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     “One thing I enjoy about my job is that I can i work on something that is actually active,” says Game McGimsey,an American volcanologist ( 火山学家) .Part of his job includes keeping an eye ; on Alaska's many active volcanoes and giving  people a heads-up when a volcano might erupt(喷发) . 

     Like most jobs in the sciences,volcanology 1requires a lot of education. McGimsey received an undergraduate degree in geology at the University of North Carolina,then landed an zw 纪(实习 期) with a geologist at the (美国地质勘探 局) whose area of expertise was volcanoes. After earning a graduate degree at the University of Colorado,McGimsey accepted a job with the USGS and has been with the Alaska Volcano Observatory for 25 years. 

       Volcanoes can influence the world in ways we might not think about. For example,on Dec. 15,1989,a 747 jetliner (a large airplane) flew through a thick ash (灰) cloud、produced by Mount Redoubt,an Alaskan volcano that hadn,t erupted in 25 years. The ash caused all four   engines to die,and the plane5 s electronics went dead.a  The plane was within several thousand feet of flying into the mountains below when the pilots gpt 教 couple of the engines restarted and landed safely in Anchorage,” McGimsey says. It cost nearly $80 million to repair the damage to the plane.

       Such situations show just how dangerous volcanoes can be. However,volcanologists know the risks and are prepared to protect themselves.

    “There is certainly a higher danger level in volcanology than some other jobs”’ McGimsey admits. aWe understand how serious the danger is,and we don't like taking unnecessary chances. We avoid getting too close to an erupting volcano,because it's not worth injury or death simply to get a rock or photograph."

32. Before working for the USGS,McGimsey

   A. had been a pilot for 25 years

   B. knewnothing about the organization

   C. had taught at the University of North Carolina

   D. had studied at the University of Colorado

33. On Dec. 15,1989,a 747 jetliner

   A. had all its engines restarted

   B. flew into a volcano in Europe

   C. survived an air accident luckily

   D. disappeared in a huge ash cloud

34. What McGimsey says in the last paragraplv

shows his .

   A. pride           B. carefulness

   C. loneliness          D. doubt

35. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Game McGimsey: a man of his word

   B. Game McGimsey: a volcano watcher

   C. The eruption of Mount Redoubt

   D. Lost land of the volcano

32. D 33. C 34. B 35. B

32. D.细节理解题。由第二段中的 After earning a graduate degree at the University of Colorado,McGimsey accepted a job with the USGS 可知, McGimsey在为美国地质勘探局工作 之前在科罗拉多大学就读,故选D 项。

33. C.细节理解题。由第三、四段中的 内容可知,这架喷气客机由于不慎飞 入火山灰云中,四台引擎全部熄火。 最后,在险些冲入大山中的紧要关 头,部分引擎得以重启才安全降落, 故选C项。

34. B.推理判断题。由该段中的We avoid getting too close ... to get a rock or a photograph 可知,McGimsey 明白 这份工作时刻都存在着危险,所以他 会非常小心,故选B项。 

35. B.标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了 Game McGimsey作为一名火山学家 的相关情况,故选B项。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第36期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Susan' s always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight.

Susan's always  .but she never seems to lose any weight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. I didn t know this sound came from.

6. Look at the house. This is the famous scientist once lived.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你是李华,你的英国朋友玛丽目前在你市某所中 学作交换生。她对京剧很感兴趣,因此你决定邀清她本周 《

六下午在大剧院观看京剧《花木兰。请根据 以下提示,给她写•封电子邮件。

1. 提出邀请并简述原因; 

2. 提出观剧后活动建议(如品尝特色小吃等) ; 

3. 期待对方问复。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾己给出,但不计入

     总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mary,

      I have good news to tell you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                    Not next to me,please!

    When you are traveling by plane,there are some passengers you just don't want to have next to you.

A 36 

  Perhaps you normally like them,but when you are sitting next to them oil a plane it's a different thing. They usually spend all the flight(飞 行) moving around and dropping their toys on the floor,and when they,re drinking their orange juice it ends up on your trousers. 37 So you can't have the little sleep that you were planning.

B Conversation makers

  You recognize this type as soon as you sit down. They immediately start talking about the plane,or the weather,or they ask you a personal question. It s very difficult not to talk to these people. 38  

C Nervous fliers

These are the people with white faces who sit down and immediately ask for something to drink. Every five minutes they call a flight attendant (服务员) to ask if there are any problems with the

plane. 39 The best thing to do is to pretend to sleep.

D Space invaders

   40 But they have a terrible habit of taking up all their room,and some of your room too. They usually sit so that you can’t move,with their arms and legs in your space.

   A. Small children

   B. Careless parents

   C. They also tell you about air disasters.

   D. These people are not necessarily very big.

   E. Then they decide they want to play with you.

   F. Some people want to talk all through the flight.

   G. You’11 probably have to keep talking until the

    plane lands.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Don’t disturb her; she (正在苦苦思索这个

问题) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I didn t sleep well that night,but it was my own f.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.(衣衫褴褛的孩子们) begged for money from the tourists.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 上周我很幸运地有机会见到这位举世闻名的科学家。

Last week I was lucky enough         to meet the world-famous scientist.

