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The Opening of the Book Nook

Saturday, October 4, 10 AM to 10 PM

You will not want to miss the opening of your new neighborhood bookstore! Located at 2289 Main Street, the Book Nook is within walking distance of schools, many homes and businesses. Come and check out the Book Nook on Saturday!

Activities will include:

● Live music by local musicians

● One Book-of-the-Month Club membership giveaway (赠送)

Wide Selection

The Book Nook has three floors with books of all kinds-­--any kind you could want. If we do not have the book you are looking for, we can specially order it for you. You will have it in your hands within two days!

Reading Nooks

We are proud of our children’s reading area on the first floor, as well as our teenagers’ nook on the second floor. Come for the activities and stay for a while! Settle in one of these inviting reading areas; take a seat with a good book and a free cup of hot chocolate. You will discover the perfect way to spend a few hours.

Book Events

The Book Nook will be featuring monthly book signings by different authors, giving you a chance to meet and speak with well-known writers. Don’t miss the experience of hearing these authors read aloud their own books!

The Book-of-the-Month Club

Our Book-of-the-Month Club will feature 12 books each year. As a member, you will be able to select one new book each month. The membership fee is only $10.00 per month. That is a great price for 12 books each year!

So please join us on Saturday and learn about all that the Book Nook has to offer. You can come anytime between 10 AM and 10 PM. Our activities last all day long!

1.What can we learn about the Book Nook?

A. It is a well-located bookstore.

B. Any interesting books can be found right here.

C. It is open from 10 AM to 10 PM every day.

D. The third floor is specially designed for children.

2.What can people do in the Book Nook on October 4?

A. They can have a taste of different kinds of chocolate.

B. They can read aloud together with well-known writers.

C. They can enjoy live music performed by well-known writers.

D. They can become a member of the Book-of-the-Month Club.

3.As a member of the Book-of-the-Month Club, you ________.

A. can buy any books in the Book Nook at a low price

B. may borrow as many as 12 books every week

C. need to pay 120 dollars every year

D. should be over the age of 12


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京海淀区高三下期末考试(二模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

New Jersey Botanical Garden Membership

It’s easy to join New Jersey Botanical Garden (NJBG) Membership or renew your membership online, by phone or by mail. And it’s so important to the Botanical Garden! Your membership dollars help to improve the Garden, and provide educational and recreational (娱乐的)activities for the general public. Thank you for your support!

To join or renew, please click on the appropriate section and membership category below for safe and convenient online payment processing by PayPal.

If you prefer to join by phone or mail, call the NJBG office at (973) 962-9534 or download and send in our membership brochure (Adobe Acrobat PDF file).

★Join NJBG Today

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Annual Dues




Special: Save $5 with Biennial Dues




★Renew Your Membership

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Annual Dues




Special: Save $5 with Biennial Dues




The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44-room Tudor Revival granite (公馆) designed by John Russell Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1,000 acres of meadows (草坪)and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1996 and officially named as the New Jersey State Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5,000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season’s best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures, and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and country gardeners.

Your NJBG membership offers you discounts at participating nurseries, garden centers and other fine businesses. Simply present your NJBG membership card when beginning your purchase:

• Goffle Brook Farm and Garden Center, (201)652-7540

10% off your purchase

• Metropolitan Plant Exchange, (973)683-7613

12% off your purchase

•Rohsler’s Allendale Nursery & Florist, (201) 327-3156

15% off your purchase

1.The NJBG membership dollars can be used to .

A. Offer further education

B. Update online payment

C. Provide better service

D. Protect the environment

2.To join the NJBG membership, you can call its office at.

A. (201) 327-3156

B. (201)652-7540

C. (973) 962-9534

D. (973)638-7613

3.To renew the one-year membership for your parents, you need to pay .

A. $50 B.$60 C.$80 D. $100

4.New Jersey Botanical Garden.

A. Was officially named in 1996

B. Was designed by John Russell Pope

C. Invites members to organize activities

D. Gives members discounts for their purchase


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南东部六校高一下期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Pat O’Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman. Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands.

Pat's heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly(大胆) up to the group and said to Lord Northwood, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?”

Lord Northwood, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite(食欲) for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat with suspicion(怀疑), he said, “but why are you out so early in the morning?”

“Well, sir” said Pat, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.”

The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit, and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.

1.This is a story about _____.

A. a rich man who owned a big wood

B. a poor Irishman who lived all by himself

C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat

D. an Irish hunter with a large family

2.There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. Why?

A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.

B. He knew Pat was coming for shooting.

C. He didn't like the poor Irishman at all.

D. Pat had not told him he would come.

3.Why was Lord Northwood surprised?

A. He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.

B. He wondered why Pat didn't run away.

C. Pat wasn't afraid of him.

D. Pat had a gun in his hands.

4.What made the whole crowd burst into laughter?

A. Pat's funny looks.

B. Pat's interesting remarks.

C. Pat's quick and humorous response.

D. Pat's promise to leave fight away.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸一中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard that we humans use only ten percent of our brains? This opinion holds a certain appeal because if it were true, then we could instantly become ten times more intelligent just by firing up that sleepy majority of the brain!

The idea that we use only a small part of the brain dates back to animal experiments in the 19th century. When scientists stimulated (刺激) a specific part of the brain, the animal moved its leg or tail. If a tiny part of the brain could do something so great, what was the use of the rest of the brain? Some scientists assumed that large parts of the brain were simply useless.

Then, in the early 20th century, scientists observed that stimulating certain parts of the brain had no physical effects. They named these seemingly useless parts of the brain the “silent cortex.” Today we know that in humans, much of the “silent cortex” is actually devoted to complex activities like language, learning, and imagining.

Brain scans have shown that different parts of the brain become much more active as we shift (切换) our attention and focus, but even as we sleep, many areas of the brain are extremely active. Would you be smarter if your entire brain constantly worked to maximum capacity (能力)? Interestingly enough, the opposite is probably true. The less brain activity you need to perform a given task, the more the brain as a whole is able to do.

1.Why does the opinion mentioned in paragraph l seem appealing?

A. People wish to become much smarter.

B. People believe it is scientific.

C. People know nothing about the brain.

D. People want to make little use of their brain.

2.What did scientists discover in their experiment in the 20th century?

A. The majority of the brain is sleeping.

B. Animals’ legs and tails have some connection with their brain.

C. Stimulation on some parts of the brain causes no physical reaction.

D. Certain parts of the brain are devoted to language and learning activities.

3.“Silent cortex” has proved to be______.

A. sensitive to stimulation

B. useful in complex activities

C. responsible for physical reaction

D. more active than the other parts of the brain

4.If you need less brain activity to perform a task, _______.

A. you will feel sleepy

B. you must shift your focus

C. you can use your brain to the fullest

D. you will be more productive


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东佛山一中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A beggar was sleeping in the doorway of a fruit shop. The shop owner felt angry. He walked up to him and _________ him to go away in a rude manner, but the beggar did not seem to _________ him and lay still there. The shop owner got much _________ , shouting that he was a beggar in disguise (假装) and _________ cheated passers-by for money by making use of their kindness. At that time, it was the busiest moment of a day and the market was _________ with shoppers. They all blamed the beggar for _________ . Showing fear, the beggar _________ his face in an old blanket. What he received was bitter _________ rather than help.

The next morning, it was drizzling. An old man, who went to the market early, found the beggar _________ on the ground. He woke the beggar up and _________ asked whether he was cold or not, but the beggar made no _________ . Then the old man _________ his hands gently, saying that they felt_________ . With these words, he ran home in a hurry, returned with a pile of _________ , picked out a sweater and urged the beggar to _________ it on again and again. Seeing what happened, many other passers-by surrounded the beggar and gave him change one after another, showing_________ for him. It was not long before the beggar received a handful of _________ .

In many cases our behavior may have a great _________ on the people around us because they are likely to _________ us. Therefore, we should pay special attention to what we do and say, trying to infect others with positive words instead of _________ ones.

1.A. persuaded B. encouraged C. expected D. ordered

2.A. approach B. speak C. hear D. agree

3.A. angrier B. happier C. sadder D. braver

4.A. still B. only C. never D. already

5.A. crowded B. covered C. provided D. equipped

6.A. laziness B. dishonesty C. inability D. mistake

7.A. buried B. raised C. closed D. bent

8.A. admiration B. curiosity C. scold D. praise

9.A. crying B. eating C. playing D. sleeping

10.A. loudly B. rudely C. seriously D. kindly

11.A. comment B. reply C. introduction D. bet

12.A. lifted B. kissed C. held D. threw

13.A. freezing B. warm C. sleepy D. comfortable

14.A. books B. clothes C. pictures D. money

15.A. show B. take C. get D. put

16.A. respect B. pity C. worry D. appreciation

17.A. coins B. food C. fruit D. sand

18.A. change B. view C. effect D. impression

19.A. avoid B. invite C. compare D. follow

20.A. important B. meaningless C. negative D. harmful


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年佛山一中、中山纪念中学高二下联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五



What will you do if you can’t eat everything bought in the canteen? 1. According to a survey, what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people. 2. .

According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people.

Food waste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries. In the West, for instance, consumerism, the belief that it’s a good thing to use a lot of goods and services, is often to blame for food waste. 3. . Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food. On campus, a generation of single children is less aware of the food waste issue. Students nowadays are well protected by their families and hardly have any concept of how much toil(辛劳)others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. 4.

There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas. They don’t have enough food to eat. Many children die for lack of nutrition each year in some African countries. And farmers work very hard to grow the crops. 5. . It’s also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste.

A. Students’ waste is extremely serious.

B. Most of us would simply throw away any leftover food.

C. Students can never realize the serious food crisis.

D. So there’s no excuse that we should waste our food.

E. But canteen waste is merely the tip of the iceberg .

F. Compared with them, some live in a different world.

G. China, in turn, features its own eating culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


"What shall I do," said a very little dog one day to his mother, "to show my thanks to our master? I cannot draw or carry burdens like the horse; 1._ _ give him milk like the cow ... I am a poor unimportant creature, not worth of keeping." So saying, the poor little dog hung down his head 2._ _ (disappointed).

"My dear child, Fido," replied his mother, "although your abilities are small, yet a hearty good will is enough3._ _ (cover) all faults. Just love him dearly, and prove your love4._ _ all the means in your power, and you will not fail to please him."

The little dog 5. _ (comfort). From then on, he tried his best to help his master do all kinds of things.

One hot day, after dinner, his master6._ _ (sleep) in an old summerhouse, with Fido by his side. Suddenly, Fido saw the walls 7. _ _ (shake). He realized the 8. _ (dangerous) and began barking to awaken his master. Upon this the master woke up and had just time to get out of the door before the whole building fell down. Fido, 9._ _ was behind, got hurt by some rubbish which fell upon him. His master took care of him with the10._ _ (great) tenderness. Thus his love and loyalty(忠诚)had the full reward.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东临沂市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Gregory Kloehn is an artist 1. uses his skills for a really worthy cause—building homes for the homeless.Making use of recycled materials found on the street,he creates small mobile homes,each about the size 2. a sofa.These homes come with pitched roofs to keep out the rain and3. (wheel)at the bottom for mobility.So far,he’s built about 10 shelters through the‘Homeless Homes Project’,and hopes to create 4. (much)in the future.

5. they’re not made of much,the tiny homes are more than enough for someone with no other place 6. (sleep)in.They ale painted in bright colors and have a few odd elements—like washing machine doors for windows and minivan tops for roofs.

“Before,I 7. (be)all about sculpture,but I realized it just sits there,”he said.“And you’re just selling it to rich people.I kind of think if you’re putting so much effort into something more valuable,it would be 8. (good).”He 9. (write)a book called‘Homeless Architecture at the time,10. (admire)how they were able to recycle all day and make homes out of almost nothing.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京朝阳区高三第二次(5月)综合练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How northern Europeans beat the winter blues

Ask a child from northern Europe to draw two pictures—one on a rainy day and a second in the sunshine—and this is what you will get: in the first, as raindrops fall from the top of the page, the man behind the window has an unhappy expression. When a yellow sun sends out some light from the corner, the man is smiling.

Northern Europeans associate rain with sadness and sunshine with happiness. They think this is true because they are so aware of how their environment affects them. ___1._In October 2008, a group of researchers examined the influence of different daily weather factors, including temperature, wind and sunlight, on 1,200 participants. The conclusion was that good or bad weather had little effect on people’s feelings.___ 2.___ A person who is upset on dark or cold days suffers from a negative mood(情绪), and he will be likely to experience a sad winter. This is the basis of an illness called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). ___3.___

AniKalayjian, professor of psychology at Fordham University, advises that we should take steps to strengthen the brain’s system against weather-driven mood changes. Research on SAD has been focused on the brain’s response to darkness and light. When our eyes detect darkness, the brain gives off melatonin, which starts sleep cycles. ___4.__It takes over to help us wake up and feel better when we detect light. “We can encourage people to take charge of their feelings,” says Kalayjian. “We tell them to leave the computers and the indoor games and get out there in the sun. __5.___”

A day of rain can potentially destroy your plan and affect your mood. But as the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly once said: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing.”

A. Yet that link has no scientific basis.

B. It is seriously doubted among the people who suffer from SAD.

C. It affects about10% of the population of northern Europe each year.

D. Another chemical called serotonin, however, can make people happy.

E. That’s when people can recharge their serotonin and get a better mood.

F. Most studies prove that a negative feeling is associated with bad weather.

G. They determined that people actually differ in their sensitivity to weather changes.

