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1.The school shop, _____________________customers are students, is closed during the holidays. (majority)


2.With the arrival of autumn, those naughty leaves _____________________ to run back to their mother. (alternative)


3.If the profit of the four state-owned banks hadn’t been influenced, they __________ Yu Ebao, teaming up with each other. (resist)


4._________________the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows, or Xiangsheng shows have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries. (date)


5.Widely _________mothers-in-law in China, the attitude “no house, no marriage” has contributed a lot to the high housing price and the pressure on young men. (adopt)


6.As the square-dance is popular, ______________ the noise of it increasingly becomes a great concern to all involved in it. (deal)


7.________________ in A Bite of China was the fantastic music carefully chosen by the music editors. (appeal)


8.Tonny bear, as well as his friends, ____________ the importance of communication since the fierce quarrel. (aware)


9.As far as they are concerned, by no means __________ with Japan unless they apologize for their inappropriate behavior. (compromise)


10.______ the boy that the affair was likely to be a kind of commercial exploitation. (occur)



1.the majority of whose

2.have no alternative but

3.wouldn’t have resisted

4.Dating from / back to

5.adopted by

6.how to deal with

7.What appealed to us most

8.has been aware of

9.should China compromise / make a compromise

10.It (suddenly) occurred to



1.the majority of whose 从结构可知此处是非限制性定语从句,根据汉语提示可知填the majority of whose。

2.have no alternative but 固定短语:have no alternative but to do “别无选择只好做某事”。

3.wouldn’t have resisted 根据前句的谓语动词可知此处是对过去的虚拟,主句用would have

done ,根据提示填wouldn’t have resisted 。

4.Dating from / back to 固定短语: date back to 或者date from 意思是“追溯到”,从结构可知此处是做状语,应该用现在分词,填Dating from / back to

5.adopted by 从结构可知此处是做状语,和句子主语之间是被动关系,根据汉语提示可知填adopted by。

6.how to deal with 根据汉语提示可知填how to deal with。

7.What appealed to us most 从结构可知此处缺少主语,根据汉语提示可知填What appealed to us most。

8.has been aware of 根据句中的since短语可以判断该句用现在完成时,固定短语:be aware of “意识到”,故答案填has been aware of。

9.should China compromise / make a compromise “by no means” 位于句首时句子应该用部分倒装语序,根据提示可知填should China compromise / make a compromise。

10.It (suddenly) occurred to 固定句型:It occurs to sb that +从句“某人突然想到某事”,答案填It (suddenly) occurred to。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南浏阳、醴陵、攸县三校高三联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary _______as a secretary in this company for twenty years and now she stays at home taking care of her own garden.

A. has served B. had served

C. is serving D. served



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北黄冈高三9月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It isn't wise to spend all your salary every month. Keep some money _____ just in case.

A. in store B. in return

C. in need D. in trouble



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北黄冈蕲春第一高级中学高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

As soon as I saw the cat in our yard, I knew he was a stray (流浪儿). He looked —a wounded warrior with a badly scarred (有伤疤的) body.

I started putting out food for him each day, but he wouldn’t come near me if other people were . Winter came, and he still wouldn’t us. Then, one day, a car hit him so we took him to the


After a week, we were eager to bring him home to our family. But when we went to take the cat home, the vet told us we should put him to immediately because the cat was so fierce and meant that he would become tame (驯服的), let alone a pet.

But I have always had in love’s power to even the wildest beasts. I told the vet, “I want to take him home.” We him Paws.

Three days went by, and we only knew Paws was the bed because when we walked past it we heard deep growling.

I wanted to somehow let him know he was and loved. So I put on a hard hat and a pair of welding gloves. I under the bed toward Paws, with my face to the and only the top of my head facing him. I out to stroke (抚摩) him gently over and over again.

He growled and tried to and bite me. It was scary—but I knew he couldn’t me, so I just kept going. Slowly, he began to . Then I slid out from under the bed and left the room.

Several hours later, I noticed a cat on the bed. It was Paws—all on the pillows! I couldn’t believe it.

That dear cat became the of our household. Although Paws finally died of cancer, his legacy(遗赠)—my and firm belief in the power of love—lives on.

1.A. cute B. strong C. fierce D. smart

2.A. around B. in C. out D. away

3.A. love B. attack C. refuse D. trust

4.A. please B. join C. see D. satisfy

5.A. death B. sight C. observation D. sleep

6.A. simply B. hardly C. easily D. gradually

7.A. sense B. interest C. faith D. feeling

8.A. comfort B. convince C. protect D. tame

9.A. named B. appointed C. accepted D. made

10.A. on B. beside C. under D. inside

11.A. hopeful B. pitiful C. careful D. safe

12.A. hid B. slid C. sheltered D. slept

13.A. bed B. sky C. floor D. feet

14.A. turned B. reached C. pulled D. picked

15.A. play B. scratch C. touch D. push

16.A. hurt B. bother C. avoid D. leave

17.A. get angry B. give up C. run away D. calm down

18.A. stepped out B. stood out C. spread out D. stuck out

19.A. hope B. love C. support D. comfort

20.A. normal B. noble C. strange D. continued



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北黄冈蕲春第一高级中学高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Exposed to dishonest advertisements every day, we sometimes can hardly ______two similar products and thus we are in a dilemma where we don’t know which to buy.

A. acquire B. distinguish

C. calculate D. predict



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省荆门市高二下期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It’s still there, the Vietnamese school where my brother and I used to go. Even with a new coat of paint and the high wire fence, the school I knew ten years ago remains the same.

Every day at 5 p.m., instead of flying kites with our friends, my brother and I had to go to Vietnamese school. No amount of kicking, screaming, or arguing could stop my mother, who was determined to have us learn the language of our culture. She held us by the collar and walked with us the seven long, hilly blocks from our home to school, leaving our tearful faces before the front of the school.

We all sat in little chairs in a big empty room, which had a slight smell of old clothes that had been stored for a long time. I hated that smell. There was a stage far to the right, with an American flag on one side and the flag of the Republic of Vietnam on the other side.

Although the school mainly taught language ---- speaking, reading, dictation ---- the lessons always began with an exercise in politeness. With the entrance of the teacher, the best student would tap a bell and everyone would get up, and say in Vietnamese, "How are you, teacher?"

The language always made me embarrassed. More often than not, I had tried to separate myself from the loud voice that followed me whenever I went to the American supermarket outside our area. The voice belonged to my grandmother, a small old woman who could shout louder than anyone on the street. Her Vietnamese was quick, it was loud, and it was not beautiful.

In our area, the comings and goings of hundreds of Vietnamese on their daily tasks sounded crazy. I did not want to be thought of as being mad, as talking stupid. When I spoke English, people nodded at me, smiled and encouraged me. Even Vietnamese people would laugh and say that I’d do well in life.

My brother was even stricter than I about speaking English. He was especially cruel towards my mother, scolding her for her poor English. Bits of Vietnamese were often mixed in her conversation.

After two years of struggle, I finally divorced my culture. I was permitted to stop Vietnamese school. I thought of myself as American. At last, I thought I was one of you; I wasn’t one of them.

Sadly, I am only an American.

1.What can be learned from the passage?

A. The author’s brother liked learning Vietnamese.

B. The author’s mother taught him English at home.

C. The author’s mother put her sons in a language school in Vietnam.

D. The author didn’t like learning Vietnamese when he was young.

2.The author often felt embarrassed because ________.

A. his Vietnamese was not beautiful enough

B. his grandma spoke Vietnamese loudly in public

C. he could not fly kites like other kids at school

D. his mother always treated him rudely in the market

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author feels ________.

A. regretful B. peaceful C. satisfied D. frightened

4.What’s the theme of the passage?

A. It is important to adapt to a new environment.

B. It is important to remember your childhood.

C. It is important to appreciate your own culture.

D. It is important to learn a foreign language.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省荆门市高二下期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

At the annual meeting, the mayor of Jingmen Xiao Juhua urged the related departments to take _______ measures to ensure equal rights for migrant children.

A. apparent B. effective C. elegant D. reasonable



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北浠水实验高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If I had known my life was going to ______ like this, I would have let them kill me.

A. find out B. turn out

C. give out D. work out



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高三第一次适应性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My boss required so much of me, so I believed that he was _____ being satisfied with my job though I had tried my best.

A. next to B. subject to C. far from D. away from


