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Didn’t you find that he looked ________ when he heard the news?

   A. surprised     B. surprising   C. surprisingly    D. surprisedly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Alice, you feed the bird today;______ ?  —But I fed it yesterday.            

A.do you  B.will you  C.didn’t  you  D.don’t you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

"The ground is wet." "Yes, didn't you know? ______for the last 20 minutes."

A. It's raining                           B. It was raining

C. It's been raining                      D. It has rained


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

“You went late _________ the stadium yesterday evening, didn’t you?” “Yes, my wife was a little late _________ the supper.”

A. to, with      B. for, with    C. for, for        D. at, for


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年广西德保高中高二第八次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Brown’s horse was stolen at night. All of his friends were very sorry about it and came to see him together. After they had been told about it, one of them said, “Why did not you lock the door of your stable (马房)that night? I think it is your fault.”
“You aren’t deaf, are you?” the second man said, “Didn’t you hear anything at that moment? The thief must have driven the beast out of the gate, and couldn’t have carried it on his back.”
“I agree with them!” Blamed the third, “How careless you are! Every evening before I go to bed, I lock my stable first and hide the key in my box. Why didn’t you do so?”
The more they said, the more excited they became. At last Mr. Brown couldn’t bear it any more and said, “I am glad that you have come to see me. But none of you would help me either look for my horse or catch the thief. Do you think that it’s all my fault? Why don’t you blame the thief?
【小题1】 The first man thought it’s Mr. Brown’s fault because _______.

A.let the door openB.locked the door
C.had the door unlockedD.had the horse locked up
【小题2】 The second man thought Mr. Brown _________________.
  1. was a deaf                        
B. was very careful
C. must hear something when the thief stole the horse     
D. couldn’t hear anything at that time
【小题3】 The third man thought ________________.
A.the horse must be driven outB.Mr. Brown did hide his key in his box
C.Mr. Brown wasn’t blamed by the thirdD.Mr. Brown wasn’t careful.
【小题4】 The more his friends said the more Mr. Brown ______________.
A. became excited    B got angry    C could bear       D blamed them
【小题5】____________ should be blamed.
A. Mr. Brown      B his friends       C The thief      D All of them


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省许昌市五校高一第四次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

----Why didn’t you go to the concert ?

-----I ____a game between two American basketball teams

A.watched                              B.had watched

C.was watching                           D.had been watching


