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Having a good life now:


—computer programming —wanting to develop computer 5.

一 inventing a computer football game

—going to the movies and football matches 

一 spending a lot of time with the 6.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[归纳]pick out意为:①挑出,选出,拣出;②辨认出,



They have picked but the best items on the menu.

Can you pick out your brother from that group of people?


pick up拾起,(无意中) 学到,搭载

pick off摘掉,摘下


1. We could different places in the city from

the airplane.

2. Susan was. from dozens of graduates for the job.

3. Don’t any of these flowers; they are for


4. The man the phone as soon as it rang.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Isabella Milbank 

    People often comment that Tve always got my head in a book. I just find that reading is such a great way to pass boring moments. I '11 read almost anything,but on the whole,I am likely to go for books that have received praise from a newspaper or magazine. And I guess I 'd have to say that my favourite kinds of books are modem thrillers(惊险小说) . The very best ones are those that keep you guessing right up until the end.

Henry Crawford

   I read modem novels,but generally,I prefer the classics,by authors like Dickens and Eliot,for example. However,no one compares to Jane Austen!People are often surprised when I tell them that Jane Austen is my favourite author because they think she only wrote romantic(浪漫的) novels. Her books do deal with love and marriage,but on the whole,they5 re actually more about general relationships and human nature.

Emily Hawthorne

    I used to read a lot of romantic novels. Now, I'm interested in biographies(传记) .I ve read about many different kinds of people. I enjoy autobiographies,too,but I sometimes wonder how true a picture they actually paint. I mean,if you wrote about yourself,you'd probably try to leave out anything that showed you in a bad light. In this case you,re more likely to get a more rounded picture of a person by reading a well-researched biography,jIan Reed

   I enjoy reading books that I can learn!something from. Books about historical events or I political problems,for example. I realise these kinds of books aren’ t everyone's cup of tea,but it's a pity that many people don't give them a try. I admit that in the past they could often be a bit tricky to read,but that has all changed now. These days,plenty of them are written in quite an entertaining style. You can learn quite a lot about the world by reading these kinds of books.

32. It seems that Isabella.

   A. enjoys the humour in the books she reads

   B. is likely to be influenced by book reviews

   C. appreciates books that teach her something

   D. chooses what to read based on how she's feeling

33. What can we infer from Henry?

   A. Jane Austen mainly wrote love stories.

   B. Jane Austen wrote novels with surprising endings.

   C. He regrets that people show little interest in Jane Austen.

   D. People have misunderstandings about Jane Austen's books.

34. Who mentions a change in his or her reading habits?

   A. Ian.          B. Emily.

   C. Henry.          D. Isabella.

35. What do the four people have in common?

   A. They’ re fond of reading.

   B. They have the same reading habits.

   C. They encourage others to start reading.

   D. They enjoy reading the same kind of books.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     English is always changing. The English that people used 500 years ago is very 1to the English we use now. 2in the last fifty years,English has changed.3words are entering our language all the time. The words internet,email and mobile phone are only twenty years old. The word website is even

4. We only started using it fifteen years ago. But what 5languages to change? And is language change a positive or a negative thing?

     There are many reasons that 6 change. One reason is that technology changes. We use new7. for new types of technology. Thirty years ago,we only used the word in English to 8.an animal. Today,the word mouse9. I means the object you use to contipl a computer. Another important reason for language change is 10 between different countries and cultures. For example,English uses words like sugar from Arabic,and yoghurt from Turkish. Languages also change because young people create their own way of 11 that is different from their parents. 12 often use new slang ——informal words and phrases — to talk to their friends. Some slang gets 13 , but other slang words become part of everyday language. Words like bus and rock music 14 as slang,but now they are in the dictionary and everyone 15 them.

    But is language change a good thing or a bad thing? Some people think that we should stop languages from 16 . They think that they need to 17 their language or it will die. 18,other people believe that language change is a natural thing and shouldn't be 19 . They think that it is 20 that languages change over time. They think that languages need to change to stay modem and interesting.

1. A. important   B. valuable

   C. close     D. different

2. A. Only   B. Even   C. Once   D. Then

3. A. New   B. Funny   C. Spoken   D. Foreign

4. A. easier      B. younger

  C. better   D. luckier

5. A. expects     B. requires

  C. causes   D. teaches

6. A. languages   B. technologies

  C. cultures   D. people

7. A. ideas       B. websites

  C. computers   D. words

8. A. control        B. learn

  C. describe       D. remember

9. A. still       B. also   C. soon   D. again

10. A. disagreement     B. comparison

   C. competition   D. communication

11. A. talking      B. thinking

  C. working       D. organizing

12. A. Parents       B. Teachers

  C. Teenagers      D. Writers

13. A. loved       B. finished

  C. discovered   D. forgotten

14. . A. stayed   B. started

   C. proved   D. waited

15. A. uses         B. lists

  C. corrects       D. introduces

16. A. happening   B. changing

   C. spreading   D. losing

17. A. understand   B. improve

   C. protect   D. study

18. A. However         B. Therefore

  C. In addition   D. In return

19. A. completed      B. affected

  C. considered   D. stopped

20. A. true         B. necessary

  C. normal       D. interesting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. My uncle lives in an area where there are a lot of mountains. 

My uncle lives in a(n) area.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


[自我归纳]adapt意为“(使) 适应”,既可作及物动词,也 可作不及物动词,常用于以下结构:adapt (oneself) sth.(句1) .;也可意为“修改,改动”,多作及物动词,常用于以下结构:adapt sth. for sth.(句2) ,adapt sth. to do sth.(句3) ;还可意为“改编”,多作及物动词,常用于以下结构:adapt sth. sth. (4) , adapt sth. sth.(句5) 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.The doctor advised him to his working hours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The streets were very (noise) throughout the night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. That's wonderful! I'm really pleased you.

