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          I'm glad I got to attend PRSSA's (Public Relations Student Society of America) National Conference in Philadelphia this year because it gave me the opportunity to get advice and insight (见解) from industry professionals. Newhouse (American publisher) brings in great speakers,but I don't always get the chance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts. Having five days to focus only on developing my public relations knowledge base was great.

           One of the sessions(会议) I enjoyed the most was about food PR. The speaker was very enthusiastic and gave helpful information on her day-to-day responsibilities and on the importance of choosing the person you want to work for,not just the job position.

           Attending the different sessions also gave me insight on areas that I might not want to work in. The session on entertainment and public relations showed me that I do not have enough interest in the latest television shows and pop culture to work in the entertainment industry. All of the reality stars and movies everyone was talking about were beyond me.

           Attending conferences also allowed our own PRSSA members to get to know each other better and become friends outside of meetings and work. We have a sort of PRSSA family environment where we always try to help each other.

           To sum up,if you ever get the chance to attend a PR conference,whether regional or national,be sure to take the opportunity to do so. Conveniently,Syracuse University will be hosting a regional PRSSA conference on March 1-2 this coming spring. Don’t miss it!

24. The author sometimes can't go to the meetings he wants because .

   A. he is not invited

   B. he has to do part-time jobs

   C. he doesnt like the speakers

   D. he has classes or other plans

25. The author's attitude towards PRSSA’s sessions can be described as.

   A. unfavorable   B. enthusiastic

   C. doubtful   D. unconcerned

26. It can be learned that PRSSA members .

   A. can benefit a lot from the sessions

   B. have to work out solutions to public issues

   C. compete with each other for good opportuni?ties

   D. can know their shortcomings from the meetings

27. The last paragraph is intended to .

   A. explain how PRSSA works

   B. show readers how to join PRSSA

   C. describe the future development of PRSSA

   D. encourage readers to attend PRSSA meetings

24. D 25. B 26. A 27. D



24. D. 细节理解题。由第一段中的I don* t always get the chance to go to the ones I want because of'classes and other schedule conflicts可知,作者因为有课或者其他的日程冲突而不能去参加他想参加的会议。

25. B. 推理判断题。由第一段中的 Having five days ... was great 和第二段中的 One of the sessions I enjoyed 以及文中的描述可知,作者非常喜欢参加 PRSSA的会议。

26. A. 推理判断题。由第二、三段的描述可知,作者从PRSSA的会议中学到很 多,再结合第四段中的also allowed… know each other better ... always try to help each other ,可以推断出,PRjSSA 的会议可以让其成员受益。

27. D.推理判断题。由最后一段的描述可知,作者强烈建议读者若有机会一定要去参加PRSSA的会议。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第34期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. David watched her car until it   (从视线中消失) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 琳达在很小的时候就表现出音乐方面的天赋。 (talent)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节:完形填空(共20小题海小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                              ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                  My faith in humanity(人性) was restored last night while working part-time at a local Bed,Bath & Beyond.

                  I was in the process of ringing out a female customer who had been having a 41 time recently. She had been in the night before and was back again to 42 what she could afford to purchase(购买) .She was trying to buy 43 for herself and her two young sons.

                  Finally,she made her 44: one blanket and something else. She 45 all of the cash,but it was only enough for one blanket. She was unable to make the 46 of the purchases.

                  A gentleman,47 to make his purchase,watched 48 and signaled to me as I was bagging up the blanket for the woman. He told me he wanted to 49 everything else for her. I asked him if he was sure. He 50 .

                  I quickly and quietly rang out the rest of the purchases 51  I asked the female customer to wait a moment. The 52 came to over $200. The man provided me with his credit card 53 blinking. He 54 and off he went.

                  I then told the female customer that all of the things were hers and she was 55 and ready to go. She stared at me with complete 56 on her face. The 57 started. I started crying too.

                  In ten years of working this particular part-time job,I have never experienced such 58 . There are good and 59 people in this world. And they do not receive the credit they should.

                  Thanks to this customer for bringing a bit of 60 and relief into that female customer's life and for restoring my faith in humanity.

41. A. free   B. hard G. happy   D. perfect

42. A. order   B. predict   A. determine   D. learn

43. A. blankets   B. presents   C. shirts   D. drinks

44. A. mark   B. conclusion   C. mistake   D. decision

45. A. figured out   B. turned in   C. counted out   D. left behind

46. A. rest   B. amount   C. price   D. extra

47. A. arranging   B. planning   C. aiming   D. waiting

48. A. angrily   B. quietly   C. impatiently   D. anxiously

49. A. provide   B. cover   C. buy   D. bring

50. A. waved   B. refused   C. admitted   D. nodded

51. A. since   B. while   C. though   D. if

52. A. total   B. number   C. service   D. result 

53. A. beyond   B. by   C. without   D. against

54. A. accepted   B. continued   C. confirmed   D. signed

55. A. checked out   B. given up   C. paid back   D. turned down

56. A. sadness   B. shock   C. disappointment   D. excitement

57. A. pain   B. smiles  C. story   D. tears

58. A. selflessness   B. weakness  C. loveliness   D. truthfulness

59. A. active   B. optimistic   C. great   D. famous

60. A. expectation   B. joy   C. frustration   D. luck


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. That's wonderful! I'm really pleased you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. When some money went missing from the bank,Thomas was believed to (steal) it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task III. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) .

() 1. Clancy had never seen the killers helping the whalers before he came to work at the whaling station.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[自我归纳]aware是形容词,意为“知道的,意识到的, 察觉到的”。常用于以下搭配:(句l) ;be aware of sb. doing sth.(句2) ; be aware that / (of) how …(句3、句4) 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The scientists designed a shirt that rever needs (wash) .

