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86. Because he didn’t finish the work on time and was fired by company, he was very u _______about it.

87. I shouldn’t have eaten that big ice cream—I'm s__________(因…而痛苦)from a pain

   in my stomach now.

88. He _______ (忽略)the doctor's advice and continues smoking.

89. First he always said no to the plan, but later, supporters talked about the advantages of

   it all the time and f_______ he had to give in.

90. The small village was completely d __________by the earthquake. Everything was

   buried underground.

91. We are not satisfied with her__________ (态度)to the poor. She should say sorry to


92. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r_________ him immediately when

   I saw him in the crowd.

93. The poster of this movie says that the hero is b__________ on a brave solider in the

   Ming Dynasty.

94. He made repeated __________ (请求)for help but nobody noticed that.

95. Everybody, including the teacher found him reading a magazine when he suddenly

   __________ (爆发)out laughing during the class.

86. upset      87.suffering    88. ignores    89. fianally    90. destroyed  

91. attitude    92. recognize   93. based     94.requests     95. burst


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)

81. There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands in the north, and fish are a______ in the seas and rivers. 

82. The government issued a statement c______ the bombing which killed hundreds of innocent citizens.

83. Please tell me how to d______ a poisonous snake from a harmless snake.

84. He made a lot of scientific discoveries that he shared with the world, p ______ in the field of astronomy.

85. There is a t______ in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a lot of money.

86. The Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ______ (从……到……) from the 13th century to the 19th century.

87. One reason for this is that most ______ (传统) film festivals show films from a variety of countries.

88. Our guests today are _______ (代表) from six of the major international film festivals.

89. The sad thing is that although Van Gogh ______ (奉献) his whole self to painting, he only sold one painting

before he died.

90. ______ (相反) to my expectation, present at the party were a group of young people who called themselves

pioneers of modern art.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



81. The city is s________ (位于) on the west bank of Mississippi river.    81. ________________

82. One of the basic needs in many d________ (发展中的) countries

 is water.                                                                                     82. ________________

83. The wind blew more and more v________ (猛烈地).                        83. ________________

84. Children should be educated to be good c________ (公民).                84. ________________

85. Confucius is the philosopher whose i________ (影响) has been

the greatest.                                                                                 85. ________________

86. The report p________ (预测) that the more jobs would be lost

in the coal industry.                                                                             86. ________________

87. You should ask for a r________ (收据) when taking a taxi.                87. ________________

88. I only wear this suit for f________ (正式的) dinners.                        88. ________________

89. We s________ (支持) the police strongely in their work against crime.      89. ________________

90. The H1N1 viruses are u________ (不可能) to lead to large numbers

of deaths.                                                                                           90. ________________


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省20092010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:单词拼写





第四部分 书面表达(共三节,满分40分)

第一节 单词拼写:根据句意及汉语提示,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式(每小题1分,共10分。)

81.Let’s _____________ (结合) my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.

82.---Do you like smoking?

---On the _____________ ,(相反) I hate it .

83.It’s bad ____________ (礼貌) to stare at others when speaking .

84.It’s _______________ (难以置信的)that such a little boy should work out so difficult a problem while many adults can’t.

85.As a student, we should know exactly what are our _________ (优势)and our weaknesses.

86._______ (好奇的),Wang Lin went into the police station to seek for more about the accident.

87.Would you mind ____________ (提醒) me to pay a visit to London next Sunday?

88.As you ________(走近)the town, the first building you see is the church.[来源:学+科+网]

89.___________ (speak) language as well as body gestures helps us communicate with each other better.

90.You need to talk with Jane to clear the _________ (misunderstand) between you.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:单词拼写



81. I will ________(简要地)share some interesting facts and stories with you.

82. A lot of newly-planted young trees were d__________ in the typhoon. 

83. During the festivals, the ___________(商业的)centers are crowded with people. 

84.  Your v___________ is too small; you need to learn more words.

85. After 32 years’ ________(缺席), China returned to the Olympic Games in 1984.

86. PSAs are often placed for free and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public w__________.

87. It is our duty to make c_____________ to protecting the environment.

88. All of us finally agreed to his plan because of his p____________ language.

89. The campaign is i ____________to educate the public to protect the environment.

90. I’m sorry those coats are not ____________(可获得的,可买到的) in your color and size.


