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14.From his ________ voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.(  )

分析 从他电话里的感到满意的声音我知道一切都在进行中.

解答 答案是C.本题考查分词做定语的用法.题干中需要的是定语,D项名词satisfaction不做定语,所以排除;satisfactory表示"令人满意的",修饰物,所以排除A;还要关注satisfying 和satisfied的区别:说明"(人)感到…满意的状态"用过去分词,说明"(物) 令人…满意的特性"用现在分词;所以用satisfied说明"他感到满意",所以答案选择C.

点评 在非谓语动词的解题中要在掌握其基本用法的基础上关注并积累一些固定用法,结合具体语境做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

4.假设你是校报编辑李华,拟招聘一名校报英文版编辑,请用英文以"An English Editor Wanted"为题写一则招聘启事.内容要点如下:
3.参考词汇:栏目 column;编辑部editorial office
An English Editor Wante
Our school newspaper is in great need of an editor for its English edition,whose job is to pick out and edit the English articles from students and design the English columns.(高分句型一)(描述工作情况)
Anyone who wants to apply for the job must meet the following requirements:First,he/she should be good at English and drawing.Second,he/she should be able to operate the computer skillfully.Third,he/she should show a willingness to give up some of his/her spare time to serve the students.(提出能力要求)
Those who are interested in the job and meet the requirements please get in touch with the editorial office of the school newspaper before next Friday.(高分句型二).
Editorial Office.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

5.假设你班最近举行了一次班会,讨论怎样使英语学习变成一件快乐的事.请根据 提示信息,为某英语网站写一篇短文,谈谈你们的讨论情况并提出你的建议.
注意:1.词数100 字左右;

Recently,we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun.Most students believe that there are many ways to do so.First of all.We can have more interactive activities in class,such as discussions,interviews,story-telling and role-play.In this way,we can have more fun learning English.Secondly,we can take part in more out-of-class activities like English speech contest and English evenings.Thirdly,we need to find more opportunities to communicate in English with people,whether they are English teachers or classmates,foreigners or Chinese,because using English is the best way to learn.
These ideas sound reasonable and practical.From my experience,there are many other interesting and relaxing ways.For example,we can listen to English songs and watch English movies.We can also watch English programs on TV or join English clubs or make English pen-friends on the Internet.All in all,what we need is more free time and more space..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Loneliness has been linked to depression(抑郁)and other health problems.Now,a study says it can also spread.A friend of a lonely person was fifty-two percent more likely to develop feelings of loneliness.And a friend of that friend was twenty-five percent more likely to do the same.
Earlier findings showed that happiness,obesity(肥胖) and the ability to stop smoking can also spread like infections within social groups.The findings all come from a major health study in the American town of Framingham,Massachusetts.
The study began in 1948 to investigate the causes of heart disease.Since then,more tests have been added,including measures of loneliness and depression.
The new findings involved more than five thousand people in the second generation of the Framingham Heart Study.The researchers examined friendship histories and reports of loneliness.The results established a pattern that spread as people reported fewer close friends.
For example,loneliness can affect relationships between next-door neighbors.The loneliness spreads as neighbors who were close friends now spend less time together.The study also found that loneliness spreads more easily among women than men.
The average person is said to experience feelings of loneliness about forty-eight days a year.The study found that having a lonely friend can add about seventeen days.But every additional friend can decrease loneliness by two and a half days.
Lonely people become less and less trusting of others.This makes it more and more difficult for them to make friends-and more likely that society will reject(排斥)them.
John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago led the study.He says it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness.He says people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social networks.
57.As an average person,if you have 2 more common friends,how many days a year might you suffer from loneliness?D
A.48 days.B.17 days.C.65 days.D.43 days.
58.What can we infer from the passage about lonely people?C
A.They can overcome loneliness themselves.
B.They will decrease loneliness day by day.
C.They are in great need of help from people around.
D.They can help others to repair their social networks.
59.What's the best way to help lonely people according to this passage?B
A.Put them together.B.Make friends with them.
C.Help them stop smoking.D.Ask them to loose weight.
60.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?B
A.Loneliness-The Cause of Depression
B.How Loneliness Can Affect Social Networks
C.Loneliness-A Serious Social Problem
D.How People Can Help A Lonely Person.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.The Proposal is an American romantic comedy film.Although predictable,it's surprisingly enjoyable and completely charmin9.The story goes as follows.
Margaret is the chief editor in a book publishing company in the U.S.Her workers strongly dislike her for she doesn't bear anything less from perfection.Margaret is Canadian and she's been working in the US without a proper visa(签证). After learning she is being deported(驱逐)to Canada,she forces her assistant,Andrew,to marry her.Andrew wants to get his own book published,so he agrees to marry Margaret in return for the editorship and publication.
The two spend the weekend with his parents in Sitka.Alaska in order to sell the lie,where they will be attending the birthday party of Andrew's grandmother.Margaret is not receptive to Alaska.As they have to act as if they were a real couple in front of Andrew's family,a series of funny things happen during this vacation.However,during the wedding ceremony,Margaret decides she cannot marry Andrew and confesses the business arrangement in front of everyone.including Mr.Gilbertson,who informs her she has twenty-four hours to
get back to Canada.Andrew then rushes to New York and shows up at the office where he expresses his love for Margaret,proposing marriage all over again as he"wants to date Margaret".The two go to Mr.Gilbertson once more to get engaged,this time"for real".
The Proposal is directed by Anne Fletcher and stars Sandra Bullock (Margaret)and Ryan Reynolds(Andrew).Teaming up with Ryan Reynolds for the first time brought out the best in Bullock.and it made Reynolds seem even more attractive than usual.

57.Margaret forces Andrew to marry her because sheD.
A.wants to publish her own book    
B.admires Andrew's talent as an editor
C.1ikes the business of Andrew's family 
D.is going to be sent back to Canada
58.What can we learn about Margaret?B
A.She and Andrew pretend to be a couple all the time.
B.She is actually unwilling to travel to Alaska.
C.She can't stand Andrew's seriousness.
D.She gets on quite well with her workers.
59.The director of the film isA.
A.Anne Fletcher    B.Margaret    C.Ryan Reynolds     D.Andrew
60.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.The Proposal was Ryan Reynolds'first film
B.Andrew's family like Margaret once they see her
C.Margaret and Andrew finally fall in love with each other
D.Bullock was the best actress Reynolds had worked with.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.It is requested that the reporter ____ to blame for the wrong report.(  )
A.referring toB.referring to as
C.referred to beD.referred to being


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6._____ more and more students graduating from college,it is harder for them to find suitable jobs.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.An 8.8magnitude earthquake struck Chile on 27 Feb,2010.More than 300 people are reported(72)killed(kill) in Chile after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake hit the South American nation early Saturday,(73)causing(cause)considerable destruction as well,and creating tsunami warnings across the Pacific Ocean.
Rescuers worked frantically for hours to help survivors of the quake (74)which/thatcentered 100 kilometers from the city of Concepcion but caused damage and deaths in several parts of Chile.
Homes,buildings and bridges collapsed or caught fire,cars(75)were overturned(overturn),and the main international airport had to be shut down because of damage.One survivor said it was terrible.She said she thought she was not(76)scared(scare)of earthquakes but then,she says,it looked as if everything was going to collapse.There were at least eight aftershocks and tidal waves of up(77)totwo meters that hit Chile's coast.Residents in lowlying areas and living on islands off the mainland tried to flee(78)tohigher ground.Chile experiences many earthquakes but the early Saturday natural disaster was(79)oneof its most severe (剧烈的).Thorne Lay,a geoph ysicist at the University of California,Santa Cruz,said it was much stronger than(80)theone that caused devastation(废墟)in Haiti last month,but probably less(81)destructive(destroy),because of where it was centered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.He made so rapid progress that he was praised by all.so改为such.

