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Smoking is widespread habit even among teenage students. The number of young smokers are increasing. It is estimated that over 10% of the senior high school students have tried smoking once or more and some of them even steal money from their parent to buy cigarettes, that is terrible.

As it is known to all, smoking is harmful for health. And it’s even more harmful to teenage students for it does greatly harm not only to their health but also to their mind.

Teenage students are future builders of the country. They should spend their time learn what is useful but keep a healthy lifestyle as well. So it’s high time that teenage smokers make up their minds to give up smoking.


2. are→is


4. that→which

5. it去掉

6. for→to

7. greatly→great

8. learn→learning

9. but→and

10. make→made或在make前加should



1. 考查不定冠词。句意:吸烟是一个甚至在年轻学生中也广泛传播的习惯。表示抽烟是一个习惯,句中名词habit是单数可数名词,所以要使用不定冠词泛指一个习惯。故要在is后面加a

2. 考查主谓一致。句意:年轻吸烟者的数量一直在上升。名词短语the number of…意为“……的数量”,后谓语动词应该用单数形式。所以要把are改为is

3. 考查名词复数形式。句意:一些高中生甚至从他们父母亲那里偷钱买烟。句中their可知,后面要接可数名词复数形式,这里应该用复数形式parents。所以要把parent改为parents

4. 考查定语从句。句意:一些高中生甚至从他们父母亲那里偷钱买烟,这真是太糟糕了。我们不能用that引导非限定性定语从句,应该用which指代一句话的内容,引导非限制性定语从句。所以要把that改为which

5. 考查定语从句。句意:众所周知,吸烟有害健康。本句是一个由as引导的非限定性定语从句,as指代后面的主句,it多余。所以要删除it。

6. 考查固定短语。句意:众所周知,吸烟有害健康。固定搭配be harmful to意为对……有害。所以要把for改为to

7. 考查形容词。句意:吸烟对年轻学生更加有害,因为它不仅极大的伤害他们的健康,还伤害了他们的思维。在英语中通常使用形容词做定语修饰名词。所以本句中用形容词形式great修饰限定名词harm。故要把greatly改为great

8. 考查固定句型。句意:他们应该把时间花在学习有用的知识和保持健康的生活方式上。考查了spend some time doing sth这一固定句式结构。所有要把learn改为learning

9. 考查连词。句意:他们应该把时间花在学习有用的知识和保持健康的生活方式上。根据句意可知本句表示并列关系,此处用and连接两个并列谓语。所以要把but改为and

10. 考查虚拟语气。句意:所以选择是年轻人下定决心戒烟的时候了。该句应该使用虚拟语气,其结构为:It is (high) time that sb did/should do sth。所以要把make改为made或在make前加should


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There is an old saying about volunteer work that goes like this: “ No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help others. There are a lot of ways to meet other people’s needs. For example, some volunteers provide help after a disaster. Others are happy to get dirty while repairing homes or planting trees or flowers in poor neighborhoods. Young people see suffering and loneliness around them and find ways to help. And history lovers help archeologists(考古学家) search for ancient objects to help deepen our knowledge of the past.

Volunteers work in many areas around the world, including Haiti. More than four years have passed since a 7.0 earthquake shook the nation. The exact number of people who died may never be known. Thousands of survivors of the Haitian earthquakes still live in temporary shelters. Last year, former American President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn joined five hundred volunteers in the town of Leogane to build houses.

Organizations do not have to be large to get volunteers. An activist group in Dharamsala, India is a good example, Jodie Underhill from England arrived in northern India several years ago. She planned to volunteer for an environmental project. She could almost not believe how much rubbish was ruining some of the area’s most beautiful sights. Jodie Underhill learned about how to deal with the rubbish while taking part in other volunteer projects. But soon enough she formed her own group, Mountain Cleaners. Jodie Underhill says the work is very hard. But she praises the group’s efforts as a wonderful experience. The young Englishwoman says the Indian media started calling her “Garbage Girl”. And she says she was pleased with the name.

American teenagers also volunteer in many ways .

1The first paragraph serves as a(n) ___________.

A. explanation B. introduction

C. comment D. background

2What do we know about Jodie Underhill according to the text?

A. She was born in Dharamsala

B. She formed her own group to make money.

C. She mainly works on dealing with rubbish.

D. She was called “ Garbage Girl” by Americans.

3What can we learn from the text?

A. It is difficult for small organizations to get volunteers.

B. The number of people died in Haiti’s earthquake is unclear.

C. Most of the volunteers are good at collecting money.

D. History lovers mainly learn about history from ancient objects.

4What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to join in a volunteer group

B. Why people offer their services to others

C. The benefits that volunteers can gain

D. The volunteer work that American teenagers do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. To clean the floor. B. To sit in Row Five. C. To pick up some bottles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】–Tom has grown taller than before recently.


A.So he has, so have youB.So he has, so you have

C.So has he, so have youD.So has he, so you have.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Does your older brother think he’s cleverer than you? Well, he’s probably right. According to a new research published in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs and the youngest the lowest.

A number of studies have suggested that IQ scores decline with birth order. In the most recent study, at Vrije University, Amsterdam, researchers looked at men and women whose IQ had been tested at the ages of 512 and 18

The results, which show a trend for the oldest to score better than the youngest in each test, involved about 200,000 people. That showed that first-borns had a three-point IQ advantage over the second-born, who was a point ahead of the next in line

The order of birth can also affect personality, achievement, and career, with first-borns being more academically successful and more likely to win Nobel prizes. However, eldest children are less likely to be radical(不同凡响的) and pioneering. Charles Darwin, for example, was the fifth child of six

Exactly why there should be such differences is not clear, and there are a number of theories on environmental influences on the child

The so-called dilution(稀释法) theory suggests that as family resources, both emotional and physical, as well as economic, are limited, it follows that, as a result , as more children come along, the levels of parental attention and encouragement will drop. Another theory is that the intellectual environment in the family favors the first-born who has, at least for some time, the benefit of individual care and help

The theory which enjoys the most support is that the extra time and patience that the earlier-borned get from their parents, compared with those arriving later, gives them an advantage

1What is the passage mainly about?

A.IQ scores have little to do with the order of birth

B.Intellectual families favor the first-born.

C.The order of birth can have an effect on IQ.

D.The order of birth can affect personality, achievement, and career

2By using Charles Darwin as an example, the author wants to prove that________.

A.eldest children are the smartest in a family

B.youngest children will usually become experts

C.first-borns are more likely to win Nobel prizes

D.eldest children are less likely to try something new

3What do we know about the dilution theory?

A.Intellectual parents love the first –born better

B.Parents’ attention will drop with more children coming

C.Family resources, both emotional and physical are endless

D.First-born get less care and help from their parents

4The passage is developed mainly by .

A.offering opinion with further explanation

B.pointing out similarities and difference

C.comparing opinions from different fields

D.providing typical examples

5The passage can be classified into the following type of writing_______.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The Pacific nation of Palau will soon ban many types of sunscreen in an effort to protect its coral reefs.

President Tommy Remengesau Jr, signed legislation (法令) recently that bans “reef toxic” (对珊瑚有毒) sunscreen beginning in 2020. The law defines reef toxic sunscreen as containing any one of 10 chemicals, including oxybenzone. Other chemicals may also be banned.

Officials will take banned sunscreens from visitors who carry them into the country, Businesses that sell the banned products will be fined up to $1,000.

In a statement, Remengesau said that the punishments find the right balance between “educating tourists and scaring them away.”

The law also requires tour operators to start providing customers with reusable cups, drinking straws and food containers.

The president said the legislation was introduced based on information from a 2017 report. The report found that sunscreen products were widespread in Palau’s famous Jelly fish Lake. The lake was closed for more than a year because of a decrease in jellyfish numbers. It was recently reopened.

The president also noted that plastic waste, chemical pollution, and climate change all threaten the country’s environmental health.

Scientists have found that some chemicals in sunscreen can be toxic to coral reefs. The reels are an important part of the ocean environment and popular with tourists, But some critics say there are not enough independent scientific studies on the issue. Others worry that people will suffer from too much sun contact if they stop using the products.

Some manufacturers have already started selling “reef-friendly” sunscreen.

Palau is located east of the Philippines and north of Indonesia. The nation is home to 21,000 people. Its economy depends on tourism and fishing.

1What can we learn about Palau’s new legislation?

A.It contributes to the balance of nature.

B.It benefits the health of the tourists.

C.It allows for environmental protection.

D.It is based on a scientific research.

2What will happen to visitors carrying banned sunscreens into Palau after 2020?

A.They will be put into prison.

B.Their sunscreens will be taken away.

C.They will be fined up to $1,000

D.They will be driven out of the country.

3Which of the following is True according to the text?

A.Reef-toxic sunscreen contains 10 chemicals.

B.Jellyfish Lake was once closed and reopened in 2017.

C.Tourists to Palau have suffered much from sun contact.

D.“Reef-friendly” sunscreen are on sale in Palau.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Palau Carried out New Legislation

B.Sunscreen Products Are Reef-toxic

C.Palau to Ban Sunscreen to Save Its Coral Reefs

D.Palau to Sell “Reef-friendly” Sunscreen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Jack,

How is everything with you recently?__________________________________________________________






Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 垃圾分类的做法;

2. 垃圾分类的益处;

3. 呼吁全体学生一起参加。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:垃圾分类garbage classification;厨余垃圾leftovers;

废旧电池 used batteries

Dear fellow students,

Our school has started a program of garbage classification.


The Students’ Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a store. B. At a bank. C. At an office.

