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Those football players had no strict     until they joined our club.?

A.practice  B.education    C.exercise  D.training?


training指“训练”,practice 意为“实践”;exercise指“练习”;education意为“教育”。结合题意“那些足球运动员直到参加我们的俱乐部才进行严格的训练”,可知此处应用training。



科目:高中英语 来源:江西省重点中学盟校2010届高三下学期第二次联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Two new studies suggest that modern running shoes could increase the risk of injuries to runners.
One study involved sixty-eight healthy young women and men who ran at least twenty-four kilometers a week. The runners were observed on a treadmill machine. Sometimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot.
Researchers from the JKM Technologies Company in Virginia, the University of Virginia and the University of Colorado did the study.
They found that running shoes create more stress that could damage knees, hips and ankle joints than running barefoot. They observed that the effect was even greater than the effect reported earlier for walking in high heels.
The study appeared in the official scientific journal of the American Academy of Physical Medicine.
The other study appeared in the journal Nature. It compared runners in the United States and Kenya. The researchers were from Harvard University in Massachusetts, Moi University in Kenya and the University of Glasgow in Scotland.
They divided the runners into three groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the third group had changed to shoeless running.
Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot runners generally land on the front or middle of their foot. That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel.
Harvard’s Daniel Lieberman led the study. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels. The heel of the shoe is bigger and heavier than other parts of the shoe, so it would seem more likely to come
down first. Also, the heel generally has thick material under it to soften landings.
60. How many organizations are involved in the two studies?
A. Three.                          B. Four.                      C. Five.                      D. Six.
61. What can we learn from the text?
A. Most running shoes are designed improperly.
B. The design of high heels is better than that of running shoes.
C. No one will run with running shoes in the future.
D. Both of the studies are done in America.
62. Why do running shoes increase the risk of injuries to runners?
A. They could create stress. 
B. They’re too big and heavy.
C. They can affect the way the runners land.   
D. Their heels can soften landings.
63. How did the researchers do the two studies?
A. By practising.         B. By comparing.      C. By questioning.     D. By reasoning.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省台州市三校2009-2010学年高二下学期期末联考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

In 2007, the first solar electric boat crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Now a Swiss group wants to cover that distance and keep going, circling the globe on nothing but the sun’s power for the first time.
The team of engineers and scientists has started the building of its 98-foot long boat, named Planet Solar, in Kiel Germany. The boat’s power will come from the 5,000 square feet of solar panels(电池板), about the size of two tennis courts, covering its broad deck. When the sun is shining bright above, they will turn 23 percent of the sun’s rays to energy — six percent more than average solar panels.
Even though batteries aboard Planet Solar can store enough energy to power it through up to three days of cloudy weather, the sailors will try to avoid clouds: constant communication with the French meteorological institute, Meteo France, will help the sailors stay with the sunny course.
The $11.5 million project, which is led by Raphael Domjan, should be ready for its first voyage next summer. The solar electric boat will warm up in European waters, and attempt to deal with traveling around the globe in spring 2011. At a maximum speed of 16 mph, Planet Solar will be the fastest solar electric boat. The team expects to finish the first leg of its journey across the Atlantic in about two weeks, compared to the six months the solar boat took back in 2007.
If sailing by sun becomes practical, it would be a return to the green boating methods of the days of Christopher Columbus. Those long-ago voyages relied only on a different type of renewable energy: wind. And, if wind-powered sails could be combined with solar panels, we might really pick up the boating speed.
57. Which of the following is NOT true about Planet Solar?
A. Its deck is covered by solar panels.
B. It will be the fastest solar electric boat.
C. It is 98-foot long and is to be made in Germany.
D. It can turn 17 percent of the sun’s rays into energy.
58. Planet Solar will be likely to __________ in continuous rainy weather.
A. continue traveling forward
B. ask the local weather station for help
C. stop to wait for the weather to clear up
D. turn to Meteo France for help to choose the sunny course
59. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Sailing by solar energy has not been widely used in today’s green boating.
B. Planet Solar will be the first boat to circle the globe using solar energy in 2011.
C. The solar panels in Planet Solar can turn more sunlight to energy than average ones.
D. Batteries aboard Planet Solar can be consumed for at most three days of cloudy weather.
60. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Planet Solar uses solar energy all over the world.
B. Planet Solar aims to be the first to circle the globe.
C. Planet Solar collects a different kind of renewable energy.
D. Planet Solar combines traditional methods with modern technology.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省2010届高考下学期适应性测试(一) 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Prague is an ancient European city, featuring one of the most magnificent Old Towns in Europe, along with delicious food, inexpensive shopping and friendly people. Prague is also famous as being home to one of the most famous 20th century writers, Franz Kafka. The famous Czech beer is also one of the reasons to visit Prague.
The narrow streets of the older parts of the town are appealing the visitors to take nice long walk and settle in some of the many restaurants, which offer top-quality foods at a low price. The buildings there are mostly tower-shaped,and so Prague is called “city of a hundred spires.”
Also known as the Paradise on Earth, Mauritius lies about 560 miles (900 km) east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. It is a place of magnificent natural beauty coupled with excellent customer service, which makes for an unforgettable romantic experience at the edge of the world’s warmest ocean.
There are lots to see and do in Mauritius: the coral reefs (珊瑚礁)surrounding the island offer stunning beauty and great underwater adventures to those who want to dive into the precious waters. The nature of Mauritius mostly resembles that of Paradise, allowing every couple visiting this island to feel like Adam and Eve. That is an experience nobody would want to miss!
The very name Cyprus, it has been said, glitters with an age-old myth. Today, history and hedonism (快乐论)are comfortably mixed on the island. Some five-star resorts within walking distance of well-preserved Greek and Roman ruins offer the convenience the modern traveler has come to expect.
Cyprus features a romantic history, as it was Anthony’s gift to his beloved Cleopatra during the glorious days of the Roman Empire. Maybe that is why you feel always a little special once you set foot on Cyprus.
For more information about many other most romantic places in the world, just log on at http://www.jurgita.com.
56. The underlined word “spires” in Paragraph 2 means        .
A. narrow streets                                                B. inexpensive restaurants
C. top-quality foods                                           D. tower-shaped buildings    
57. We learn from the text that Mauritius        .
A. is part of Madagascar                                     B. is an ideal destination for couples
C. is in central Indian Ocean                               D. is most famous for its good service
58. What makes Cyprus different from the other two places?
A. It is located on an island.                                B. It offers charming resorts.
C. It was given as a present.                                D. It has a very long history.
59. A common feature of Mauritius and Cyprus is that they are         .
A. old                     B. romantic            C. rich              D. mysterious
60. What is the main purpose of the author?
A. To attract more visitors.                                   B. To tell traveling experiences.
C. To sell information on line.                                 D. To introduce historical places.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省正定中学2010届高三下学期第一次考试 题型:阅读理解

Three Central Texas men were honored with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Director’s Award in a Tuesday morning ceremony for their heroism in saving the victims of a fiery two-car accident.
The accident occurred on March 25 when a vehicle lost control while traveling on a rain-soaked State Highway 6 near Baylor Camp Road. It ran into an oncoming vehicle, leaving the passengers trapped inside as both vehicles burst into flames.
Bonge was the first on the scene and heard children screaming. He broke through a back window and pulled Mallory Smith, 10, and her sister, Megan Smith, 9, from the wreckage.
The girls’ mother, Beckie Smith, was not with them at the time of the wreck, as they were traveling with their baby sitter, Lisa Bowbin.
Beckie Smith still remembers the sickening feeling she had upon receiving the call informing her of the wreck and the despair as she drove to the scene.
Bozeman and Clemmons arrived shortly after Bonge and helped rescue the other victims and attempted to put out the fires.
“I was nervous,” Bozeman said. “I don’t feel like I’m a hero. I was just doing what anyone should do in that situation. I hope someone would do the same for me.”
Everyone at the accident made it out alive, with the victims suffering from nonlife-threatening injuries. Mallory Smith broke both femurs(股骨), and Megan had neck and back injuries. Bowbin is still recovering from a broken pelvis(骨盆), ankle and foot.
The rescuers also were taken to the hospital and treated for cuts and smoke breathing, Bonge said.
In addition, Bozeman got to meet accident victim Anthony Russo in the hospital after the accident, where Russo presented him with a glass frame inscribed(刻;雕 )with “Thank you,” Bozeman said. Those involved in that fateful encounter on Highway 6 credited God blessing for bringing them together.
“Whatever the circumstances, Tuesday’s ceremony provided a time to be grateful for those who put their lives on the line for the lives of complete strangers,” Beckie Smith said, “We’re calling it The Miracle on Highway 6.”
53. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. Three persons were awarded for rescuing victims in a car accident.
B. Three ordinary people were regarded as great heroes.
C. Several victims were carried to safety from the burning cars.
D. A car accident occurred on a rain-soaked State Highway 6.
54. Who saved Megan Smith from the damaged car?
A. Clemmons.           B. Anthony Russo.          C. Bozeman.      D. Bonge.
55. Which of the following can be used to describe Bozeman?
A. Kind.                  B. Modest.                           C. Excited.       D. Smart.
56. It can be inferred from what Beckie Smith said that _______.
A. she regarded the accident as a wonder
B. she was frightened by the serious accident
C. she thought highly of the rescuers
D. she called on others to learn from the rescuers


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江西省吉安市高二下学期期末考英语题 题型:阅读理解

The UK has a well-respected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world.But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.

October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar.Universities have something called Freshers' Week for their newcomers.It's a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.

However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, the outlook of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nerve-wracking (令人头痛的).Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should you join?

Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot.So just take it all in slowly.Don't rush into anything that you'll regret for the next three years.

Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers' Week:

·Learn rules.Make sure you know British social manners.Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.

·Be kind.Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.

·Be sociable.The more active you are, the more likely you'll be to meet new people than if you're someone who never leaves their room.

·Bring a doorstop.Keep your door open when you're in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you're friendly.

So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Frsshers' Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you'll be passing on your experience to next year's new recruits

1.Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?

    A.It's a good idea to bring a doorstop.

    B.A hit of planning can make Freshers' Week easier.

    C.October is generally the busiest month for universities in the UK.

    D.The first week of your even- year at university is called Freshers' Week.

2.We can infer from the 4th paragraph that____ .

    A.the newcomers usually miss the days living at home

    B.many freshers are worried about how to fit university life

    C.most of the students in the L K spend three years in universities

    D.all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs

3.Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?

    A.To pass the busy university life.                       B.To pass the time in a happy way.

    C.To show yourself a drinker as others.                   D.To help make friends with others.

4.The underlined word "recruits." in the last paragraph refers to____.

    A.courses          B.freshers         C.neighbors        D.challenges

5.The main purpose of the passage is to____.

    A.advise the freshers how to behave well in universities

    B.discuss something about the Freshers' Week in the UK

    C.tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities

    D.introduce something about higher education system of the UK


