introduction to sociology or economics often have as many as two or three hundred students, especially at large universities. In lectures, it’s very important for you to take notes on what the professor says because the information a lecture is often different from the information in your textbooks. Also, you can expect to have exam questions based on the lectures. So it isn’t enough to just read your textbooks; you have to attend lectures as well. In a typical week you will also have a couple of hours of discussion for every class you take. The discussion section is a small group meeting usually with fewer than thirty students where you can ask questions about the lectures, the reading, and the homework. In large universities, graduate students, called teaching assistants, usually direct discussion sections.

If your major is chemistry, or physics, or another science, you’ll also have to spend several hours a week in the lab, or laboratory, doing experiments. This means that science majors spend more time in the classroom than non science majors do. On the other hand, people who major in subjects like literature or history usually have to read and write more than science majors do.

59. The main purpose of this text is        .

A. to help the students to learn about university life

B. to persuade the students to attend lectures

C. to encourage the sudents to take part in discussions

D. to advise the students to choose proper majors

60. We can learn from the passage that university professors        .

A. spend about 5 hours on lectures each week

B. must join the students in the discussion sections

C. prefer to use textbooks in their lectures

D. require the students to read beyond the textbooks

61.A discussion section does NOT include        .

A. working under the guidance of university professors

B. talking over what the students have read about the courses

C. discussing the problems related to the students’ homework

D. raising questions about what a professor has said in a lecture

62. According to the author, science majors        .

A. have to work harder than non science majors

B. spend less time on their studies than non science majors

C. consider experiments more important than discussions

D. read and write less than non science majors


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省福州市高三第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A few years ago my sister moved from her home in Alabama to Buffalo, New York. Since moving to Buffalo she’s become a big hockey fan and has encouraged me to start watching it. Unfortunately it’s very difficult to find hockey on television here in Alabama. Since hockey games don’t air very much on television I’ve had to look for different ways to watch hockey games.

I often see websites that claim if you go to their website you can watch television on your computer. I try out many of these websites hoping that one of the television stations is a northern station that airs hockey games. Unfortunately, most of them don’t work. Either the site doesn’t really give you what they advertise or their video player doesn’t work properly. But finally I’ve found one website that actually works.

Free Tube is a site that you can go to and watch Television online for free. You don’t have to download any kind of special software or pay money or even sign up for anything. All you have to do is go to Free Tube, choose your channel and start watching. 

The different channels to choose from are separated into different categories like news, business, entertainment, music and sports. You’re not going to find channels like NBC or ABC so you can watch the latest episode of Heroes or Grey’s Anatomy but it does include some popular channels like Cartoon Network and ESPN.

There is also a movie section. Each movie channel airs different sorts of films like adventure, classics, comedy or horror and that channel will always air that kind of movies. The movie section also includes my favorite station called Maxx Trailers (预告片). Maxx Trailers airs nothing but movies trailers 24 hours a day. Some of the trailers are for movies coming out and some are for movies that have already been released but already released movies don’t go back farther than a couple of months.

So far I haven’t had any problems with Free Tube’s video player either. Whenever I choose a channel, the video almost always works and usually loads every quickly. The only problem I have with Free Tube is that there is currently a glitch if you’re using Firefox. Once you choose a channel you can’t select another channel to change to, your web browser will freeze up. So if you’re using Firefox, the only way to switch channels is to leave the site and re-enter the site, when choosing what channel you want to go to. However, Free Tube is aware of this glitch and is working with Mozilla to get it fixed right away.

If you’re missing some show everyone is talking about like Grey’s Anatomy or Heroes, this isn’t really a solution for that. But Free Tube is a good way to find channels that you weren’t aware of; there are several good stations to be found.

1.The author mainly ________ in this passage.

A. tells us his experience in using the Web

B. introduces Free Tube to the readers

C. shows us the disadvantages of Free Tube

D. shows us how to enjoy films online

2.The author got interested in watching hockey games ________

A. because he is a sports fan

B. due to his sister’s influence

C. since everyone enjoys the games

D. because he has nothing to do all day long

3.From the passage we can learn that ______________

A. the author is also very fond of movies           

B. Maxx Trailers airs to-be-released movies

C. ABC is a very famous TV station in America   

D. Firefox is the only software used to watch films online

4. The underlined word “glitch” probably means _________

A. cover                 B. change            C. note                  D. fault



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省高三3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Wildlife faces threats(威胁)from habitat destruction, pollution, and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.

1.Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard.

When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants that can provide food and shelter to native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. And bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species.

2.Avoid harming the natural ecosystem(生态系统)in your area.

Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.

3.Have a greener lifestyle.

By using less water and fewer fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway when you can, turn off electric devices when you're not using them, take shorter showers, and keep your room temperature at or below 68 degrees during the winter.

4.Buy products that are wildlife friendly.

Don't buy products that are made from endangered animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.

5.Donate money or time to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats. 

You can give money to organizations or groups that protect wildlife species in your neighborhood.

1.We infer that the purpose of this passage is to________.

A.tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now

B.suggest that we protect wildlife through actions

C.explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people think

D.give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions

2.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Animal diseases.

B.Loss of habitat.



3.In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?

A.Environment                           B.Teaching

C.Business                              D.Geography



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省盐城市高三第二次模拟(3月)考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Members of the media _____to cover Royal events or stories should make themselves familiar with the guidance provided in this section.

A.seek             B.sought            C.seeking           D.to seek



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题

SECTION C (12 points)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

More than 220 people were killed in the fire,  48   destroyed the building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a few months  49   the fire and it was the newest building. All the 25 floors of the building were completely destroyed.  50   fire also destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked   51   the building.

Over 500 people were working in the building  52   the fire broke out on the 11th floor.  53    knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an electrical fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire,  54   it was impossible to control it. Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible  55   people on the floors above to escape.


