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1I went back home ____________(庆祝)my grandfather’s birthday last week.

2People usually begin_________ (...准备)the celebration a week before the festival.

3I’m afraid I’ve__________(迷路).could you tell me where I am.

4Does this road __________(通向)the Great Wall?

5_________(在古代),when the enemy came,soldiers would make fires or smoke to send alarm signals from here.


1to celebrate

2preparing for/to prepare for

3lost my way

4lead to

5In ancient times

【解析】 本大题是根据汉语写出相应的英语。在拼写的过程中要注意所用单词在具体语境中所作的成分,所用的词性,同时还在注意固定搭配。

1 to celebrate

考查动词不定式作目的状语。用动词不定式作目的状语。上周我回家是为了庆祝我爷爷的生日。故要用to celebrate.

2preparing for/to prepare for

考查非谓语做宾语。人们通常在春节前一个星期开始准备庆祝活动。开始做某事。Begin to do/doing。故开始准备要用preparing for/to prepare for 。

3. lost my way

考查固定搭配。迷路lose one’s way。我迷路。Lose one’s way。

4lead to

考查固定搭配。通向lead to。

5In ancient times

考查短语。在古代In ancient times。In 在句首,要大写。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I feel it a great honor to be welcomed to participate in such a wonderful activity.

As for me, read a good book is just like talking with a learned person. It is wide considered that what reading plays an important part in learning. Besides, reading can open my eye and make my life colorful. As matter of fact, only through reading can one person become a succeed.

When it comes to the books I’ve read, A Global History has had a deep influence with me. The book give the history of the world. It not only has enlarged our knowledge, but also get me interested in history.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In Kenya’s vast Tsavo National Park, breeding herds of elephants are a common sight, the new babies hurrying to_______ their mothers.

A. keep track of B. keep up with

C. keep in touch with D. keep away from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Most foodies (吃货) agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets and their dining out experience.

Open Table

Open Table helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. Open Table users can also make restaurant reservations directly through the app or website. Open Table gives userspoints when they make reservations. The points can add up to discounts on restaurant visits.

Cheese & Wine Pairing app

Wine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman’s cheese and wine app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. Max McCalman’s Cheese & Wine Pairing app is free for iPhone and iPad.

Calorific app

What does 200 calories look like? It can be hard to picture. Calorific provides images of 200 calories worth of food. The pictures can help people on a diet and those who just want to eat healthier. The app is free for iPad and iPhone. There is also a version that provides more information for a price.

HappyCow app

Vegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The HappyCow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world. A free version of HappyCow is available for Android that has ads and requires an Internet connection.

LocalEats app

Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. The website and app LocalEats is designed for that. It lists locally owned restaurants so users can try foods from that area. The app costs about a dollar.

【1】If people want to go on a diet, they need________.

A. Cheese & Wine Pairing app B. LocalEats app

C. Calorific app D. Open Table

【2】Which of the following apps is NOT free for iPhone or Android?

A. HappyCow app.

B. LocalEats app.

C. Calorific app.

D. Cheese & Wine Pairing app.

【3】 What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To show the differences in food apps.

B. To advertise the best apps for iPhones.

C. To introduce some healthy eating habits.

D. To inform foodies of some useful apps.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




With the rapid development of the mobile, and more people are using Weixin in our daily life.

Seen her friends have circles of friends and chat anywhere or anytime , my mother bought a new cell phone. But she has no idea how do that .Noticing that, I showed the operating methods, even each the still got confusing .So I drew several picture about the operating methods, even each the step for her. Day by day, she could operate it very smooth.

When she chatted on Weixin or showed it for her neighbors , I felt satisfied because I could finally do something for my mother.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Anyone can try to lead a group, but not every individual(个人) is cut for leadership.The better leaders possess a few qualities that can mean the difference between the success and failure of the group.These are the qualities the leader of higher rank will look for when choosing a leader for a group or when evaluating the performance of a leader. They're also the qualities team member want in a group leader, and appreciate when they find them.

Take Responsibility

Group leaders might share tasks around a group as necessary, but eventually a group leader needs to be able to accept that responsibility lies on her shoulders.That means that if things go wrong in a group project, she's the one who must accept the consequences and work out what mistakes were made.The group leader won't always have the power to control everything group member do, but she should be ready to admit any mistake the group has made as a result of her leadership.

Concern for Members

The group leader has a commitment to the task or project at hand, but perhaps more importantly,he has a real concern for each and every person who is part of his group. This means getting to know the strengths, weaknesses and goals of team member, as well as making time to build the group through collective(集体的) activities.The group leader should make sure that everyone is include, even if an individual is new to a group.

Good listener

The group leader needs to be able to listen to the suggestions, complains(抱怨)and ideas of group member. Not only will this allow complaints to be spoken up and potentially suitable ideas to be put into practice, but a leader who listens will also encourage group members to share their concerns and thoughts, creating an atmosphere of free speech and productivity.

【1】The passage is mainly about ________.

A. choosing a good leader for a group

B. assessing the performance of a leader

C. qualities of a good group leader

D. team members' appreciation of a leader

【2】A good leader should always be able to ________.

A.tell when things go wrong in a group project

B.control everything group members do

C.make group members admit their mistakes

D.recognize any mistakes as his own

【3】According to "Concerns for members", which of the following is a good quality of a leader?

A. Fair.B. Reliable.C. Determined.D. Generous.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling _____. He didn’t know how to find his seat,_____ he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked, ―Could you help me? I can’t find my seat. The air hostess showed _____the seat and told him_____and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan’s ears might feel______strange, but he didn’t need to ____ it because many people felt______that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around. He could______read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would______ food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and______soon.

1A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus

2A. yet B. or C. but D. so

3A. him B. me C. her D. he

4A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down

5A. a little B. Little C. a bit of D. bit

6A. worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry

7A. in B. for C. as D. like

8A. neither B. also C. both D. either

9A. hold B. take C. bring D. Carry

10A. arrive home B. arrive to home C. get to home D. reach at home


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Grace,

How is everything going with you?

I’ve been in Russia for two months. This is the first time that I’ve been away my family for such a long time. With the help of Katia, a roommate of me, I soon get used to live without my parents around. Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively. We became friend shortly after we met each other. Although her English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own family. We’re both surprising that Chinese culture and Russian culture were so different. Now, we are planning a small party for the next Sunday. There, Katia will introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has been to China several times. I just can’t wait.

Write back to me as soon as possible.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1An idea o________to Mary that she could buy her mother a washing machine as a birthday present.

2There were 16 votes in f________of my suggestions and 15 against.

3Some members of the committee o________to our proposal.

4A________,he was shocked when he witnessed the violent scene.

5The thin ice on the lake hardly b________your weight.Take care!

6When we plan our vacation,mother often offers________(实际的)suggestions.

7Research________(表明)that eating habits are related to health.

8There were more than 50________(申请者)for the job,but only ten were employed.

9He was________(选举)to be President.

10She was on a diet,but she couldn't________(抵抗)eating sweet food.

