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9.Many of us enjoy doing it:you turn on the camera on your mobile phone and hold it at a high angle,making your eyes look bigger and your cheekbones more defined.You turn to your best side and click.There it is-your selfie.
Over the past year,"selfie"has become a well-known term across the globe.This August the Oxford dictionary added the word to their online dictionary and defined it as:"A photograph that one has taken of oneself,typically with a smartphone or webcam and up-loaded to a social media website."
Today it's not difficult to find social networking pages full of photos people have taken of themselves and their friends.And selfie culture has become especially relevant for young people.As many as 91 percent of teenagers have posted photos of themselves online,according to a recent survey by the US Pew Research Center.
So what are the reasons for the rise of selfie culture?
"The cult (狂热) of the selfie celebrates regular people,"Pamela Rutledge,a professor at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology,told Vogue magazine."There are many more photographs available now of real people than models."
Posting selfies also allows you to control your image online."I like having the power to choose how I look,even if I'm making a funny face,"Samantha Barks,19,a high school student in the US,told Vogue.
In addition to self-expression and documentation,selfies"allow of a close friendship for long-distance friends,because you can see each other's faces every day",wrote Casey Miller at The Huffmgton Post.
But US psychologist Jill Weber is concerned that selfies might lead to social problems,"There's a danger that your self-esteem may start to be tied to the comments and‘likes'you get when you post a selfie,and they aren't based on who you are-they're based on what you look like,"Weber told Vogue."When you get nothing or a negative response,your confidence canplummet."
63.With the first paragraph,the author intends toB.
A.tell us the fun of taking a selfie
B.describe what a selfie is
C.introduce where the selfie came from
D.inform readers that the selfie is popular among teenagers
64.Why is selfie culture so popular according to the article?A
a.It enables people to choose how they look.
b.It helps people improve their self-esteem.
c.It's a chance for ordinary people to show off themselves.
d.It is believed to be a helpful way to develop a new friendship.
e.It is considered a good way to stay connected with friends that are far away.
A.a,c,e          B.b,c,d     C.a,b,c          D.b,d,e
65.What is Jill Weber's attitude toward selfies?C
A.She thinks they are a good form of self-expression and documentation.
B.She believes the disadvantages of selfies outweigh the advantages.
C.She is worried that people's self-esteem might be affected by how others react to their selfies.
D.She thinks that selfies can help people learn about their friends based on who they really are.
66.The underlined word"plummet"in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.rapidly develop                
B.greatly exaggerate    
C.become dangerous                
D.quickly fall.

分析 近年来,自拍成了人们非常熟悉的词汇.自拍是指人们自己用数码相机或手机等对自己进行拍照,人们可以对拍摄的效果进行修饰.但是一些心理学家指出有的人自拍成瘾,常常想自拍并且将照片上传到社交网站,以弥补现实生活中自尊心的缺失.

63.B 主旨大意题.在文章首段中作者描述了人们自拍的过程,很形象地告诉人们什么是"selfie",由此判断作者的目的是给人们解释什么是"自拍",选B.
64 A.细节理解题.文章在第四段提出问题"what are the reasons for the rise of selfie culture?",然后在第五、六、七段分别解释了自拍文化流行的原因,由此判断选A.
65.C 细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段内容"There's a danger that your self-esteem may start to be tied to the comments and‘likes'you get when you post a selfie,and they aren't based on who you are-they're based on what you look like,"可知Jill Weber对此现象非常担心,选C.
66.D 词义推断题.根据本段心理学家Jill Weber所说的内容可知她认为人们的自信很可能会和别人对自拍的反应联系起来,如果人们对他们的自拍没有反应或者是不好的反应,那么人们的自信就会降低,故答案选D.

点评 做阅读时经常犯错的主要原因是,仅凭读过文章后残留在脑海中的一丝印象来勾选答案,这样便很容易掉入出题人故意设布下的题目陷阱.所谓阅读理解,对于题目的理解一定要忠实于原文,因此,每一道题都应该与原文作全面的对比与核查,再得出答案.也就是说,阅读理解的每一道题目,在原文都应该有明确的出处,我们把这一出处叫做原文相关句,(1)排除与原文相关句主题不一致的选项(2)排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项  (3)排除用于过于极端或负面的选项(4)注意结合文章主旨和主题去排除.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.We have all heard the saying"we often hurt those we love or those closest to us!"
Think of the times that we were(41)B or upset with someone or about something that happened.Those emotions are(42)A with us when we arrive home.How do we (43)Athem?We let them out on whoever may be the(44)D person in the line of fire.It could be our wife or husband,children and even the dog or cat.(45)C this behavior is not respectful,we have all done it.
We understand this is part of being(46)B and we learn to deal with it.Usually we say sorry for our bad behavior later to the man we hurt.But kids do not get (47)A!They don't (48)A that it's just because we are human or it's just a reaction to something totally unrelated.We may raise our voice,(49)D,or even slam a door.We may even (50)B our child a fool and ask them (51)A they are so stupid?
To a kid this is hurtful and (52)B,which can cause anxiety and a (53)B of confidence.The more it (54)A,the worse the child feels.It can affect their social life,school life and even life at home,causing them to become (55)C,or turn inward.These emotions (56)C much worse behavior if not dealt with.
Children need to be (57)A with respect and honesty.Once hurt happens,make sure we (58)B to that child,get his full attention and wholeheartedly (59)A for our loss of contro1.Take full (60)D for our actions.

56.A.break intoB.rely onC.1ead toD.result from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In the early part of the twentieth century,racism was widespread in the United States.Many African Americans were not given equal opportunities in education or employment.Marian Anderson (1897-1993)was an African American woman who gained fame as a concert singer in this climate of racism.She was born in Philadelphia and sang in church choirs during her childhood.When she applied for admission to a local music school in 1917,she was turned down because she was black.Unable to attend music school,she began her career as a singer for church gatherings.In 1929,she went to Europe to study voice and spent several years performing there.Her voice was widely praised throughout Europe.Then she returned to the US in 1935and became a top concert singer after performing at Town Hall in New York City.
Racism again affected Anderson in 1939.When it was arranged for her to sing at Constitution Hall in Washington,DC,the Daughters of the American Revolution opposed it because of her color.She sang instead at the Lincoln Memorial for over 75 000people.In 1955,Anderson became the first black soloist to sing win the Metropolitan Opera of New York City.The famous conductor Toscanini praised her voice as"heard only once in a hundred years".She was a US delegate to the United Nations in 1958and won the UN peace prize in 1977.Anderson eventually triumphed over racism.
54.According to this passage,what did Marian Anderson do between 1917and 1929?D
A.She studied at a music school
B.She studied voice in Europe.
C.She sang at Town Hall in New York
D.She sang for religious activities.
55.Toscanini thought that Marian AndersonD.
A.was seldom heard by people
B.sang occasionally in public
C.sang only once in many years
D.had a very rare voice
56.Anderson's beautiful voice was first recognizedA.
A.in Europe            
B.in Washington,DC.
C.at the Lincoln Memorial
D.at the United Nations
57.This passage shows that Anderson finally defeated racism in the US byC.
A.protesting to the government
B.appealing to the United Nations
C.working hard to perfect her art    
D.demonstrating in the streets.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.If someone drops a fork at Dinner in the Sky,a seven-ton platform may have to be lowered 50meters to pick up a new one.Joining a growing trend (倾向) for extreme dining---from supper in the dark to eating in the jungle---Dining in the Sky takes the concept to new heights,with a selected group of guests sitting around a table suspended (悬挂) 50meters in the air.
You could be eating above a forest,a beach or in the midst of a European capital,floating above landmarks usually only seen from the ground.Whatever the location,the aim is to elevate(提高) dinning out of the ordinary.
That's the case with the Brussels edition of Dinner in the Sky,which during June gives 22dinners at a time the chance to enjoy gourmet(珍馐的) food while suspended near sites such as the Royal Palace and the famed Atomium(原子塔).
"I just thought,wouldn't it be nice if we could eat up here?"explained Stefan Kerkhofs,one of the Belgian creators.
Kerkhofs,who used to set up bungee-jumping and amusement park installations,partnered with marketing executive David Ghelys to develop Dinner in the Sky six years ago.The two now travel the world putting on dramatic dining shows.
Kerkhofs has designed and built 40platforms and charges up to 250euros a head for the experience,with Las Vegas,Barcelona,Paris,Monaco and Tokyo all popular destinations(目的地).
Besides the beautiful views from up above,Dinner in the Sky also ensures that the food is first-class,with some of the world's top chefs preparing the meals.One recent menu included gourmet dishes such as foie gras (鹅肝) and lobster with lemongrass.
Of course,Kerkhofs has to think seriously about security,too.Diners are carefully strapped (捆绑) into seats similar to those on a rollercoaster (过山车) and elevated gently by crane to the height,which depends on wind and other weather conditions,but hits a maximum of 50meters.

66.What is"Dinner in the Sky"?B
A.It's an idea of kerkhofs and David Ghelys.
B.It's an event in which guests dine at heights of up to 50meters above the ground.
C.It's an event that guests dine over the forests.
D.It's an event that guests dine over the the European capitals.
67.The aim of Dinner in the Sky is toA.
A.elevate dining out of the ordinary
B.show off the people's fortune
C.call on people to protect the environment
D.train people's courage
68.Guests of Dinner in the Sky can enjoyC.
A.spectacular views from up above and fresh air
B.first-class food and fresh air
C.spectacular views from up above and first-class food
D.fresh air and gourmet dishes such as foie gras
69.How do creators ensure diners'safety up in the air?C
A.Diners are put into a steel box.
B.Diners should put on expensive and strong clothes.
C.Diners are strapped into seats similar to those on a rollercoaster.
D.Diners ate strapped into the buildings similar to those on a rollercoaster.
70.Which of the following is True?D
A.Dinners in the sky are free of charge.
B.The food of Dinner in the sky is cheap.
C.David Ghelys haven't decided to develop Dinner in the Sky with Kerkhofs.
D.Kerkhofs used to set up bungee-jumping and amusement park installations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch.It was near Los Angeles in California.A few years later Hollywood was one of the most famous places of the world.From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film center of the world.Every family knew the names of the film stars Charlie Chaplin,Greta Garbo,Bergman and hundreds more.
The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun.At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States.But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year.As they made all the films by sunlight,the west coast was a much better place to work.
Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert.They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.
When TV became popular in the 1960s,Hollywood started making films for television.Then in the 1970s they discovered people still went to cinema to see big expensive films.After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood and people watch them all over the world.
51.Hollywood used to be aB  
A.cinema   B.big farm   C.park   D.market
52.Who was not mentioned as a film star in the passage?B
A.Charlie Chaplin
B.Marilyn Monroe   
C.Ingrid Bergman            
D.Greta Garbo.
53.People went to Hollywood to make films becauseC  
A.it was a beautiful place          
B.you could find many film stars
C.there was a lot of sunlight there    
D.it was a famous place
54.Which statement is true?A
A.The west coast was a better place to make films.
B.There are no mountains near Hollywood.
C.People no longer went to the cinema after television became popular.
D.Hollywood began to make films for television before the First World War.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.This week,we talk about the application process for American colleges and universities.This is part eight in our Foreign Student Series.
Earlier,we explained how to begin a search for schools by going to one of the American educational advising centers around the world.We also discussed the rules for entering in the United States.And we talked about programs that can be completed online.
But if your goal is to come to the United States to study,then it is time to make a list of colleges or universities that interest you.Be sure to choose more than one.Directors of foreign student admissions say students should apply to at least three schools.
Some students want to attend a small college.Others want to go to a big university.If a really big university appeals to you,then there are ones likeOhio State.That university in Columbus,Ohio,in the Midwest,has almost fifty-two thousand students.There are students this year from around one hundred fifty countries.
Ohio State provides international students with an application on its Web site.You can pay the application charge online with a credit card.Or you can print the forms and mail them with the payment.
Many colleges and universities have their applications and also their catalogs online.
You should start on your applications at least two years before you want to begin studies.
Completing a college application can take some time.But answering all the questions is not enough.Another important step is taking admissions tests.The SAT is the college entry test that American high school students most commonly take.Another one is the ACT.
Colleges and universities may also require international students to take the TOEFL--the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
If you have a general question for our Foreign Student Series,write to special@voanews.com.
55.What purpose do Paragraphs 1 and 2 serve in the passage?D
A.To provide background information of the topic.
B.To attract readers'attention to the topic.
C.To offer basic advice on the topic.
D.To remind the readers of the last few parts mentioned of the topic.
56.The underlined part"Ohio State"refers toCin the fourth passage.
A.one of the states in America        
B.another name for"Columbus,Ohio"
C.a university in America             
D.the name of a web site
57.Besides a college application,you are required to takeBtest(s) if you're not an American.
A.only one         B.two          C.three        D.no
58.What will the author most probably talk about next time?D
A.A list of colleges or universities that interest you.
B.The rules for entering in the United States and programs to be completed online.
C.How to connect American educational advising center.
D.More detailed information about tests to take.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy.But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services.Today's advertisements,or ads,try to get consumers to buy certain brands.Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can,sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing,eat a special kind of cereal,or see a movie.Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.
For example,you probab1y do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket.There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves.You may not have space on a shelf for another.But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box,you may want it.
Advertising must get attention.To be effective,it must be exciting,entertaining,or provide some pleasure.The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product.The idea is what the ad is really selling.One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports.That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

21.What is discussed in this passage?B
A.The content of modern advertising.
B.The skills of modern advertising.
C.The results of modern advertising.
D.The writing of modern advertising.
22.According to the passage,a good advertisement shouldA.
A.be both persuasive and effective
B.give people useful information
C.show people a product
D.show people a new idea of a product
23.From the passage,we know thatD.
A.modern advertising has less effect on customers
B.once customers see ads about a new cerea1,they are sure to buy it
C.cereal can make people strong
D.cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people
24.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.
B.Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.
C.It's impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.
D.Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The Chinese word"Shanzhai"means a small mountain village,but now it becomes an accepted name for fakes(假货),after"Shanzhai Cell-phones"produced by small workshops in southern China,became popular in the mainland market over the past few years.Besides"Shanzhai"electronic products,there are"Shanzhai"movies,"Shanzhai"stars and even a"Shanzhai"Spring Festival Gala,a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve.
"Shanzhai"has become a culture of its own,meaning anything that imitates something famous.In Chongqing,"Shanzhai"version"Bird's Nest"woven by farmers with bamboo attracts wide attention and the"Shanzhai"-version"Water Cube"is popular with tourists,too.Both are copies of the famous Olympics buildings in Beijing.
A literature critic,said that taking the"Shanzhai"Gala as an example,when the traditional CCTV program becomes less and less attractive to the audience,the"Shanzhai"version appears timely to attract people."Although it is often connected with poor techniques and operation,"Shanzhai"culture meets the psychological demands of common people and could be a comfort to their minds."
    To the mainstream culture,the rise of"Shanzhai"culture is a challenge as well as a motivation.People believe different kinds of cultures developing together is an ideal situation and it is for the public to choose.
66.Which of the following does NOT have a"Shanzhai"version so far according to the writer?D
A.electronic products                      B.movies and stars
C.Spring Festival Gala                     D.daily goods
67.According to the passage,"Shanzhai"culture refers to.C
A.the action that a person imitates famous people
B.products with poor techniques and quality
C.anything that copies something well-known
D.anything of poor quality.
68.We can infer that mainstream culture.D
A.is held back by"Shanzhai"culture
B.is the challenge of"Shanzhai"culture
C.will be replaced by"Shanzhai"culture
D.may develop faster because of the challenge of"Shanzhai"culture
69.Compared with"Shanzhai"Gala,the traditional CCTV program may not.D
A.have advanced techniques and operation 
B.have more famous stars
C.be more educational and entertaining
D.arouse strong interest among many people
70.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?B
A."Shanzhai"culture will definitely disappear
B."Shanzhai"culture takes on life of its own
C."Shanzhai"culture-the mainstream culture
D."Shanzhai"culture should be banned.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.A.The way to get involved
B.Websites to check out
C.Join a forum you are interested in
D.Describe your personal interest
E.Online dos and don'ts
F.Online information
People are always saying that you should make friends with native speakers to practise the language.Now in the internet age,that's much easier.
The best way to strike up a friendship with English speakers online is to find those you share a common interest with.If you're able to discuss a hobby like movies or basketball together it will be much easier to start those friendships.
76CGetting involved in a forum based on your interests is also a great way to learn words that you might never have met in class.Different people may join different groups or forums,and you have to find the one that suits your case.
77.Dso,where do you go to find English speakers with like-minded interests?The most obvious places to look are Google and Yahoo.These popular Internet sites are bursting with groups and forums.
Once you've found a group that suits you,spend some time thinking about what you want to say in your first post.it's a good idea to introduce yourself,give your nickname and age,say where you're from,and tell what your interests are.
78.AThis is generally the fastest way to get involved in a forum and to introduce yourself to others.On a movie forum you could ask something like,"I've just seen the movie Revolutionary Road.I thought it was brilliant.Has anyone read the book?"
79.Bwww.englishforums.com:To find someone to talk to using Skype,check out his site.simply put Skype in the search engine and that will bring up the many people who have posted a desire to practice their English using Skype.Its chatrooms are also good places to find English speakers.
mylanguagexchange.com:The website is an online language exchange community.There are even lesson plans to help structure the conversation.
www.englishonline.org.cn/en:The British Council's English online website is another place with lively forums worth checking out.Or you could join a Facebook group.There are thousands on the website.
80.EOne common mistake people make when they approach English speakers online is to begin by saying that they want to be friends to improve their English.
While this may be the truth,don't say it.it suggests you have little interest in a real friendship.
Be imaginative in approaching people.Perhaps you see that someone is from a certain country that you would like to visit.Tell them so,and then ask if they can tell you a bit about it.Then tell them about yours.

