精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1】【1How was the weather last weekend?

A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.

2】【2What does the woman like to do on Sunday?

A. Do some reading. B. Enjoy concerts. C. Go to the cinema.

3】【3What time does the man usually get up on Sunday?

A. At about 6 o’clock. B. At about 7 o’clock. C. At about 10 o’clock.

4】【4What do we know about the man?

A. He dislikes spending much time cooking. B. He doesn’t care what he eats.

C. He isn’t good at cooking.












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


As I tried describing Thanksgiving Day to my in-laws (姻亲) in China, I could already see their eyes cloud over with 1 (confuse) and sense the questions arising in their minds. So I attempted 2 (translate) the holiday through things they were familiar with. I described the roast turkey as something similar 3 Beijing duck. I compared the annual Thanksgiving show to the 4 (year) Spring Festival Gala (联欢会) on Chinese New Year’s Eve. And I characterized 5 entire celebration as an American version of Winter Solstice (冬至) in China. Yet as much as my in-laws 6 (nod) and smiled, I recognized that even these explanations were a poor substitute. No words could fully describe the Thanksgiving celebrations :I had known in the US.

This 7 (be) the kind of disappointment you face in cross-cultural communication. Despite all the differences, we can still sit down together and have heart-to-heart 8(discussion) about each other’s traditions. So in the spirit of my American holiday, I silently gave a moment of thanks for 9 (have) in China such great in-laws, 10 cared enough to listen to their foreign daughter-in-law talk about Thanksgiving Day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the main purpose of the loud noises?

A.To warn people outdoors to get inside.

B.To get people's attention inside their homes.

C.To inform people without radios about danger.

2Who decides to turn on the system?

A.Local media.

B.Local officials.

C.The national weather service.

3Where does the speaker advise people to go after hearing a warning?

A.To a window.

B.To a public shelter.

C.To the middle of a building.

4What is the main topic of the talk?

A.A weather report.

B.A warning system.

C.The safety steps in bad weather.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1Who lost the job yesterday?

A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman’s mum.

2】【2What does the woman think about the unemployment rate?

A. There are more jobs than workers.

B. Women are at a disadvantage position in the job market.

C. Four percent of unemployed people are women.

3】【3What does the man suggest?

A. Wait for the market to improve. B. Apply for jobs online.

C. Do baby-sitting in the community.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1What is the woman doing?

A. Preparing for a party. B. Visiting a doctor. C. Enjoying some music.

2】【2What does the man mean in the end?

A. His brother is busy on Saturday. B. His brother has got a bad cold again.

C. His brother is too young to play at the party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Oral English , also known as spoken English , is the form of English that is used when people are speaking to one another . Students who are learning English as a second language often feel uncomfortable using oral English because they fear that they will not be understood . It is important that a person who is learning to speak English practice using the language . 1Listening is important to learning spoken English . 2Pay attention to conversations that happen around you while you are shopping . Watch the news every evening while you have supper .Part of learning spoken English is in understanding how English words are formed . Watch the mouths and tongues of native English speakers carefully . 3Notice how the lips form certain sounds . Imitate ( 模仿)what you see . Rent movies over the weekend . Try to follow the story line of comedy shows . 4Not having to respond in English lets you concentrate on simply understanding what is being said . Understanding how English is used in conversation will help you to better communicate in the language . 5When you are reading , pay more attention to the correct pronunciation of the words you are reading rather than comprehension of each word . Read easy books that were written for children . Reading simple books takes away the frustration of sounding out hard words .

A. Read out loud for twenty to thirty minutes every day .

B. Listen to English radio while getting ready in the morning .

C. Observe how much the mouth is opened to say certain words .

D. Find a friend or teacher who is willing to help you learn English .

E. Repeat the conversations several times to increase your speaking speed .

F. Watching TV shows and movies allows you to hear English used in conversation .

G. The more a person practices his or her skills , the more easily speaking English will become .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman want to do?

A. Go to an eventB. Do some shopping.C. Take a photo

2Why does the man refuse to change the shirt?

A. He likes the pocket in it.B. He has nothing else to wear.C. He thinks it is his lucky shirt.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

When I was1 teenager, I worked part-time at my uncle's pub.

One day, a man walked into the pub and 2 (order) three beers. But just one of them3 (drink) by him. I was confused. The next day that man ordered three beers again and drank one of them4 (quiet) at the table. He did the same thing every time he came to the pub.

One day, I asked the man5 he ordered three beers and just drank one. The man replied,“It seems strange, isn't it? You see, my two brothers live abroad at the moment. We have had an6(agree) that every time we go to a pub, each of 7 (we) will order two extra beers.”

A few weeks later, the man came to the pub again, but he ordered only two beers, not three as usual. I was8(surprise) and thought that one of his brothers might have died. But when I asked him why he just ordered two beers, the man said,“I talked9my brother Tom on the phone yesterday. He had promised to give up10(drink).”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,最近你的美国笔友Jack发来邮件说他的第一部小说出版了,并给你寄来了样书(sample copy)。请用英语给他回一封邮件,主要内容如下:






Dear Jack,










Li Hua

