17£®What happened in Apt.407£¿
A£®There was a robbery£®
B£®Mrs£®Horn was attacked£®
C£®Mrs£®Horn's family caught a thief£®
18£®What will the security team do£¿
A£®Teach people self-defense£®
B£®Put a security guard at the front gate£®
C£®Put security alarms in all apartments£®
19£®What should people do if they have concerns about security£¿
A£®Call the police£®
B£®Attend a meeting£®
C£®Lock all doors£®
20£®What is the best way to prevent theft according to the talk£¿
A£®Being prepared£®
B£®Keeping strangers from entering the community£®
C£®Joining the neighborhood security team£®


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11£®Orcas£¬or killer whales£¬are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world's most powerful animals feeding on meat£®They feast on marine mammals such as seals£¬sea lions£¬and even whales£¬employing teeth that can be four inches £¨ten centimeters£© long£®They are known to grab seals right off the ice£®They also eat fish£¬squid £¨öÏÓ㣩£¬and seabirds£®
Though they often frequent cold£¬coastal waters£¬orcas can be found from the polar regions to the Equator £¨³àµÀ£©£®
Killer whales hunt in deadly groups£¬family groups of up to 40 individuals£®There appear to be both permanent and temporary group populations of killer whales£®These different groups may hunt different animals and use different techniques to catch them£®Permanent groups tend to prefer fish£¬while temporary groups target marine mammals£®All groups use effective£¬cooperative hunting techniques that some are similar to the behavior of wolf packs£®
Whales make a wide variety of communicative sounds£¬and each group has various noises that its members will recognize even at a distance£®They use echolocation £¨»Ø²¨¶¨Î»£© to communicate and hunt£¬making sounds that travel underwater until they meet objects£¬then reflect back£¬showing their location£¬size£¬and shape£®
Killer whales are protective of their young£¬and other adolescent females often assist the mother in caring for them£®Mothers give birth every three to ten years£¬after a 17-month pregnancy£®
Killer whales are immediately recognizable by their special black-and-white coloring and are the intelligent£¬trainable stars of many aquarium shows£®Killer whales have never been widely hunted by humans£®
37£®Killer Whales do not feed onD£®
A£®seabirds         B£®seals                 C£®fishes               D£®seaweeds
38£®The following aspects about killers whales are mentioned exceptC£®
A£®hunting           B£®communication            C£®weight               D£®habitats
39£®We can conclude thatC£®
A£®people can find killer whales everywhere around the world
B£®killer whales live in different groups and never live alone
C£®by making sounds killer whales hunt and communicate
D£®humans'hunt has made killer whales being endangered
40£®Killer Whale are often seen in some aquarium shows becauseA£®
A£®they are able to be trained                   
B£®they have special body colors
C£®they must be protected                    
D£®they have never been hunted£®


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18£®What is the total number of students at Deep Springs College£¿
A.24£®   B.9£¬000£®   C.17£¬000£®
19£®Which of the following is TRUE of the Deep Spring College£¿
A£®It is located in a college town£®
B£®Its school buildings are old£®
C£®Its library is often crowded with students£®
20£®What can students at Deep Springs do in their spare time£¿
A£®Go to the cinema£®
B£®Watch TV£®
C£®Take a walk in the desert£®


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9£®Film director James Cameron first became interested in sea exploration when he was a little boy£®His love for the ocean grew after he made the 1989undersea adventure film The Abyss and the 1997blockbuster Titanic£¬one of the most successful movies of all time£®Following that big success£¬James Cameron decided to put his film career on hold to become an explorer£®
In 2012£¬James Cameron made a journey to the deepest spot in the Mariana Trench£¬known as Challenger Deep£®And now the great journey has been made into a documentary film£¬named James Cameron's Deep-sea Challenger 3D£®
In James Cameron's fantasy films£¬such as Avatar and The Abyss£¬the unexplored areas are decorated in colors and full of danger£®But on his dive into Challenger Deep£¬the reality proved far different£ºwhite£¬deserted and dull£®
"I felt like I had gone to another planet£¬"Cameron said after returning from the cold and dark place in the Western Pacific Ocean£¬nearly 7miles below the surface£®"I really have a sense of being separated and realize how tiny I am down in this big£¬black and unexplored place£®"
Cameron captured£¨»ñÈ¡£©the moon-like landscape of the deep sea and documented the sea creatures he observed in the ocean£®
James Cameron's Deep-sea Challenger 3D tells the story of Cameron's journey£®It is a film about determination£¬danger and the ocean'S greatest depths£®The movie shows a unique insight into Cameron's world when he makes his dream reality and makes history by becoming the first person to travel alone to the deepest point on the planet£®
It's an exciting film and inspiring reminder that our beautiful planet still has a lot to explore£®

28£®When did James Cameron become interested in the ocean£¿A
A£®When he was in his childhood£®
B£®After his films The Abyss and Titanic£®
C£®After he achieved great Success in movies£®
D£®When he began to explore the deep sea alone£®
29£®What is the unexplored ocean like£¿B
A£®Colorful and dangerous£®    B£®Boring and deserted£®
C£®White and attractive£®      D£®Small and dull£®
30£®What can we know about James Cameron's Deep-sea Challenger 3D£¿D
A£®It is a film about the exploration of ocean creatures£®
B£®It is a story about Cameron's film-making dream£®
C£®It aims to attract more people to explore the deep sea£®
D£®It tells us about James'journey into Challenger Deep£®
31£®What is the best title for this passage£¿C
A£®The great dream of a film director
B£®A film director exploring deep sea
C£®James Cameron and his documentary film
D£®The first person to make films about the deep sea£®


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17£®Which room is for the Academic Test of English£¿
A£®Room 405£®
B£®Room 204£®
C£®Room 307£®
18£®Where should students put all their belongings£¿
A£®In the lockers£®
B£®On the chairs outside the testing room£®
C£®In the front of the testing room£®
19£®What must students do to use the bathroom£¿
A£®Ask for permission£®
B£®Finish their test£®
C£®Go with a monitor
20£®What can be inferred about the students£¿
A£®They are all Chinese£®
B£®They are from different countries£®
C£®They can use their own pens£®


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17£®Which is the best way to learn a language£¿
A£®Speaking the language quickly£®
B£®Using the language as often as you can£®
C£®Trying to make fewer mistakes£®
18£®What should you do when people laugh at your mistakes£¿
A£®Stop talking at once£®
B£®Keep your sense of humor£®
C£®Be careful next time£®
9£®What's the most important rule of learning English£¿
A£®Try to make no mistakes£®
B£®Don't be afraid of making mistakes£®
C£®Be ready to speak English£®
20£®What's the speaker talking about£¿
A£®How to speak English quickly£®
B£®How to make fewer mistakes£®
C£®How to learn a language£®


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17£®When did the speaker read a news article online£¿
A£®Last night£®B£®Last week£®C£®This morning£®
18£®How many months in 2013 had temperatures higher than normal£¿
19£®What happened in Australia in 2013£¿
A£®A strong heat wave£®B£®A heavy rainstorm£®C£®A heavy snowstorm£®
20£®How has the speaker usually been going to school£¿
A£®By bike£®B£®By bus£®C£®In his father's car£®


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13£®Why did the woman book the man a room in the Sky Palace£¿
A£®It offers much more traveling£®
B£®He's stayed there twice before£®
C£®It is near the company he'll visit£®
14£®What does the man ask the woman to do£¿
A£®Call the travel agency£®B
£®Fetch the air tickets today£®
C£®Find another hotel in Brussels£®
15£®What is the man's final destination£¿
16£®Who will meet the man at the airport£¿
A£®His wife£®B£®His customer£®C£®His secretary£®


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11£®What do we know about the woman£¿
A£®She got four tens£®
B£®She is very clever£®
C£®She can't play cards£®

