精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1Newly arrived guests are required to __________(登记,注册)at the hotel’s reception desk.

2Many of the engines made in the company are __________(出口) to Europe.

3It was now time to interview the farmer, for whom I had __________(先前,以前) worked.

4If you could find some witnesses it would greatly __________(加强,巩固)your case.

5They set up an __________(有影响力的) company to advise more people to make the best use of water.

6Is this your p__________ address, or are you staying there for a very short period of time?

7Nowadays clothes s__________ by hand are more expensive than those by machine.

8It is reported that after lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a c__________.

9Some damage has been caused u__________ by people simply walking around the site and some has been caused deliberately.

10She is always o__________ in her remarks, not in a roundabout way.
























科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【辽宁省抚顺市2017届高三3月模拟】假定你是李华, 你校学生会刚刚举办了“跳蚤市场”(flea market)活动。你的澳大利亚网友David对此事很感兴趣,写邮件向你了解基本情况。请你给他回一封邮件介绍此次活动的有关情况。要点如下:







Dear David,

I’m happy that you’re interested in our flea market ________________________________________________



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It's not easy to just get up and go if you're not a morning person. But with some preparation, you can have a great morning routine (常规) before school, which can also make for a good day.
A great morning routine doesn't include cramming (突击式学习) for a test or struggling to get your homework done as you're running out of the door.
Shower the night before. And if you can, do your hair the night before so when you wake up, you'll be able to freshen yourself quickly to get to school and get on with the day.
Lay out your clothes. Make sure to lay out everything you need, including your socks and shoes. Another thing is hair. If your school has a preference (偏爱) of what you do with your hair, be sure to respect that.
It helps in the morning if you have something in front of you to check off as you're walking out of the door. The list should include your homework, books and your lunch or lunch money as well as anything else you normally take with you to school.
Eat a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast helps improve your focus and allows you to stay active in your classes. If you can, prepare your meal the night before. At the least, set out your spoons and plates.
A. Make a list of everything you will take.
B. Brush your teeth after you eat breakfast.
C. Get all your homework done before going to bed.
D. Check the weather forecast and choose your clothing.
E. A great morning routine should always include a good breakfast.
F. Don't hurry and make sure you have everything before you leave.
G. That helps you have a good sleep and save much time in the morning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A new study has found the amount of antibiotics(抗生素)given to farm animals is expected to increase by two-thirds over the next 15 years.Researchers are linking the growing dependence on the drugs to the increasing need for meat,milk and eggs.However,the drugs could quicken the development of antibiotic-resistant infections(感染).Such infections are already a major public,health concern in the United States.

The World Health Organization notes when people stop living in poverty(贫困),the first thing they want to do is eat better,rather than earn more money.For most people,that means their diet should contain more meat.With the rapid development of Asia,people there are eating nearly four times as much meat,milk and other milk products as they did 50 year ago.

To meet the need,farmers have put many animals into smaller spaces.As the animals are crowded together,the easiest way to deal with some of the problems d crowding is to give them antibiotics.It's clear that antibiotics help animals stay healthy in a crowded environment and grow faster.But bacteria can develop resistance to the drugs gradually.

Nowadays,doctors find antibiotics that once worked against the infections no longer work.The bacteria have learned ways to fight against the drugs.The heavy use of antibiotics in animals is responsible for the growth of antibiotic resistance worldwide.In the United States,at least two million people get drug-resistant infections each year and at least 23,000 die from an infection.

Europe has banned the use of antibiotics to increase animal growth.And the United States is hoping to persuade farmers to stop using antibiotics for that purpose.

1What accounts for the increasing amount of antibiotics given to farm animals?

A. The desire for new drugs. B. The less effective antibiotics.

C. The outdated farm technology. D. The need for more various foods.

2What do most people want to do first when they get rid of poverty according to the WHO?

A. Making a lot of money. B. Focusing more on health.

C. Having more meat in their diet. D. Living in a better environment.

3What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Antibiotics do harm to animals.

B. Antibiotics help animals stay healthy.

C. Antibiotics are used heavily in Europe.

D. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria spread to people.

4What's the passage mainly about?

A. A new way of raising farm animals.

B. The advantages of using antibiotics.

C. The reason for banning the use of antibiotics.

D. The negative effect of antibiotics in farm animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There was a rich man who carried many treasures to look into happiness. But after a long march, he fails to find happiness. Annoyed, he sat by a path of the mountain while a farmer carrying a large bunch of firewood came down from the mountain. The rich man said, “I'm a wealth man. Can you tell me that why I'm unhappy?” The farmer put down the heavy firewood, wiped the sweat pleasant and said, “Happiness is very simple: put down and you'll be happy!” The rich man inspired suddenly. Anxious and tiring all day, he carried that heavy jewelry, afraid of being robbed or murdered. How could you be happy? So the rich man helped the poor with jewelry and money, doing some good deed. He enjoyed the taste of happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My father used to be an amateur wrestler (业余摔跤者) and national champion. He was forced by his father to give up the sport in order to obtain gainful employment, which meant he wouldn't be able to win a medal for our country. Therefore, he made a vow that his unborn son would.
He was about to give up hope when one day, my younger sister Babita and I beat up two boys accidentally in response to critical comments. My dad found our potential to become wrestlers and began coaching us. We were required to do physical training early in the morning and have a short haircuts to avoid lice.
. We would complain about him all the time. Gradually, I realized that he wanted us to have a good future and not grow up to be ordinary housewives. Motivated, we willingly participated in his coaching.
With great efforts, he made us competitive wrestlers and I won the junior and senior championships, providing me with a chance to gain training in a National Sports Academy, where pride and pain fulfilled my mind. As a result, I found myself losing every match at the international level. After that, I tearfully made peace with papa and turned to him for help. Then he coached me patiently.
Despite difficulty, I finally became the first Indian female wrestler to qualify for the Olympics, inspiring dozens of Indian women to take to wrestling. Even now, papa's words are still in my mind “Geeta, think about all the girls who are thought to be inferior to boys, girls who are forced to do chores, girls who are married and have children. Not only will you compete with other countries, but also with those who look down upon women!”. I will never forget our father's instruction..
A. But his methods were cruel.
B. I almost gave up what papa had taught me.
C. Disappointingly, my mother gave birth to all girls.
D. My sister and I tried to escape.
E. I will always owe all success to him.
F. At first, my sister and I did not understand our father.
G. However, my mother didn't agree with him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In a strange example of “art inspires life”,the selfdrying jacket that Marty McFly wore in the movie,Back to the Future ,has actually become a reality. A model has already been created and a Kickstarter campaign plans to raise funds for mass production.

The jackets,named SDJ01,are classified as wearable tech,because of the inner air circulation(环流;循环) system that speeds the drying process from the inside out. Under normal circumstances,you can expect the jacket to dry in about 1-2 minutes after being exposed to rain or a spilled drink. If you jump into a pond to escape danger,it will probably take longer.

“Think of how quickly your clothes dry when you turn a standard fan on them. Now imagine how quickly breathable(透气的),water resistant(……) material dries when exposed to concentrated,highpressure air. In lab tests,our jacket consistently experienced noticeable drying effects after just 30 seconds,with the average time of about a minute to achieve a 90% drying effect,” explained Aaron Coleman,lead designer at Falyon Wearable Tech,which is producing the jacket.

“This is something that has been on my mind for years,” he said. He didn’t want it to be just a movie prop,but an actual usable jacket. “We wanted to follow the basic design of the jacket from the movie Back to the Future but update it a bit,adding more pockets for all the things people carry around these days.”

Eventually,Coleman and his team hit upon the perfect combination of water resistant material and highpressure air circulation to achieve complete drying in just one minute. The outer layer is made of water resistant nylon,with insulation(绝缘材料) made of polyester fibre on the inside. It dries itself through a couple of socalled “air amplifiers(放大器)” attached to the sides,which force more air through the jacket.

According to the makers,the SDJ01 is ideal for rainy days and spills,and the fans are perfect to cool off on days “when you’re just a little too warm,but it’s too cold to take off your jacket”.

1How long does the SDJ01 take to achieve a 90% drying effect,on average?

A. About 30 seconds.

B. About a minute.

C. About 1-2 minutes.

D. Longer than 2 minutes.

2According to Aaron Coleman,in what way is the design different,compared with the jacket in Back to the Future

A. The number of pockets.

B. The function of pockets.

C. The colour of pockets.

D. The shape of pockets.

3What is the main achievement by Coleman and his team in developing the SDJ01?

A. The noticeable drying effects of high pressure air on wet clothes.

B. The inner air circulation system can speed the drying process from the outside.

C. The perfect combination of water resistant material and highpressure air circulation.

D. The various functions of water resistant materials during rainy days and spills.

4What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The ideal design of a selfdrying jacket.

B. Marketing strategies for a selfdrying jacket.

C. The development of a selfdrying jacket.

D. A basic introduction to a selfdrying jacket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The latest study by the University of Florida has found that eating from smaller, less beautiful, and even paper plates will help prevent overeating. Eating with a fork instead of a spoon can help you lose weight, the researchers say. Much to their surprise, they find that putting mirrors in the dining room will also help reduce weight.
The researchers asked 185 college students to choose a chocolate cake or a fruit salad, and evaluated the taste. Those who ate in a room with a mirror scored the taste of junk food much lower than those in a room without a mirror. But the taste of fruit salad remained the same in any case.
Lead scientist, Dr. Ata Jami, says that a glance in the mirror tells people more than just about their physical appearance. It enables them to view themselves objectively (客观地) and helps them to judge themselves and their behavior in the same way that they judge other people.
The mirrors were found to push people to compare and match their own behavior with accepted social standards. The researchers believe it proves that people don't want to look in the mirror when they feel they are following the social standards. When they look in the mirror with mouths full of junk food, feelings of discomfort and failure can be increased. Therefore, the presence of the mirror lowers the taste of unhealthy food.
However, researchers say this is only the case if people select the food they are eating, because they are responsible for that choice. The researchers suggest that mirrors be placed in dining rooms and other eating spaces, so that people will start eating more healthily.
(1)Researchers are amazed to find that ______.
A.paper plates make food look nicer
B.people using a fork will eat more
C.mirrors can help people lose weight
D.people will eat more in front of a mirror
(2)What can be inferred from the study?
A.Some teenagers got involved in it.
B.People were required to eat with a spoon.
C.People preferred a chocolate cake to a fruit salad.
D.The mirror may not affect the taste of healthy food.
(3)According to Dr. Ata Jami, the mirror ______.
A.makes people judge others correctly
B.makes people well judge themselves
C.is a necessary part of people's daily life
D.can only show the appearance of a person
(4)How does the mirror affect the taste of junk food?
A.By making people hungry.
B.By showing the social standards.
C.By attracting people to healthy food.
D.By causing a feeling of discomfort.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Some of the world’s most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.

Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.

It’s Jason Moran’s job to help change that. As the Kennedy Center’s artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.

“Jazz seems like it’s not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radio’s reporter Neal Conan. “What I’m hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and write anymore. It’s actually color, and it’s actually digital.”

Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. “The music can’t be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same,” says Moran.

Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller’s music for a dance party, “Just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,” says Moran. “For me, it’s the recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight(感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,” says Moran, “so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster.”

1Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day?

A. To remember the birth of jazz.

B. To protect cultural diversity.

C. To encourage people to study music.

D. To recognize the value of jazz.

2What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Jazz becoming more accessible.

B. The production of jazz growing faster.

C. Jazz being less popular with the young.

D. The jazz audience becoming larger.

3What can we infer about Moran’s opinion on jazz?

A. It will disappear gradually.

B. It remains black and white.

C. It should keep up with the times.

D. It changes every 50 years.

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Exploring the Future of Jazz.

B. The Rise and Fall of Jazz.

C. The Story of a Jazz Musician.

D. Celebrating the Jazz Day.

