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3.The best selling children's book,Pipilu Sending You 100Lives,has been adapted into a homonymous play that will be put on for the first time next March and tour around 50cities in China.
The book was adapted by the Hangzhou based Star Dream Factory.
"We don't want to descend to the average children's dramas that are overly eager to please the kids,"said Huang Qin,director of Star Dream Factory."We want to provide something practically useful and mystically entertaining."
The original book by Chinese children's book writer Zheng Yuanjie focuses on safety tips for kids.With Zheng's usual candor and simplicity,the book avoids sugar-coating reality.Instead,it illustrates the potential dangers in everyday life and provides possible solutions.
Zheng recalled that when he saw his new-born baby in the hospital,the first thought that hit him was to do his utmost to guarantee his son's safety.
"Safety is of the greatest importance to a human being,"said Zheng."If the person is gone,nothing else will matter."
According to Zheng,there is no preaching or soapboxing in his book.He said that he just wanted to talk and tell the plain truth to the children in an easily understandable way.
This line of thought will be echoed in the theatrical reproduction,said director Guo Yan.She also said that the play will place emphasis on multimedia effects and the interaction with the families.
"Theatre may not ensure the children a path to professional esteem and better jobs in society,but it does have the power to give them strength (at heart),"said Huang Qin.
Huang also calls for consistent attention to child safety,pointing out the lack of universal education and effective legal channels.
The show is expecting an estimated audience of more than 100,000people during its domestic tour in the upcoming year.

31."Pipilu Sending You 100 Lives"has been adapted into a play byD.
A.Huang Qin 
B.Zheng Yuanjie 
C.Guo Yan 
D.Star Dream Factory
32.Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word"candor"in Pauarapg 4?D
33.The book"Pipilu Sending You 100 Lives"is trying to tell the readersC
A.how Pipilu give you 100 lives in a clear way
B.how pipilu can live a more interesting life in a simple way
C.how we can live a safer life in an understandable way
D.how we can have 100 lives in a pleasinf way
34.According to Zheng,safertyA
A.is more important to people than any other things
B.is an essential part only to all the children
C.is more important to the old than the young
D.is more important to the young than the old
35.The purpose of the passage is toB.
A.introduce a play to remind children of the importance of safety
B.introduce a book and its homonymous play to the reafers
C.tell the readers how to keep safe
D.tell the readers how important safety is.

分析 本文介绍了郑渊洁儿童读物《皮皮鲁送你100条命》这个畅销书籍.童话大王郑渊洁通过幽默风趣的童话,将自己对于人生的感悟融入其中,告诉孩子如何应对各种危险处境. 教给孩子100种安全自救的方法. 作者 视角独特,想象力天马行空.

解答 31.D细节理解题.根据第二段:The book was adapted by the Hangzhou based Star Dream Factory.得知《皮皮鲁送你100条命》由明星梦工厂改编成电影.选D.
32.D猜测词义题.根据第四段With Zheng's usual candor and simplicity,the book avoids sugar-coating reality.Instead,it illustrates the potential dangers in everyday life and provides possible solutions.得知郑渊洁的写作,涵盖的安全主题贴近实际生活,真实简洁,避免粉饰.A.difficulty.困难 B.safety 安全 C.responsibility责任 D.honesty诚实,因此划线词是诚实,选D.
33.C细节理解题.根据According to Zheng,there is no preaching or soapboxing in his book.He said that he just wanted to talk and tell the plain truth to the children in an easily understandable way.得知郑渊洁的《皮皮鲁送你100条命》是想通过容易理解的方式告诉孩子们安全的知识.选C.
34.A推理判断题.根据"Safety is of the greatest importance to a human being,"said Zheng."If the person is gone,nothing else will matter."得知郑渊洁认为安全对于人类来说高于一切.选A.

点评 在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.A bit more effort,I think,____ the problem could be settled.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.没有你的帮助,我们不可能成功.(without…could (not) have done sth.)
Without your help,we couldn't have succeeded.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.He said heregretted(后悔) having left the work unfinished.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.On a very cold winter day,there was a drunken guy(41)whodecided that he would go fishing on the ice in the lake.
He packed up all his fishing tools and set out in search of a (42)suitable (suit) spot.Eventually he came across a huge area of ice and decided that since he(43)had come (come) to the lake,he would stop there and gave it (44)a go.He took out a saw(锯) from his tool box,and started to saw a hole in the ice.(45)Suddenly (sudden),a loud voice beside him,"There is no fish here."came.The drunken man looked (46)around/about/round but he couldn't find anyone.So he decided to ignore the voice and carried on (47)sawing(saw).Again,the voice sounded,"I've told you once,there is no fish here!"He looked at the surroundings again,but there were still no people there.So he returned to his task."Stop it!"shouted the very sounding voice,"You'd better get out of here quickly (48)or you will get into trouble.""Who are you?"The drunken guy shouted."You don't scare me!""Watch out and listen to me,"(49)replied(reply) the voice,"I'm the(50)manager(manage) of this Skating Rink!(溜冰场)"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Are you stressed out,scared or worried all the time?Do you avoid going to certain places,seeing friends or doing certain things because of your worries?Do your worries keep you awake at night?If you've answered yes,you may be suffering from anxiety.
Anxiety is a normal and necessary part of life.Anxiety is your brain's way of telling you about danger.It is anxiety which helps you jump out of the way if a car is speeding towards you.But if it gets out of hand,anxiety can get in the way of your getting on with life and can become a real problem.If this is the case for you,treatment may be a helpful way for you to get your anxiety under control.
Anxiety is a normal part of life.Some people may feel uneasy if moving to a new place and some may get overly anxious in certain situations.There are lots of reasons for this.One main reason is after a stressful thing which has happened in your life.So,if you are involved in a car crash,it's quite likely that you will be more worried than other people around cars and driving.
Being anxious also probably runs in families.If your parents suffer from anxiety then you are more likely to be anxious too.This is probably partly due to genetics,and partly because of how things are when you're growing up.
Even though people don't talk about it much,anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems.About 1in 4people will have an anxiety problem at some time in their life.
If you have an anxiety problem it's hard for other people to understand why something that doesn't worry them,like being in a crowd of people,can be so scary for you.This can make you feel separated and lonely,as may become worse and worse.
The good news is there are lots of excellent treatments available for anxiety.These include taking therapies (疗法) and drugs.

67.Which of the following statements is true about,anxiety?C
A.With anxiety you are far away from traffic accidents.
B.It's abnormal for people to get too anxious after a stressful thing.
C.Almost everybody has a certain degree of anxiety in certain situations.
D.When you feel stressed out,scared or worried,you are surely suffering from anxiety.
68.Which of the following reasons for anxiety is NOT mentioned in the passage?A
A.Illness.            B.Experience.
C.Genetics.           D.Environment.
69.What can we infer from the fifth and sixth paragraph in the passage?B
A.Anxiety is the most common mental health problem.
B.Those suffering from anxiety need others'understanding badly.
C.About a quarter of the population are suffering from anxiety now.
D.Once you suffer from anxiety,you'd better seek for medical treatment.
70.The author will most probably talk aboutC following this passage.
A.what is about anxiety          B.what causes anxiety
C.how to handle anxiety          D.when anxiety becomes serious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.This Saturday morning I was having a walk around,enjoying the quiet morning,beautiful weather and lovely life,with my dog Jett running (16)enjoyably(enjoy) beside me.
At one home I passed,I noticed a newspaper that(17)was lying(lie) by the roadside instead of near the door.Thinking I would make someone else's life a little(18)easier(easy),I picked up the paper and gently threw it towards their door. (19)Butinstead of landing on the doorstep,the paper sailed(20)in the wrong direction because of the strong wind and landed on the roof of a big truck in the driveway.
   No one saw the funny scene but me and I burst out laughing.It was very quiet and they were probably still sleeping.It was too early to knock on the door and tell the homeowner(21)where their newspaper was.(22)instead,instead I walked home,got dressed and went to the store to make it right.
   I returned a little later with a new newspaper and a basket of strawberries freshly(23)picked(pick) from my garden.I found the homeowner in the driveway with some of his friends.With a deep breath I came up to him and said,"I hope you have a great sense of humour."I explained what had happened to(24)hisnewspaper.
   Hearing this they all laughed loudly and I couldn't help but smile all day.I've heard it said."Character is what you do(25)when/while/asnobody is looking."I should be a man of character!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.---Oh,no!My English novel is missing.
---I saw Tom leaving with ______,but I am not sure whether yours was included.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.It is not in the length of days,but in the use we make of them _____ the value of life lies.(  )

