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1.    我更喜欢和我有些共同之处的人。

I’d prefer someone who I ______ something _____  _______  with.

2.    自从大学毕业后他就失去了老同学的音讯。

He has _______  ________  of his old classmates since graduation from college.

3.    坚持你已经制定的计划,你最终会成功的。

________  _______ the plan you’ve made and you’ll succeed in the end.

4.    正当开车下班回家的时候,我发现自己被困在交通阻塞中了。

While I was driving home from work, I found that I ______  ________  ______ the traffic jam.

5.    我们的钱马上就用光了,所以不得不推迟家庭旅行计划。

We are _________  _______  _____ money so we have to put off our family travel plan.

6.    昨晚一伙劫匪闯入他家,偷走了一大笔钱和他的信用卡。

A bunch of robbers ________  ______ his house last night and stole a large sum of money and his credit card.

7.    成千上万座建筑物在汶川地震中沦为废墟。

Thousands of buildings _______  ______  _______ in Wenchuan Earthquake.

8.    麦克不是故意打碎窗户,这纯属意外。

Mike didn’t break the window _______  ________; it was completely an accident.




 have in common 

 lost track 

 Stick with

 got/ was trapped/stuck/caught in

 running out of 

 broke into 

 lay in ruins 

 on purpose




科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2012届度高三上期初调研测试(英语) 题型:其他题

词组翻译 根据所给汉语补全词组,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题0.5分,计5分)

1. 坐落于        be ________ in        

2.为了保卫         in ________ of

3.迎合,满足    ________ to            

4.将…抛在一旁     put ________

5.配备有        be ________ with       

6.是…的缩写       be ________ for

7.追溯到        ________ back to       

8.特别,尤其       in ________         

9. 与…相符      ________ to           

10.被指控犯有…罪   be ________ with


