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1. These stores like ______( 展示) their goods in large windows.

2. You break the law if you drive without a driving _______( 执照)。

3. When you buy something from a shop , don’t forget to ask for a ______( 收据)。

4.We arrived at our __________( 目的地), tired and hungry.

5.There are many very _________( 给人深刻印象) buildings in the city.

6.Trolleybuses follow certain ______( 路线) every day to pick up passengers.

7.Will it be _________( 方便) for you to start work tomorrow ?

8.Columbus discovered America but didn’t _______( 探索) the new continent.

9.She ________ ( 反应) angrily to what he had said.

10. There are no simple _______( 解决的办法) to the problem of overpopulation.

11.All speeches were _______( 限制) to 10 minutes in the meeting.

12.The hotel p_______ a shoes –cleaning service for its residents.

1 displaying 2 permit 3 receipt 4 destination 5 impressive 6 routes 7 convenient 8 explore

9 reacted 10 solutions 11 limited 12 provides


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.We should try to ______ (使结合) work with pleasure.

2.He __________(分析)the food and found that it contained poison.

3.A British club arranged for high school students to go to places where there are lost           __________ (文明).

4.The Normans, a French-speaking people who defeated England made               __________ (贡献) to the development of the new type of English.

5.Socrates’ way of _______(接近) the truth is now called the Socratic Method.

6.The children _________(恐慌) when they realized they were lost.

7.I don’t know his password, so I can’t have a________ to his computer.

8.His lie was so touching that many of his friends f__________ for it.

9.These words have similar meanings. I really have difficulty d_____one from another.

10.U________, his computer crashed the moment it was most needed.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Michael Jackson made a great ______ (贡献) to the world’s popular music.

2.The majority of the ______ (市民)are against the project.

3.These ______(古代的) buildings must be preserved.

4.She dropped studies because of ______(贫穷).

5.What do you thing is the most important ______ (发明) in the 20th century?

6. The two leaders ______(交换) their ideas about this problem at the meeting held last month.

7.His heart is beating______ (猛烈地) while waiting for the result...

8.People are ______ (抱怨)about high prices.

9.Why do you want to ______ (辞职)your position as secretary?

10.The world's resources are limited, so the reusable resourcesshould be______ (循环利用).



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山东省高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:单词拼写



1. She speaks f______________ though not correct French..

2. We live in the house _______________( 遗弃) by my grandparents many years ago.

3. He made a mistake in public and there was an e_____________ expression on his face

4. She has been _________________  (失业的) for six months now.

5. The train will slow down when it a____________________ the station.

6. At the end of each class, the teacher will make a s________ of what is learned.

7. Danny, stop          (打扰) me while I’m trying to work.

8. A recent ________________(调查) found/showed that 58% of people did not know where their heart is.

9. We haven’t got water for days. Our water _______________(供应,供给)has been cut off.

10. These new school rules are a__________ at students who take mobile phone to class.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年度高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:其他题


1.We have 1.       (催促,力劝)that systems be put in pace to prevent such accidents.

2.These methods can help to increase sutdents’ m2.         and interest.

3.self –control and patience are two of his 3.       (美德).

4.School uniform is no longer 4.       (强制性的,必须做的)in many British schools.

5.My new car is better an more5.      (可靠的)than my last one.

6.Disability need not be a  6.            (障碍)to a successful career.

7.We need to show greater 7.       (容忍)towards each other.

8.The accident left him 8.        (瘫痪)from neck down.

9.I really admire his 9.        (流利), uncomplicated style of writing.

10.These unique plants have10.          (进化)undisturbed for millions of years.


