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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的 正确形式。

    Celebrated across Thailand,the Songkran Festival is a holiday

61. welcomes the New Year

with a countrywide water fight. It is also celebrated in other Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos,but the

celebration in Thailand 62.(know) to be the most exciting.

    Songkran was at first a time to visit families,clean away the old year and bring in a fresh one. Many Thais cleaned away the old year by 63. (wash) their homes and any (佛像) around the house. They would collect the water that ran over the Buddhas and pour 64. onto the shoulders of family members for good lucjk.

    65. (final) the original purpose of the holiday became less important than the national water fight

66. (love) by Thais and foreigners today. The 67.(energy) people use whatever they can get their hands on and make each other wet with water.

     Every year,68. large number of tourists gather in Thailand to welcome the 69. (arrive)

of Songkran. If you plan 70. (visit) Thailand,the days of Songkran are a great time to get to know Thai traditions.

61. which / that   62. is known   63. washing 64. it   65. Finally   66. loved 67. energetic   68. a   69. arrival   70. to visit

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第32期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

            After I entered high school,I found most girl in my school were from rich families,They were dressed up beautiful clothes. I thought how one was dressed meant everything. I didnt have much beautiful clothes. In order not to be laughing at by others,I asked my mother buy new clothes for me. I remember one time I even cried when my mother refused to buy a new dress for her. So as time went by,I stopped compare myself with other girls in my school.Instead,I focus more on my studies. Now I think I really made up the right decision.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart below.

Wang Peng's restaurant

Yong Hui's restaurant

food and drink

barbecued mutton kebabs,1. pork,stir-fried vegetables,fried rice,mutton,beef,bacon,cola,2.

rice,3. vegetables,fruit,water




research discovery

serving too much 5.

serving too little fat,including not enough energy-giving food,becoming 6. quickly


making you feel fit and energetic,offering you discounts,giving you 7. all day

making yourself 8.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



A husband (H) and wife (W) are driving to a

party and are lost.

w: We’ re lost. And we don’ t even have a map.

You 1. (should take / should have

taken) a map.

H: I didn't think we were going to need one. I

2. — (must have made / should have

made) a wrong turn.

w: Do we need to stop and ask for directions?

H: No,we 3. (mustn't / don’ t  have to) .

We 4.  (can / must) use the cell phone

and call the Allens and ask them how to get to their house,w: OK.

H: Let' s see. I thought I had the cell phone in my

pocket. I 5. (can't / ought to) find it.

I 6. (must leave / must have left) it at


w: No,You didn’ t leave it at home. I've got it here in my purse. Oh,no. It is out of power. We 7. (have to / may) look for a pay

phone. Do you have any change?

H: I just have dollar bills.

w: You 8. (should have taken / must

have taken) some change with you.

H: Oh,it' s my fault.

w: Watch out!You 9. (might have hit /must have hit) that car.

H: I wasn't going to hit that car. I didn’ t come anywhere close to it.

w: Anyway we 10. (ought to / can) be careful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

II.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 (每个短语限用一次) 。

bring up,     go ahead,    account for,     by accident,    stare at,     on the contrary

1 . Tom behaves in the strangest way; I can't his actions at all.

2. Her mother left her when she was one year old and she  by her grandmother and her father.

3. Don’t people like that; it's rude.

4. I found her letter . as I was looking through my files.

5. —Can I have the sports section?

 I've read it.

6. —I suppose your wife doesn,t understand you.

- , she understands me very well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. We’re going to the theater this evening. (Would / Could) you be interested in coming?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 我们约定7点30分在电影院见面,但他没来。

We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7. 30,but he failed to  .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



       Over 40 years ago,a country music DJ convention(大会) was held every year in Nashville,Tennessee. Many country performers used to (参加) the convention to give the? performances. Fans would go to Nashville hoping to see the? favorite perfonners. In the end,so many fans began showing up in Nashville that a festival named Fan Fair was bom.

     The first Fan Fair was held in April 1972,in Nashville for four days. Some of country music,s  biggest stars attended. There were about fifty thousand fans. The first Fan Fair was so successful that planning began almost immediately for 1973. The date was changed to June,when the weather would be better. Over one hundred thousand fans attended the second Fan Fair.

     Every year brought so many performers and fans to Fan Fair that,in 1982,it was moved to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. Fan Fair stayed ?t: the fairgrounds for another nineteen years.

     There was always the unexpected during the festival. In 1974,former Beatle Paul McCartney attended. In 1992,more than six hundred reporters from Europe,Asia,and South America went to cover the appearance of a popular star,Billy Ray Cyrus,who had introduced a new country line dance. In 1996,Garth Brooks,who made a surprise appearance,signed autographs for 23 hours.

     In 2001,Fan Fair returned to downtown Nashville as the world5 s biggest country music festival. Now,over one hundred and twenty-five thousand country music fans go to Nashville every June. As you can,imagine,those who want to attend Fan Fair must plan ahead. For example,they need to buy a ticket several months ahead of time. Of course,there's much more to prepare.

25. According to the text,Fan Fair .

   A. has a history of more than 50 years

   B. lasts almost half a month every year

    C. is the most important music festival in America

   D. is a time when country music lovers get together

26. The second Fan Fair.

   A. was held in the spring of 1972

   B. was more popular than the first one

    C. was moved from Nashville to the fair   grounds

    D. was attended by former Beatle Paul   McCartney

27. The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to.

   A. show why Fan Fair has been popular

   B. introduce three famous musicians 

    C. explain how Fan Fair started

   D. ask people to attend Fan Fair

28. What will the author probably talk about next?

   A. Advice for fans.

   B. Music in America.

    C. Education in Nashville.

   D. The future of country music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Many thousands have benefited the new treatment.

