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We are bent on reforming our teaching, because what we have done is far from ______.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖南省师大附中高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

What’s in a name? Well, apparently, our general happiness. Psychologists say that what we are called has a direct connection with our well-being (幸福).
     Those called Judy and Joshua are the happiest, while Lynn or Ben is likely to be the unhappiest, according to research. Psychologist Dr David Holmes found that this might due to the association(联想)that others made with the name. Hearing the name Judy may make them think of actress Judi Dench or TV presenter Judy Finnigan, people who are seen as good natured and happy. On the other hand, people think Paulines are unhappy because of the character Pauline Fowler from the TV programme East Enders. The research claims that this association influences the person with the name and so their personality becomes shaped to fit it. Dr David Holmes said, "This also has some relation with the original meaning of the name. For example, the original meaning of Judy is 'praised’."
     Certain names also work well in certain aspects of life. In the workplace Richard and Judy are happiest, while those called Ruth and Carly are happiest in relationships. At the other end of the scale the unhappiest workers are Stuart and Liz, with the unhappiest in relationships being Frank and Harriet.
       Dr Holmes said, "The relation we have with certain names, particularly important namesakes(同名者), also shapes how we see ourselves and so may have an effect on our confidence. Names are like product brands in having a powerful effect on attitudes and should therefore be chosen with care."
      "Other names are connected with being brave, outgoing or serious. Therefore, many celebrities change their names to ones which reflect these characteristics. This, in turn, influences parents when they choose names for their babies," said Dr Holmes, "however, names connected with ordinary people are seldom chosen for their babies".
【小题1】Which of the following is NOT a reason why Judy is a good name?

A.The association people make with it.
B.Its original meaning.
C.The high number of famous people who are called Judy.
D.The personalities of famous Judys.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following names are better?
A.Ruth and Joshua.B.Pauline and Frank.C.Richard and Stuart.D.Joshua and Ben.
【小题3】The reason why names should be chosen carefully is that___________.
A.good names can make us succeed.
B.names can affect how we see ourselves
C.names can tell us what we should do
D.good names can show others who we are
【小题4】The author may continue the passage with__________.
A.names and product brandsB.famous people’s names
C.parents ‘choices of baby namesD.names and personality
【小题5】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.How to choose a good name for babies.
B.How to achieve success by changing a good name.
C.The relation between names and success.
D.The relation between names and happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What would you think if someone suggested knocking down St Paul’s Cathedral to widen the road? Or pulling down Big Ben to make way for a car park? It would be ridiculous, right? But when it comes to devastation (毁灭) of the natural world, we aren’t so easily shocked. But we should be…or we’ll be in a lot of trouble.

Nature is shrinking by the day. Ancient forests are destroyed. Wetlands are becoming dry. Woodland is disappearing, and all in the name of progress. This is bad in itself, but it’s devastating for biodiversity.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of plants, animals and other living things that are all interconnected. The ecological services provided by biodiversity are vital to everyday life. The air we breathe is a product of photosynthesis (光合作用) by green plants. Insects, worms and bacteria break down waste and make soils rich. And tiny organisms clean the water in rivers and sea. In fact, all life on the earth exists thanks to the benefits of biodiversity. More than 90 percent of the calories consumed by people worldwide are produced from 80 plant species. And 30 percent of medicines are developed from plants and animals. Maintaining a wide diversity of species in each ecosystem is necessary to preserve all living things.

The loss of biodiversity could be devastating. “It is wrong to think that biodiversity can be reduced indefinitely without threatening humans,” said Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson, known as the “father of biodiversity”. He warned, “We are about to reach a critical point beyond which biodiversity loss will become irreversible (不可挽回的).”

But what can we do? The present problem is that the concept of biodiversity is so vague (含糊的). People might care about giant pandas, but it is much harder to excite them about the fate of tiny sea creatures which are being boiled to death in the cooling systems of power stations along coastlines. The Guardian newspaper is trying to help. It has launched the Biodiversity 100 campaign to try to convince governments around the world to take action to deal with the widespread concerns about biodiversity. This includes persuading the UK government to create a series of marine reserves to reserve the decrease in the sea-life caused by industrial fishing, stopping fishing sharks by the Japanese fishermen and banning the killing of dingoes (wild dogs) in Australia, among many other things.

There is a lot to do. And we’d better act quickly if we don’t want to end up with a planet that can’t sustain life!

1.The writer thinks it ________ to pull down Big Ben to make way for a car park.

A.unreasonable      B.necessary         C.difficult           D.reasonable

2.The underlined sentence “Nature is shrinking by the day.” means that ________.

A.nature is badly polluted by humans

B.species are becoming fewer and fewer day by day

C.rainforests are being cut down every day

D.nature is full of mysteries

3.Edward O. Wilson thinks that ________.

A.it doesn’t matter to reduce biodiversity

B.people have done enough to preserve biodiversity

C.the situation of biodiversity is very serious

D.biodiversity loss has become irreversible

4.When it comes to biodiversity, the present problem is that ________.

A.people might not clearly know what is biodiversity and what should be protected

B.people are not aware that giant pandas are endangered

C.people don’t realize that biodiversity is vital to everyday life

D.people hunt sea creatures for food

5.What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.The UK government.                     B.The concept of biodiversity.

C.The action to deal with the problem.         D.The Guardian newspaper.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

请根据句子逻辑, 从模块四课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。 

1.He will r_______________ our class to take part in the meeting.

2.I won’t trust you until you give me the c__________ evidence to support what you say.

3.We are lucky that all our classrooms are very well e______________.We have computers, fans, air-conditioners etc.

4.This dictionary is for the a_______________ English learners while that one is for the beginners.

5.Jim is so c____________________ that he always gets everything ready for the teacher before each lesson.

6.We are sure to o____________ all difficulties on our way to success if we are mentally strong.

7.Only a m__________ of students are against this plan while most of them support it.

8.Jack and Ben had a quarrel yesterday.But now they have found that the quarrel happened because of a m________________ and they have forgiven(原谅) each other.

9.Your c_________ on him that he is not an honest person really hurts him.

10.What the hero has done will i______________ more people to follow him and offer help to others when necessary.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届湖南省高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What’s in a name? Well, apparently, our general happiness. Psychologists say that what we are called has a direct connection with our well-being (幸福).

     Those called Judy and Joshua are the happiest, while Lynn or Ben is likely to be the unhappiest, according to research. Psychologist Dr David Holmes found that this might due to the association(联想)that others made with the name. Hearing the name Judy may make them think of actress Judi Dench or TV presenter Judy Finnigan, people who are seen as good natured and happy. On the other hand, people think Paulines are unhappy because of the character Pauline Fowler from the TV programme East Enders. The research claims that this association influences the person with the name and so their personality becomes shaped to fit it. Dr David Holmes said, "This also has some relation with the original meaning of the name. For example, the original meaning of Judy is 'praised’."

     Certain names also work well in certain aspects of life. In the workplace Richard and Judy are happiest, while those called Ruth and Carly are happiest in relationships. At the other end of the scale the unhappiest workers are Stuart and Liz, with the unhappiest in relationships being Frank and Harriet.

       Dr Holmes said, "The relation we have with certain names, particularly important namesakes(同名者), also shapes how we see ourselves and so may have an effect on our confidence. Names are like product brands in having a powerful effect on attitudes and should therefore be chosen with care."

      "Other names are connected with being brave, outgoing or serious. Therefore, many celebrities change their names to ones which reflect these characteristics. This, in turn, influences parents when they choose names for their babies," said Dr Holmes, "however, names connected with ordinary people are seldom chosen for their babies".

1.Which of the following is NOT a reason why Judy is a good name?

A.The association people make with it.

B.Its original meaning.

C.The high number of famous people who are called Judy.

D.The personalities of famous Judys.

2.According to the passage, which of the following names are better?

A.Ruth and Joshua.

B.Pauline and Frank.

C.Richard and Stuart.

D.Joshua and Ben.

3.The reason why names should be chosen carefully is that___________.

A.good names can make us succeed.

B.names can affect how we see ourselves

C.names can tell us what we should do

D.good names can show others who we are

4.The author may continue the passage with__________.


A.names and product brands

B.famous people’s names

C.parents ‘choices of baby names

D.names and personality

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?


A.How to choose a good name for babies.

B.How to achieve success by changing a good name.

C.The relation between names and success.

D.The relation between names and happiness.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.
He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.
Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 
“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”
No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.
Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”
Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”
“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”
Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”
“Isn’t that work?”
Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”
“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”
“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”
“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.
Ben stopped munching his apple.
Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”
“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”
“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”
“I’ll give you all the apple!”
Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.
Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.
Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

  1. 1.

    By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.

    1. A.
      made mistakes
    2. B.
      damaged things
    3. C.
      was natural
    4. D.
      wasn’t concentrating
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________

    1. A.
      Tom did not want to go swimming at all
    2. B.
      Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence
    3. C.
      Tom did not get along well with his friends
    4. D.
      Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.
  4. 4.

    We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.

    1. A.
      forbidden fruit is sweet.
    2. B.
      a friend in need is a friend indeed.
    3. C.
      all good things must come to an end.
    4. D.
      a bad excuse is better than none.

