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The team has worked hard and its efforts have been ____with success.

A. awarded B. rewarded

C. pleased D. filled


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏南通、扬州、泰州高三第二次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Dad, I am not playing the piano as well as before.

— Take it easy. You are just ______.

A. out of sight B. out of control

C. out of practice D. out of place


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北宜昌一中高二3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I’ve ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty forces will come to your aid.

Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.

Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas — even physical strength greater than most of us realize.

Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting(面对) a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet— and stopped him cold.”

Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be acquired overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks and disappointments in life; Boldness in itself is no guarantee of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.

So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities—and you’ll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.

1.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?

A. He faced huge risks.

B. Fear prevented him from trying.

C. He lacked mighty forces.

D. Failure blocked his way to success.

2.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part?

A. Act slightly above your abilities.

B. Swallow more than you can digest.

C. Develop more mysterious powers.

D. Learn to make creative decisions.

3.What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game?

A. His physical strength. B. His basic skill.

C. His spiritual force. D. His real fear.

4.What can be learned from Paragraph 5?

A. Boldness can be gained little by little.

B. Confidence grows more rapidly in adults.

C. Trying without success is meaningless.

D. Repeated failure creates a better life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆生产建设兵团二中高一上期末考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A modern city has been set up in______ was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. where B. which

C. that D. what


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆生产建设兵团二中高一上期末考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is not much money left, but ________ we must manage to buy the new house.

A. somehow B. somewhat

C. however D. anyway


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北沙市高二下第三次半月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.No one shall have the _____________ (特权) of transcending(超越) the law, including Mr. President.

2.Of course, all students want to increase their knowledge, but I believe that most students today want that knowledge to be ______________(relevance)to their future careers.

3.To our relief, medicine, food and clothes ______________________(distribution) to the refugees in the camp by volunteers right now.

4.I am__________(death)to know what will happen at the end of the film.

5.To our regret, the research is finishing, because the money is dried_______.

6.Describe an occasion__________ you made yourself embarrassed in public.

7.We climbed up a mountain to a ridge, from _________ we had fantastic views.

8.Mary is the tutor of my life, without _________ guidance I wouldn’t have reached the bank of success.

9.Seeing her ________________(frighten) look, I suddenly realized something unusual had happened.

10.The leading actor is such a charming and elegant man _______ most of women admire very much.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水一中高二下第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假设你校英语报正在征集一篇介绍名人生平的文章。请根据以下表格写一篇稿件向校报投稿,简要介绍德国作曲家贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven)












1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:composer 作曲家 symphony交响乐 masterpiece 作品。


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建三明一中高一下第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Nola is a 41-year-old northern white rhino(犀牛) that lives at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido, California. She is one of only four remaining northern white rhinos in the world, and the only one in the western part of the earth. The other three live in Kenya(肯尼亚).

Rhinos have lived on earth for more than 40 million years, but they are now at the risk of dying out. Hunters illegally hunt rhinos for their horns(角), which are used for art, jewelry, and decorations. They sell the horns for thousands of dollars per pound, though it is not allowed by law. Rhino horns are also prized as a key part in traditional medicine, even though scientific tests have proven that the horns cannot cure illnesses. Experts say that every eight hours, one rhino will be hunted.

Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent rhinos from dying out. In 1975, the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research started the Frozen Zoo, a program through which researchers have collected cell samples(细胞样品) from more than 8,000 different animal species until now, including the northern white rhino. Scientists hope that by studying the rhino cells, they will gain greater understanding of the species, and will find ways to increase its number.

Jeanne Loring works with the Frozen Zoo. Loring’s research focuses on pluripotent stem cells, which are cells that can renew and become any cell type. Loring’s lab at TSRI is working together with scientist Oliver Ryder of the San Diego Zoo to use pluripotent stem cells to try to increase the number of the northern white rhino. Loring said the goal is to start producing new rhinos through this method over the next couple of years.

1.We know from Paragraph 1 that northern white rhinos __________.

A. can live a very long life

B. will die out within a few years

C. have become seriously endangered

D. mainly live in the western part of the earth

2.What can we learn about rhinos from Paragraph 2?

A. Their meat is of great value.

B. They haven’t attracted much attention.

C. Their horns have been used to save lives.

D. Human activity greatly reduced their number.

3.What was the Frozen Zoo started for?

A. Studying the rhino cells.

B. Collecting cell samples from plants.

C. Preventing rhinos from being hunted.

D. Studying animals to help them survive.

4.We learn that pluripotent stem cells __________.

A. can be easily stored

B. don’t exist in all animals

C. can reproduce in a new form

D. are dangerous to normal cells


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西高安市高二下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The word dream is probably heard most frequently from people in show business, where everyone dreams of standing under the spotlight and being somebody. But the truth is that most end up being nobodies. Hong Kong director Derek Yee’s latest film“ I Am Somebody” shows respect for these unknown extras(群众演员)in the film industry.

In the film, Wan Guopeng, son of a woodcutter, comes a long way from the Northeast with only 1,000 yuan to the dream factory of the East to become an actor. In real life, when the young man was chosen by the director to play the leading role, he had only 20 yuan left but still hadn’t considered giving up.

Famous Hong Kong actor Tony Leung remembered that 30 years ago, he was a salesman but knew that it was not the kind of life he wanted to live. “Wan is exactly like me back then…Only when I was in an acting training course did I realize that what I wanted to be was an actor, not a star winning the best actor awards.”

Yee chose real nobodies to play themselves in the movie. Their strength was their deep understanding of the feelings of the characters they played. But the disadvantage was also obvious: They lacked acting skills. When emotional performances were needed, their expressions and moves seemed unnatural.

The entertainment industry might be the field with the most broken hearts and most efforts gone in vain. Here luck, opportunity and physical appearance are probably much more important than hard work.

In the film, Qin Peijun, a survivor from a coal mine collapse(煤矿坍塌), goes all out to take hold of every possibility to appear in the lens of the camera, even if only as an extra. However, it is obviously much harder for him to realize the dream of becoming a professional actor than for Wang Zhao, who is a lazy bone with a pretty face.

Some critical comments are directed at the sudden inversion(反转) in the last part of the film. The two leading actors’ happy endings seem to disagree with the film’s realistic style. But anyway, this movie is not a documentary but a way to reinforce(硬化) that every brave heart deserves to have their dreams realized.

1.Which of the following can best describe Wan Guopeng?

A. Determined. B. Careful.

C. Intelligent. D. Easy-going.

2.Derek Yee chose real nobodies to play in the film because____.

A. he respected these people

B. they knew well about the characters

C. he needed emotional performances

D. they asked for less money

3.What does the underlined phrase “in vain” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Wrongly. B. Secretly.

C. Without success. D. Without consideration.

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. It’s OK to be nobody.

B. It’s really hard to become a successful actor.

C. Live the dreams.

D. Be a person of dreams.

