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He was known everywhere as a great artist. People1 from miles around to admire his beautiful2 His name was Pygmalion,and he lived long,long3 in Athens,Greece.
Pygmalion4 his art for many years. His desire 5excellence made him spend months6a single work of art. He would not stop7he felt it was perfect.8the years passed,his work became9 Pygmalion painted flowers which looked 10natural that people tried to11them. He painted fruits which looked so12that people wanted to eat them. Everyone13 looked at the pictures he had painted was14by their beauty.
As the years passed it15only his pictures that made him famous,Pygmalion16 made perfect pieces of sculpture.He could take a plain piece of wood17stone and make it beautiful. He could make a rough stone as18as glass. He worked long and hard to make his statues as real as possible. Often visitors who came to see his work began talking to someone. They were surprised when that person didn't19They were even more surprised20they realized they were talking to a statue. It always gave Pygmalion pleasure when people were surprised this way.
(1)A.went B.came C.wandered D.hung
(2)A.work B.job C.treasure D.person
(3)A.since B.before C.ago D.after
(4)A.practiced B.worked C.exercised D.acted
(5)A.at B.on C.in D.for
(6)A.on B.for C.during D.in
(7)A.since B.when C.after D.until
(8)A.As B.When C.While D.After
(9)A.well B.better C.good D.more
(10)A.very B.so C.as D.really
(11)A.smell B.look C.see D.buy
(12)A.true B.real C.good D.like
(13)A.when B.which C.who D.whom
(14)A.delighted B.amused C.enjoyed D.drawn
(15)A.was B.wasn't C.weren't D.were
(16)A.however B.either C.yet D.also
(17)A.and B.or C.neither D.nor
(18)A.good B.nice C.smooth D.pretty
(19)A.speak B.talk C.answer D.say
(20)A.when B.after C.before D.until

(1)考查动词。people came from miles around...“人们从周围数英里来到这里……”。A、went“去”;B、came”来“;C、wandered“徘徊,流浪”;D、hung“徘徊”。选B。
(2)考查名词。A、work”工作,作品“;B、job”工作“;C、treasure”珍宝“;D、person”人“。 work在此处指“作品”,选A。
(3)考查词义。A、since”自从,既然“;B、before”在......以前“;C、ago”之前“;D、after”在.....之后“。long,long ago“很久以前”,固定搭配。选C。
(4)考查动词。practiced his art for many years“搞了很多年的艺术”。A、practiced“实践,实行,开业从事”;B、worked“工作”;C、exercised“练习”;D、acted“扮演,行动”。选A。
(6)考查介词。spend time on sth.“固定短语,在某事上花费时间”,选A。
(9)考查形容词。A、well“(身体)好”;B、better“更好”;C、good“好”;D、more“更.....”。...his work became better“……他的作品越来越好”。这是与以前相比较。故选B。
(13)考查定语从句。who looked at the pictures he had painted是定语从句,修饰everyone。故选C。
(14)考查形容词。A、delighted“高兴的”;B、amused“愉快的,顽皮的”;C、enjoyed“享受的”;D、drawn“吸引的”。be drawn by sth.固定短语“被某事吸引”。此处指大家都被图画的美丽所吸引。d选D。
(17)考查连词。or表示“或者”;wood or stone“木头或石头”,选B。
(18)考查形容词。A、good“好的”;B、nice“美好的”;C、smooth“光滑的”;D、pretty“美丽的”。as smooth as glass“像玻璃一样光滑”。用smooth(光滑的)与前面的rough(粗糙的)相呼应。选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. 1 Chinese society developed and progressed, tea production has played a role in driving economic development while tea consumption(消费) 2(remain) a practice of daily life. The practice of tea culture can bring the spirit and 3(wise) of human beings to a higher level.

The history of Chinese tea is a long and gradual story of refinement. Generations of growers and producers have perfected the Chinese way of manufacturing tea, and 4 many unique regional varieties.

The original idea 5(credit) to the legendary Emperor Shennong, who is said 6(live) 5 000 years ago. His far-sighted ruling required, among other things, 7 all drinking water be boiled as a safety measure. A story goes that, one summer day, while visiting a distant part of his territory, he and the court stopped to rest. In agreement 8 his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink.9(dry) leaves from a nearby bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown substance was infused(注入) into the water. As a scientist, the Emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some 10(careful), and found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend, tea was created in 2737 BC.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(2017·北京卷)It was a cold March day in High Point, North Carolina. The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice, stamping their feet to stay warm, Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered(发抖) a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play. The two didn’t know each other well Taylor had just moved to town a month or so before.

Suddenly, Paris fell to the ground, “Paris’s eye rolled back,” Taylor says. “She started shaking. I knew it was an emergency.”

It certainly was, Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure. Without immediate medical care, Paris would die. At first no one moved. The girls were in shock. Then the softball coach shouted out, “Does anyone know CPR?”

CPR is a life-saving technique. To do CPR, you press on the sick person’s chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs. Without oxygen the brain is damaging quickly.

Amazingly, Taylor had just taken a CPR course the day before. Still, she hesitated. She didn’t think she knew it well enough. But when no one else came forward, Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR, “It was scary. I knew it was the difference between life and death,” says Taylor.

Taylor’s swift action helped her teammates calm down. One girl called 911. Two more ran to get the school nurse, who brought a defibrillator, an electronic devices(器械) that can shock the heart back into work. Luck stayed with them: Paris’ heartbeat returned.

“I now I was really lucky,” Paris says now. “Most people don’t survive this. My team saved my life.”

Experts say Paris is right: For a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.

Today, Paris is back on the softball team. Taylor will apply to college soon. She wants to be a nurse. “I feel more confident in my actions now,” Taylor says. “I know I can act under pressure in a scary situation.”

【1】What happened to Paris on a March day?

A. She caught a bad cold.

B. She had a sudden heart problem.

C. She was knocked down by a ball.

D. She shivered terribly during practice

【2】Why does Paris say she was lucky?

A. She made a worthy friend.

B. She recovered from shock.

C. She received immediate CPR.

D. She came back on the softball team.

【3】 Which of the following words can best describe Taylor?

A. Enthusiastic and kind.

B. Courageous and calm.

C. Cooperative and generous.

D. Ambitious and professional.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)They asked her to be (mercy) to the prisoners.
(2)The children waited patiently in (expect) of the magician.
(3)Our conversation ended (abrupt) when George burst into the room.
(4)A woman was singing (merry) in the next room.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Last week, I took a part in an English speech contest. There are twelve students in the final contest. I was one of the lucky student. Fifteen minutes after my turn, I picked my topic and prepared for it. I wrote down the outlines and organized what I was going to say. However, when I stood in front all the judges and students, I was extreme nervous. Then I took a deep breath to relax me and started my speech. The result was not good, because I regarded it as a challenge, which process was the most important.

Having learnt a lot from the contest, I am sure I will do it much well next time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 个人优势介绍(如性格、特长等);

2. 组织校内活动的设想(如举办讲座、辩论赛、演讲比赛等);

3. 表达当选的愿望。


参考词汇: 主席president 竞选 run for

Good afternoon, my dear friends,









Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】最近很多大城市都投放了公共单车(shared bikes),比如摩拜单车(Mobike)、Ofo共享单车等。由于它们方便停放,骑车也能起到锻炼身体的作用,作为代步工具很受大家欢迎。但是,各地也出现了很多毁车现象,比如刮掉车上的二维码(QK code)、上私锁等。你对这种现象怎么看?你对共享单车公司有什么建议吗?请你给相关部门写封信,要点如下:

1. 共享单车给人们带来的便利/好处;

2. 共亨单车使用中出现的问题;

3. 你对解决问题的建议。

参考词汇:bike-sharing companies共享单车公司,MobikeOfo是两家共享单车公司


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m Li Hua, ...








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)It's f in this house. Can't I turn on the heating?
(2)My leg was painful, and I wasn't sure it would b my weight.
(3)The court found him i and he was released.
(4)Most of the bodies were badly burned, making i almost impossible.
(5)The man d the number and waited, but there was no answer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

All the foodies(美食家) in Shanghai know where to explore next. The world famous food guide, the Michelin Guide, updated its Shanghai edition(版本) on Sept 20.
The Michelin Guide rates(评价) restaurants with one to three stars. The French tire(轮胎) company Michelin first made the guide more than a century ago. But why does a tire company make food guides?
Back in 1900, there were not many cars in France. So the company made free motorist guidebooks, with a list of hotels and restaurants to visit. They encouraged people to drive more and to buy more tires. It turned out that the guidebooks were popular. Later, it became restaurant guidebooks we know today.
The restaurant reviews are written by a group of mysterious people--the Michelin inspectors(巡视员). The company hires(雇佣) inspectors, who are all cuisine(烹饪) experts, to visit restaurants just like common customers. Neither the restaurants nor the public know who they are and how many of them there are in the world.
The guides have come to 28 countries and areas. It arrived in Shanghai, its first stop in the Chinese mainland, in September 2016. Many people doubted whether a food guide from Westerners could understand the Chinese cuisine. The company argued that most of the Shanghai guide's inspectors are Chinese and from different parts of the country.
This year, four new restaurants have been added into the second edition. They are of different styles, including a Ningbo cuisine restaurant and a vegetarian(素食的) restaurant. According to the Michelin, more Chinese cities will have their own Michelin guides in the future.
(1)The guidebook was made by.
A.the managers of the restaurant
B.people who love traveling
C.the French tire company Michelin
D.editors from a magazine
(2)Which of the following about the guidebook is true?
A.Restaurants can be added if they pay some money
B.Some famous places of interest are also included in the book
C.The guidebook is written only in French
D.The guides are published in 28 countries and regions
(3)From the story we can know that most of the Shanghai edition's inspectors.
A.know nothing about Chinese cuisine
B.are experts from different parts of China
C.are cooking experts from France
D.are mainly selected from normal customers
(4)The purpose of this story is to.
A.introduce the guidebook
B.explain how to make a guidebook
C.encourage more people to eat at restaurant
D.review the most popular restaurants in the world

