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19.We are all____ of the poem"Children,quickly,hold mother's hands"and moved by it.(  )

分析 我们都喜欢这首诗"Children,quickly,hold mother's hands",都被它感动了.

解答 答案是C.本题考查形容词词义辨析.be tired of对…厌倦的;be afraid of对…害怕; be fond of喜欢;be confident of 对…有信心;根据题干中的"moved by it被感动"推断"喜欢",所以答案选择C.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Matthew Henson-Arctic Explorer
In 1880,fourteen-year-old Matthew Henson loved to hear sailors tell tales of their exciting lives at sea.The travel,the adventure,the danger,and the steady pay were all attracting young Henson.One day,he found a job as a cabin boy on a beautiful ship called the Katie Hinds.For the next five years,Henson sailed around the world.With the help of the ship's captain and other members of the crew,Henson learned mathematics,navigation,history,geography,and many other subjects.By the time he left the Katie Hinds in 1885,Henson was well educated and had become an excellent seaman.
Unable to find work anywhere else,Henson took a job in a hat shop in Washington,D.C.One day in 1887,a man came in to buy a hat.The man,Robert Peary,asked the owner if he knew anyone with experience at sea.Peary would soon travel to South America for the U.S.government.He needed experienced men to accompany him.The shop owner knew about his young employee's skills and experience on ocean journeys,so he introduced Peary to Henson.
Using his map-reading and sailing skills,Henson proved himself to be a worthy and smart seaman.Peary soon made Henson his assistant,and they became close friends.One day Peary told Henson about his real dream:to be the first man to stand on"the top of the world"at the North Pole.He asked Henson to help him make his dream come true.Over the next five years,the two explorers made two trips together to the Arctic.However,they were not able to reach the pole either time.The cold,wind,and ice were worse than either of them had ever imagined.
In 1908,Peary and Henson were ready to make their final attempt at reaching the North Pole.Both men were over forty years old.The years of hardship in the arctic cold had made them suffer a lot.This would be their last chance.With four Inuit guides,they made a mad rush straight across the ice toward the pole.Peary's feet were injured and he had to be pulled on a dogsled.In April 1909,Henson's instruments showed they were standing at the North Pole.Together Henson and Peary planted the American flag in the snow.
In later years,Robert Peary and Henson were greatly honored for their achievements.Today,the two friends and fellow explorers lie in heroes'graves not far apart in the Arlington National Cemetery.
60.In paragraph1,the author shows how Henson becameA.
A.a skilled seaman 
B.a highly educated captain
C.employed in a restaurant 
D.interested in helping others
61.Paragraph 2mainly tells usA.
A.how Matthew Henson met Robert Peary
B.why Matthew Henson went to the hat shop
C.why Matthew Henson stopped working on the Katie Hinds
D.how Robert Peary knew that Matthew Henson had sea experience
62.On their trip to the North Pole,Henson and Peary could best be compared toD.
A.treasure hunters seeking big fortunes
B.generals seeking power over another country
C.soldiers going to war to fight for their freedom
D.fighters performing a task in an unknown land
63.The information presented in this passage is mainly organizedC.
A.by cause and effect
B.by comparing and contrasting
C.in the order that the events happened
D.with main ideas and supporting examples.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The building,_________ roof was damaged in the big fire,is actually a small hospital.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Say"Cheese"but keep_____while I take your photograph.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.His little daughter was so __________that he could easily pick her out in the crowd.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Ms Alice is considered a ________ lady by us,for she often helps the poor she met with.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Don′t lose ____!(  )
A.heartB.your heartC.your heartsD.hearts


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The majority of Indian women wear a red dot (圆点) between their eyebrows.While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital (婚姻的) status,the practice is primarily related to the Hindu religion.The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects,and"bindi"is the one that is most commonly known.Traditionally,the dot carries no gender restriction:Men as well as women wear it.However,the tradition of men wearing it has faded in recent times,so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one.
The position of the bindi is standard:center of the forehead,close to the eyebrows.It represents a third,or inner eye.Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes:The two outer ones are used for seeing the outside world,and the third one is there to focus inward toward God.As such,the dot serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believer's thoughts.
Red is the traditional color of the dot.It is said that in ancient times a man would place a drop of blood between his wife's eyes to seal their marriage.According to Hindu beliefs,the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple.Today,people go with different colors depending upon their preferences.Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes.Decorative or sticker bindis come in all sizes,colors and variations,and can be worn by young and old,married and unmarried people alike.Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom.
35.Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead?C
A.To indicate their social rank.
B.To show their financial status.
C.To show their religious belief.
D.To highlight their family background.
36.What is the importance of the third eye in Hindu tradition?A
A.To pay respect to God.
B.To stay in harmony with nature.
C.To see things with a subjective view.
D.To observe the outside world more clearly.
37.Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi?D
A.The red dot represented the blood of God.
B.Red stood for a wife's love for her husband.
C.The word"bindi"means"red"in some Hindi dialects.
D.Red was supposed to bring good luck to a married couple.
38.Which of the following statements is true about the practice of wearing a bindi today?A
A.Bindis are now used as a decorative item.
B.Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now.
C.Most Indian women do not like to wear bindis anymore.
D.Wearing a bindi has become more popular among Indian men.

