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36£®D ¸ù¾Ý¿ÕºóÒ»¾äGirls sit by girls and boys sit by boys£®Adults sit together and young people choose another young person to sit near£®¿ÉÖªÈËÃÇϲ»¶ºÍ×Ô¼ºÄê¼Í²î²»¶àµÄÈË×øÔÚÒ»Æð£¬Ñ¡ÏîD·ûºÏ´ËÒâ
37£®E ¸ù¾Ý¿ÕºóÒ»¾ä Peple with glasses are more likely to sit near other people with glasses£®People with long hair sit closer to other people with long hair£®¿ÉÖªÎÒÃÇÉõÖÁÑ¡Ôñ×øÔÚºÍÎÒÃÇÏàËƵÄÈËÅԱߣ¬Ñ¡ÏîE·ûºÏ´ËÒâ
38£®G ¸ù¾Ý¾äÇ°Ò»¾äThe danger in always staying in our comfort zone £¨ÊæÊÊÇø£©is that we just recycle the same opinions£¬the same tastes and the same ideas£¬¿ÉÖªÎÒÃÇ»áÓÐʧȥѧϰж«Î÷µÄ»ú»á£¬Ñ¡ÏîG·ûºÏ´ËÒâ
39£®B ¸ù¾Ý¾äÇ°Ò»¾äIf instead you want to live in a society that opens to changes and new things and different opinions¿ÉÖªÈç¹ûÄãÏëÉú»îÔÚÒ»¸ö¶ÔÓڱ仯ºÍ²»Í¬Òâ¼û¼°ÐÂÊÂÎ↑Ã÷µÄÉç»á£¬ÕâÎÞÒìÓÚÒýÀÇÈëÊÒ£¬BÑ¡Ïî·ûºÏÎÄÒâ
40£®F ¸ù¾Ý¿ÕºóÒ»¾äGo and sit next to someone different£®¿ÉÖª£¬È¥µ½²»Í¬µÄÈËÉí±ßÈ¥×ø×ø£¬¿ÉÖª¿Õ´¦Ó¦¸ÃÌî"×ß³öÄãµÄÊæÊÊÇø"£¬F·ûºÏ´ËÒâ
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Dormitory life is a usually one of the most cherished parts of one's time at college£®Get ready to avoid the common mistakes£® | |
Have a friendly conversation | Instead of burying your feelings or £¨67£©complainingabout each other£¬you'd better communicate with your roommate frankly to get along well with each other£® |
Don't expect the roommates to be your best friends£® | Sharing the same dorm doesn't necessarily mean you have to be best friends for each other£¬but it's better to make a friend than an enemy to experience college £¨68£©happily/positively/smoothly |
Clean up after yourself£®Or£¬at least£¬keep your mess on your side£® | It is believed that in a shared space£¬all roommates should help in keeping the room tidy instead of putting the burden on just one while the others do whatever they want£® |
Never take anything£¨ 69£©withoutasking£® | To keep belongings safe and avoid fighting late£¬let each other know in a polite way if you have to share the other's items£®This rule applies to any situation£® |
If your work fails to win you a good roommate and you get stuck with someone who doesn't appreciate your kindness£¬it is not the end of the world£®No matter what happens£¬showing £¨70£©respectalways make sense£® |
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