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      the bones under the sand,the scientists concluded that they came from the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.

       A.Being inspected                                       B.Inspected

       C.Having inspected                                        D.To inspect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Studies show that walking several times a week can lower, or reduce, the danger of many diseases. Walking also can help you lose weight.

Fast walking is good for the heart. It lowers the blood pressure. Researchers say walking can reduce the danger of suffering a heart attack by as much as fifty percent.

Studies have shown that walking for thirty minutes a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes. It can prevent diabetes among people who are overweight and at danger for the disease.

Studies show that women who walk and take calcium reduce their danger of thinning of the bones. Walking also helps lower the pain of arthritis in areas where bones are joined by strengthening the muscles around the bones.

Walking several times a week is a good way to control your weight and even lose body fat. Studies show it also helps lower feelings of sadness.

Experts say walking is one of the safest ways to exercise. There is a low danger of injuries. So it is good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people.

A walking program is easy to start. You should wear loose clothes and good shoes. Shoes designed for walking are best.

How fast should you walk?  You should be breathing hard while you are walking. Yet, you should be able to


Let your arms move back and forward at your sides while you walk.

The title of the passage probably is ______.

   A. Walking               B. Feelings of Sadness    C. Weight         D. Diseases

“Walking is one of the safest ways to exercise” means ______.

   A. walking is easy to start              B. there’s a low danger of injuries

   C. walking is good for heart             D. walking can prevent the development of diseases

Walking helps reduce the following EXCEPT_________.

   A. the danger of many diseases    B. weight                C. sad feelings     D. money for shoes

According to the passage, walking ________.

  A. is the safest way to all of the people     B. is a good way to reduce the danger of many diseases

  C. can cure the disease of heart attack       D. can help put on weight


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省杭州十四中高三3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

ROME: The legend of Leonardo da Vinci is covered in mystery: How did he die? Are the remains buried in a French castle really those of the master? Was the "Mona Lisa" a self-portrait in disguise (伪装)?
A group of Italian scientists believe the key to solving those puzzles lies with the remains, and they say they are seeking permission to dig up the body to conduct carbon and DNA testing.
If the skull is undamaged, the scientists can go to the heart of a question that has fascinated scholars and the public for centuries: the identity of the "Mona Lisa." Recreating a virtual and then physical reconstruction of Leonardo's face, they can compare it with the smiling face in the painting.
"We don't know what we'll find if the tomb is opened. We could even just find grains and dust," says Giorgio Gruppioni, an anthropologist who is participating in the project. "But if the remains are well kept, they are a biological record of events in a person's life, and sometimes in their death." Silvano Vinceti, the leader of the group, said that he plans to press his case with the French officials in charge of the said burial site at Amboise Castle early next week.
Leonardo moved to France at the invitation of King Francis I, who named him "first painter to the king." He spent the last three years of his life there, and died in 1519 at age 67. The artist's original burial place, the palace church of Saint Florentine, was destroyed during the French Revolution and remains that are believed to be his were eventually reburied in the Saint-Hubert Chapel near the castle.
"The Amboise tomb is a symbolic tomb; it's a big question mark," said Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in his hometown of Vinci. Vezzosi said that investigating the tomb could help identify the artist's bones with certainty and solve other questions, such as the cause of his death. He said he asked to open the tomb in 2004 to study the remains, but the Amboise Castle turned him down.
The group of 100 experts involved in the project, called the National Committee for Historical and Artistic Heritage, was created in 2003 with the aim of "solving the great mysteries of the past," said Vinceti, who has written books on art and literature.
Arguably the world's most famous painting, the "Mona Lisa" hangs in the Louvre in Paris, where it drew some 8.5 million visitors last year. Mystery has surrounded the identity of the painting's subject for centuries, with opinions ranging from the wife of a Florentine merchant to Leonardo's own mother.
That Leonardo intended the "Mona Lisa" as a self-portrait in disguise is a possibility that has interested and divided scholars. Theories have existed: Some think that Leonardo's taste for tricks and riddles might have led him to hide his own identity behind that puzzling smile; others have guessed that the painting hid an androgynous lover.
If granted access to the grave site, the Italian experts plan to use a tiny camera and radar to confirm the presence of bones. The scientists would then exhume (挖掘) the remains and attempt to date the bones with carbon testing.
At the heart of the proposed study is the effort to discover whether the remains are actually Leonardo's, including with DNA testing.
Vezzosi questions the DNA comparison, saying he is unaware of any direct descendants (后代) of Leonardo or of tombs that could be attributed with certainty to the artist's close relatives.
Gruppioni said that DNA from the bones could also eventually be compared to DNA found elsewhere. For example, Leonardo is thought to have rubbed colors on the canvas with his thumb, possibly using saliva (唾液), meaning DNA might be found on his paintings.
Even in the absence of DNA testing, other tests could provide useful information, including whether the bones belonged to a man or a woman, and whether the person died young or old.
Even within the committee, experts are divided over the identity of the "Mona Lisa."
Vinceti believes that a tradition of considering the self-portrait to be not just a faithful imitation of one's features but a representation of one's spiritual identity may have resonated (共鸣) with Leonardo.
Vezzosi, the museum director, dismissed as "baseless and senseless" the idea that the "Mona Lisa" could be a self-portrait of Leonardo. He said most researchers believe the woman may have been either a wife of the artist's sponsor, the Florentine nobleman Giuliano de Medici, or Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo. The traditional view is that the name "Mona Lisa" comes from the silk merchant's wife, as well as its Italian name: "La Gioconda."  
【小题1】Why does the author ask a couple of questions in the beginning?

A.To arouse the interest of readersB.To puzzle Italian scientists
C.To answer the questions himself D.To make fun of French officials
【小题2】The best title of this story might be “_____”
A.What Is the Purpose of an Investigation?
B.How Did Leonardo da Vinci Die in France?
C.Are the Remains Really Those of the Master?
D.Did Leonardo Paint Himself as 'Mona Lisa'?
【小题3】The sentence “he plans to press his case with the French officials” (underlined in Paragraph 4) suggests that Vinceti intends to _____
A.press the French officials to participate in their project
B.urge the French officials to open the tomb early next week
C.persuade the French officials to allow opening the tomb
D.record events in a person’s life with the French officials
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Scholars have the same opinion on DNA testing
B.Scientists doubt if the remains are those of da Vinci
C.The identity of “Mona Lisa” has already been proved
D.Alessandro Vezzosi got permission to open the tomb
【小题5】We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _____?
A.“Mona Lisa” is the name of the wife of a silk merchant
B.the “Mona Lisa” is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
C.experts divided the committee into several groups
D.opinions differ of the identity of the “Mona Lisa”


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省淮州中学高二下学期期末考试英语 题型:阅读理解

Intense physical exercise is not the only way to better health. Studies show that walking several times a week can lower risk of many diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, arthritis (关节炎), and depression. Walking also can help you lose weight.
Fast walking is good for the heart. It lowers the blood pressure. It raises the amount of good cholesterol(胆固醇)in the blood. Researchers say walking can sharply reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Studies have also shown that walking for 30 minutes a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of diabetes. People who are overweight have an especially high risk to develop this disease.
Walking strengthens the muscles and builds up the bones that they are attached to. Studies show that walking could decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis (骨质疏松症). Walking can also help ease the pain of arthritis in areas where bones are joined. This is because walking strengthens the muscles around the bones.
Experts say walking is one of the safest ways to exercise. There is a low risk of injuries. So it is good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people.
A walking program is easy to start. You should wear loose clothes and good shoes. There are shoes that are designed especially for lots of walking.
How fast should you walk? For the best effect, doctors say you should walk fast enough to cause you to breathe hard. Yet you should still be able to talk. Let your arms move freely while you walk.
There are no rules to starting a walking program. You might walk short distances. Or you might walk up hills to strengthen your leg muscles. Health experts say you can gain the most from a walking program if you walk at about five kilogmeters an hour for 30 minutes a day. You should do this about five times a week.

Walking to (【小题1】)____________fit
(【小题2】)____________ of walking
Superiorities to other exercises
Tips to walkers
??Reducing the risk of a heart attack
??                     (【小题3】)___________the blood pressure
??                     Raising good cholesterol
Being (【小题4】)______ than many other ways of exercise, especially for (【小题5】) ________or elders
Wear loose clothes and good shoes
Walk fast enough to cause you to breathe with (【小题6】)________ but still able to talk
??                   Controlling the development of diabetes
??                     Help you lose weight
Walk with your arms move (【小题7】)_________
??Decreasing the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis
??                 Strengthening the muscles
??                     (【小题8】)_______________ up the bones
Being easy to start (【小题9】)___________ rules
??Lowering the risk of other diseases, such as stroke, depression and etc.


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011河北衡水中学高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Construction workers in Southern California have made a wild discovery. They were digging at a building site in San Timoteo Canyon (峡谷) when they unearthed hundreds of ancient animal fossils. Researchers say the bones hold important clues about the history of the region.

Nearly 1, 500 fossils were recovered from the dusty canyon. The remains are about 1.4 million years old. They include the bones of a new species of deer, several small rodents (啮齿目动物) and more. A giant cat fossil was also found. Scientists believe the animal was an ancestor of the saber- toothed tiger. Signs of plant life were uncovered as well.

“This is a huge find,” says Rick Greenwood, a scientist studying the site. “I don’t think most people had any idea that those types of animals were wandering around here more than a million years ago.”

San Timoteo Canyon is located about 85 miles from Los Angeles. The area of the canyon where the fossils were found was once part of a green river valley. Today, the region is dry and plant life is rare.

Most of the fossils are well preserved. Experts say a muddy lake bed may have trapped thirty animals that wandered over for a drink. The mud helped to protect the animal fossils.

The remains are a million years older than those discovered at the famous La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. Scientists studying the bones will be able to learn more about how the animals adapted to changes in the environment.

“We have a confused view of what this time period was like, ” says another scientist. “A discovery like this could really be an important contribution.”

About 35 different animal species are represented in the fossil collection. Scientists began removing bones from the site last fall. The project was completed this summer. Starting next year, the fossils will be on display at the Western Science Center in the nearby city of Hemet, California.


What does the passage mainly focus on?

A.The secret of ancient animals’ deaths.

B.The preparation for a future fossil exhibition.

C.A great discovery of fossils.

D.The history of San Timoteo Canyon.


From what Rick says, we know ________. (原创)

A.fossils were discovered in the canyon for the first time.

B.the canyon in ancient times was quite different.

C.more research work will be carried on in the canyon.

D.the river water helped to protect the animal fossils.


Compared to the discovery at the La Brea Tar Pits, the canyon-involved fossils _______.

A.are far older

B.include more species

C.are better preserved

D.make experts more confused


What do we know about the fossils from the passage?

A.All of them are of new species.

B.Some of them have been destroyed

C.They were looked for under experts’ guidance.

D.They will be on show in the near future.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年四川省雅安市一年级上期期末检测英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling.

Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to the Union of Soviet So­cialist Republics( USSR),Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak.

In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was pain­ful. He was not able to sleep at night.

The doctore told him that they did not know how to cure Mr. Cousins ’ problem and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead,he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.       .'

He began to experiment on himself while still in hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that 10 minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain -free sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days,Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television,reading funny books,and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks,he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto . Rico where he began running on the beach for exercise.

After a few months,Mr. Cousins returned to work. He has laughed himself back to health.

1.Why did Norman Cousins get sick?

A.He did not rest enough.

B.He traveled too much.

C.His body chemistry changed.

D.All of the above.

2.What part of his body was affected by the illness?

A.The bones in his feet.

B.His mind when he slept.

C.The material between his bones.

D.His stomach.

3.What did Mr. Cousins think caused his illness?

A.Bad food.

B.Too much laughter.

C.Unhappy thoughts.

D.The doctors.

4.Where did Mr. Cousins go in order to cure himself?

A.To a hotel room.

B.To the beach.

C.To the hospital.

D.To the USSR.

5.How long did it take before Mr. Cousins went back, to work?

A.A few weeks.

B.A few months.

C.A few hours.

D.A few years.


