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Many Chinese have been greatly shocked by the traffic accident caused by the drunk driver Sun Weiming, who has killed five and injured some others in Chengdu, Sichuan. However, such a case is not rare.

   Today, the traffic accidents may have been regarded as a social problem. The car has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows actually from rude behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral (道德的) rights of others. In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless but just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others. A minority of the killers go even far beyond carelessness that can be imagined.

   Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can change drivers’ reactions incorrectly, slow their judgment, and make them blind to the dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep his/her emotions under control.

   Yet the .irresponsibility; that accounts for much of the problem isn't only put upon drivers. Street walkers regularly ignore or break traffic regulations. They are blamed in most vehicle walker accidents, and many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.

   Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicles have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through regular road inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to make people believe that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the road.

67. Traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem because

   A. auto driving has become dangerous and harmful in today's society

   B. people usually pay no attention to law and morality when driving

   C. they have caused serious psychological problems among drivers

   D. the car has killed and disabled more people than any weapon in history

68. Who are NOT mentioned as being responsible for the road accidents?

   A. Careless bicycle--riders.             B. Careless people walking in the street.

   C. Irresponsible auto drivers.            D. Irresponsible auto manufacturers.

69. Discussing solutions to traffic accidents, the author seems to be

   A. doubtful and hopeless               B. angry and disappointed

   C. objective and concerned             D. anxious and annoyed

70. The author writes this passage to

   A. show his worries about drunk driving

   B. help protect street walkers from car accidents

   C. discuss traffic problems and possible solutions

   D. warn auto drivers to refuse drunk driving


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省佛山一中高三高考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a seemingly ancient woman waited beside the door with her hand outstretched. Every day I put my hand in hers as our eyes met. She never failed to return my smile, my grasp, and my greeting.
On the last day of our visit, I found myself alone on a busy corner across the street from our hotel. Bicycles and motorbikes rushed in front of me. As I hesitated on the sidewalk, I felt a hand on my elbow and looked down to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me. She nodded her head toward the street, indicating that she would take me across. Together, we moved slowly into the chaos.
Then we moved on toward the sidewalk, where she pulled my face down to hers, kissed me on both cheeks, and then left, still smiling and waving back to me.
Traveling in poorer nations, I have witnessed a variety of ways to deal with beggars. The most common response of tourists faced with the poverty-stricken is to ignore them and focus their eyes elsewhere. I have seen people push away an outstretched hand in angry annoyance. A few may drop a few coins into the hand in a hurry, hoping that other ragged pursuers won’t immediately appear on the scene.
For many reasons, giving money is not the best response to an outstretched hand. Many world travelers have discovered that the greatest gift they can give is their time and respect. Everyone needs recognition, to be seen as worthy of being known, to feel appreciated and loved. And I believe that everyone is worthy and worth knowing.
【小题1】The woman beggars helped the author go across the busy street because __________.

A.the author gave her material assistance
B.the author treated her kindly and friendly
C.the author would help her as a reward
D.the author was a foreigner
【小题2】From the story, what position of the beggars in the author’s mind might be?
【小题3】In common cases, people will do the following things to the beggars EXCEPT for ________.
A.pretending to see nothing
B.handing out some money
C.refusing them angrily
D.greeting them normally
【小题4】According to the author, the most important things beggars really need are _________.
A.mercy and pityB.money and food
C.smile and greetingD.attention and respect
【小题5】The purpose of the passage is to _________.
A.show how poor the beggars are in Vietnam
B.offer some advice on dealing with begging
C.express what we should offer the beggars
D.describe an experience with a beggar


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省大连市长海高中2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

What’s On?
Macau Neighborhood Festival 2008
Various celebratory activities will be hosted by the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau from July 9 to 31 in celebration of the “Macau Neighborhood Festival”. A live performance and picture exhibition will be mounted (组织开展) on July 9. Visitors and local residents are welcome.
Time: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm         Free admission
Venue: Courtyard of Lok Yeung Garden, Fai Chi Kei
Telephone enquiries: (853) 333 614
Lao Man Chau Photography Exhibition       2 to 9 Jul.
Throughout his travels to various natural beauty cities, Lao Man Chau had plenty of opportunities to indulge(满足) his passion for painting, music, calligraphy (书法) and philosophy. He is to share the delights of photography in his seminar on July 2 at 3:30 pm. All are welcome to come and share the experience.
Opening hours: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm    Free admission
Venue: Millennium Gallery, Av. da Praia Grande, No. 599
Telephone enquires: (853) 557 672       www.mdpa.org.mo
Permanent Activity — San Kio Fair
San Kio Fair is specially designed to offer entertainment, culture and shopping to visitors. Different stalls (摊位) will be set up outside the Lin Kai Temple to provide visitors with toys, garments and food. Cantonese Operas are held on Saturday and Sunday nights.
Time: 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm             Free admission
Venue: In front of Lin Kai Temple
Telephone enquires: (853) 324 622
4th Macau Pop Music Festival
Major local music event Macau Pop Music Festival acts as a platform for bands and singers from Hong Kong and Macau to exchange musical genres (类型). This year, performers will stage two concerts in Sai Van Lake Square on July 16 at 7:30 pm and Macau Forum on July 23 at 8:30 pm.
Admission: MOP $80
Telephone enquires: (853) 9884 130, 9884 000
60. If you plan to leave Macau at 8:00 pm on July 9, how many activities can you take part in at most?
A. Four.     B. Three.          C. Two.      D. One.
61. The 4th Macau Pop Music Festival is different from the other three in that ______.
A. it requires admission charges
B. it lasts for more than one week
C. you can enjoy a performance there
D. you can go there in the evening
62. From the passage we can know that ______.
A. singers from different countries can take part in Macau Pop Music Festival
B. if you want to know more about the culture of Macau, you should go to Sai Van Lake Square
C. Lao Man Chau is a photographer of many talents
D. you can enjoy a live performance at Courtyard of Lok Yeung Garden from July 9 to 31[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]
63. The main purpose of announcing the above is to give information about ______.
A. some bands and singers      B. some activities for July
C. a famous photographer      D. celebratory activities


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届重庆一中高一下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

EDGEWOOD—Every morning at Dixie Heights High School, customers pour into a special experiment: the district’s first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs.

Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates. Then, during the first period, teachers call in orders on their room phones, and students make deliveries.

By closing time at 9:20 a.m. , the shop usually sells 90 drinks.

“Whoever made the chi tea, Ms. Schatzman says it was good,”Christy McKinley, a second year student, announced recently, after hanging up the phone with the teacher.

The shop is called the Dixie PIT, which stands for Power in Transition. Although some of the students are not disabled, many are, the PIT helps them prepare for life after high school.

They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs. They keep a timecard and receive paychecks, which they keep in check registers.

Special-education teachers Kim Chevalier and Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar program at Kennesaw Mountain High School in Georgia.

Not that it was easy. Chevalier’s first problem to overcome was product-related. Should schools be selling coffee? What about sugar content?

Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Gray helped. She made sure all the drinks, which use non-fat milk, fell within nutrition(营养) guidelines.

The whole school has joined in to help.

Teachers agreed to give up their lounge(休息室) in the mornings. Art students painted the name of the shop on the wall. Business students designed the paychecks. The basketball team helped pay for cups.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. A best-selling coffee

B. A special educational program.

C. Government support for schools

D. A new type of teacher-student relationship.

2.The Dixie PIT program was introduced in order to        .

A. raise money for school affairs

B. do some research on nutrition

C. develop students’ practical skills

D. supply teachers with drinks

3.How did Christy McKinley know Ms. Schatzman’s opinion of the chi tea?

A. She met her in the shop

B. She heard her telling others.

C. She talked to her on the phone

D. She went to her office to deliver the tea.

4.We know from the text that Ginger Gray        .

A. manages the Dixie PIT program in Kenton County

B. sees that the drinks meet health standards

C. teaches at Dixie Heights High School

D. owns the school’s coffee shop



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Celebrated in the city of Munich, Germany, the Oktoberfest, as it is popularly called, is a 3-week festival that takes place in the months of September and October. Also called the largest beer festival in the world, the Oktoberfest gathers about 6 million visitors worldwide every year. Seeing the popularity of the festival, many countries around the world have adapted to what they call their own version of the Oktoberfest. So if you are not able to make it to Germany, you can always enjoy the festival in the areas mentioned below. Don’t miss out on it!

Brazil: welcome to the German town of Blumenau in Brazil. Well, we are not talking about Germans living in the town, but the place was originally founded by immigrants from Germany in the year 1850. The town is built in a traditional German style and there are a fair number of people who still live the way it used to be in good old days. The Oktoberfest is celebrated in a small village called Parque Vila Germanica between the dates of October 1st to October 18th. Guests can enjoy the festival in addition to exploring the town and its sites which include a beer museum.

Vietnam: celebrated in Ho Chi Minh City since 1992, the Oktoberfest event over here is conducted between the 6th and the 11th of October and the decorations are like the original festival in Munich, with large wooden tables lined with beer.

The Philippines: unlike the original Oktoberfest which is celebrated in a certain area, the Oktoberfest in the Philippines is a recent addition to the already existing festival which takes place between the 4th of September and the 9th of October. Now the event is set to be celebrated in a total of 30 parties in various cities around the country.

Canada: over 700,000 guests (second highest after Munich) in and around Canada take part in the Oktoberfest celebrated in Ontario between the 9th and the 17th of October.

1.In which place does the Oktoberfest take place from September to October?

A.In Blumenau.

B.In Ontario.

C.In Ho Chi Minh City.

D.In Munich.

2.From the first paragraph we can know that _______.

A.the Oktoberfest in Germany is the biggest beer festival in the world.

B.every year about 600,000 people celebrated the Oktoberfest in Germany

C.the Oktoberfest lasts longer in Germany than in any other country

D.in Germany the name “beer festival” is better known than the Oktoberfest

3.About the Germany town of Blumenau, we know that ______.

A.only Germans live in the town

B.the town was first founded by Germans

C.people in the town all live in the old German way

D.the town has many beer festivals

4.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is ______.

A.to call on more people to travel abroad

B.to attract more tourists to the Oktoberfest in Munich

C.to introduce Oktoberfest celebrations in the world

D.to describe the development of the Oktoberfest



科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

                                                                  IT'S SUMMER! 
                                                               Get out and enjoy it.
     Summer is here and the weather is beautiful, providing a wealth of opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities.
During the summer months, Edmonton and its surrounding areas become filled with an energy that makes
physical activity the perfect companion.
     HIKING is a great workout for any part of the body. It helps to burn those
calories (卡路里) from the late-night campfire food.
     Keeping enough water in the body is very important, especially in the heat of
the summer when your body is losing water due to sweating. Carry your water
bottle with you in a water carrier that fits on your body like a small backpack.
For further information on hiking, visit www.Fitfrog.ca.
     BIKING is a great workout that brings many health benefits. Take your bike
with you on a holiday and you will cover far more ground than you would on
foot! Bike rentals are inexpensive and it is a great way to enjoy the scenery of
your vacation destination. Be sure to wear a helmet, and if you enjoy biking at
night, be sure to use a light on your bike.
     Edmonton has 260 km of bikeways with its boundaries, making it the most   
largest bikeway network in North America. Visit www.Edmonton.ca.
     TEAM SPORTS are an excellent way to burn calories and stay fit while
having fun with others. It is a chance for you to meet new people and build       
a social support network that will help you to stay motivated during the
summer months.
     A team sport to try this summer is Frisbee (飞盘). The Edmonton
Association runs all the year round. For more information about joining a
summer Frisbee league, visit www.Edmontonfrisbee.org.  
     TAI CHI includes a number of gentle movements and simple postures
(姿势) designed to relieve stress, improve balance and ability to suit various
situations, and promote overall well-being. The mental and physical benefits
that Tai Chi provides make it an activity for people of all ages and all levels
of fitness.
     For further information about classes, please visit www.Edmontontaichi.ca.
1. From the ad, we can infer that if you want to go biking _____.
A. you can only do it during a holiday
B. you can't do it at late hours of the night
C. you are not allowed to ride on the streets
D. you do not necessarily have a bike of your own
2. Which of the following offers information about sports that need cooperation?
A. www.Fitfrog.ca
B. www.Edmonton.ca
C. www.Edmontonfrisbee.org
D. www.Edmontontaichi.ca
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad?
A. People can take up Frisbee any season.
B. Edmonton has bikeways all over America.
C. People can only take on-line classes for Tai Chi.
D. Hiking helps to gain energy from campfire food.
4. According to the ad, which of the following outdoor activities is suitable for a family of three generations?
A. Hiking.
B. Biking.
C. Team sports.
D. Tai Chi.

