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10.Businesses are witnessing a difficult time,which has in turn produced influence on consumers'desire to go green.However,shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns.
Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago,while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.
This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves.And the companies should still make efforts to become more environmentally friendly.Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies,with about one in seven saying that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a company's environmental reputation was not good enough.
Harry Morrison,chief executive of the Carbon Trust,sympathizes:"I understand this situation where survival is very important now.But from environmental considerations,the clock is ticking-we don't have much time.In addition,cutting carbon emission (排放) has an immediate effect as costs drop and a medium-term benefit for the brand."
Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint,as new rules next year will require businesses to buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions.Those that have taken early action will have a head start.More than two thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible.This suggests that firms that are able to convey clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers.
The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good work companies are doing."When companies are granted the standard,they can use a logo in all their marketing,which makes it clear that they are working towards cutting emissions,"Mr.Morrison said.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12WORDS.)

78.According to the passage,what is likely to influence shops on what to sell?Customers'environmental concerns
79.A company may lose its regular customers unlessit is environmentally responsible.
80.According to Harry Morrison,businesses will benefit fromcutting carbon emission.
81.According to the last two paragraphs,companies can gain advantages byinforming customers about what they are doing towards cutting emissions.

分析 本文为说明文.介绍环保意识的普遍提高同时促使一些公司去开展节能节排.

解答 78.Customers'environmental concerns/Customers'awareness of environmental considerations and effects
79.It is environmentally responsible/It enjoys environmental reputation.根据第三段可以看出如果一个公司在环保上损失信誉,消费者是不考虑它的产品的.
80.cutting carbon emission  第四段"In addition,cutting carbon emission (排放) has an immediate effect as costs drop and a medium-term benefit for the brand"告诉我们公司致力于节能节排可以促进公司长远的利益.
81.informing customers about what they are doing towards cutting emissions/taking actions to cut emission and informing customers about it

点评 阅读表达要求学生在理解文章大意的基础上,将问题的信息答案进行组合,力求用最准确的句子来表达所需答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Mr.Sawyer staysat home every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Radio began as a point-to-point communication device.In 1919,Radio Corporation of American would charge a fee if you sent a message from one radio to another.Either the senders or the recipients pay the fee.The purpose was basically to undercut the telegraph,and they made their money(51)C,not by providing radio as a (52)B but by selling hardware.
In about 1922,radio (53)A into a broadcast mechanism.For broadcasting,in the simple sense,there was a(54)D and it broadcast,and lots of people could hear it.But broadcasting was seen as a way to drive business to the radio hardware makers.The stations were(55)C by people who made radios or (56)A,by churches and universities that wanted to get their(57)B out but weren't going to make money.
And there was a lot of stuff which sounds very (58)C today about how this medium was going to(59)D.And in the 20s,Radio Broadcast Magazine (60)A a $500prize for the best essay that answered the question:"Who is going to pay for broadcasting,and how?"The winner suggested a (61)B on radio listeners.Now,it sounds a little strange to us,but that's actually the British model.The BBC supports itself by a tax on TV and radio sets.
There was some discussion about(62)B,and Herbert Hoover,the Secretary of Commerce then,was strongly against this idea.He said it was (63)D that we should allow so great a possibility for service (64)C by advertising chatter.The Commerce Department was(65)A radio at the time.After the creation of national radio networks then the pressure-advertisers wanted to go on with it,people who owned the radio network wanted to sell ads,and that's how radio developed as an advertising medium.

56.A.in some casesB.in returnC.on the contraryD.on the whole


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.According to the air traffic rules,you ______ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.(  )
A.ought toB.mayC.canD.would


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.It is 2035.You have a job,a family and you are about 40years old!Welcome to your future life.
Getting ready for work,you pause in front of the mirror."Turn red,"you say.Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red.Tiny preprogrammed electronics are rearranged in your shirt to change its color.Looking into the mirror,you find it hard to believe you're 40.You look much younger.With amazing progress in medicine,people in your generation may live to be 150years old.You are not even middle-aged!
As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl,you hear,"To lose weight,you shouldn't eat that,"from your shoes.They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details.You decide to listen to your shoes."Kitchen,what can I have for breakfast?"A list of possible foods appears on the counter as the kitchen checks its food supplies.
"Ready for your trip to space?"you ask your son and daughter.In 2005only specially trained astronauts went into space-and very few of them.Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacations.Your best friend even works in space.Handing your children three strawberries each,you add,"The doctor said you need these for space travel."Thanks to medical progress,vaccination shots(防疫针) are a thing of the past.Ordinary foods contain the vaccines.With the strawberries in their mouths,the kids head for the front door.
It's time for you to go to work.Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors."My office,Autopilot,"you order.Your car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the highway.You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper.The latest news downloads and fills the viewer.Looking through the pages,you watch the news as video film rather than read it.
(Notes:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE  WORDS.)

78.What changes the color of your shirt?The shirt itself
79.The shoes know that you shouldn't eat the breakfast cereal bychecking the nutrition details of the food.
80.What do the strawberries the children eat serve as?Vaccines
81.In the future,when you look through the pages in the e-newspapers,you watch the news as video film rather than read it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.On the high-speed train Avignon to Paris,my husband and I landed in the only remaining seats on the train in the middle of a car,directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years.It was an extremely uncomfortable arrangement to be looking straight into the eyes of a stranger.My husband and I pulled out books.The woman produced a large makeup case and made up her face.Except for a lunch break,she continued this activity for the entire three-hour trip.Every once in a while she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance,but never once did she catch my eye.My husband and I could have been a blanket wall.
     I was amused,but some people would have felt uncomfortable,even repulsed(厌恶的).there is something about making up in public that calls up strong emotional reactions.Partly it's a question of hygiene.And it's a matter of degree.Making up----a private act----has a way of neglecting the presence of others.I was once seated at a party with a model-actress who immediately waved a silly brush and began dusting her face at the table,demonstrating that while she was next to me,she was not with me.
     In fact,I am generally prohibited from making up in public,except when I am in the company of cosmetics moment.In a gathering more professional than social,I would do so.
     Kathy Peiss,a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst says that nose-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage in 1920's and 30's.Deploring(强烈反对) the practice as a waste of company time,trade journals advises managers to discourage it among workers.Peiss theorizes that it was female's making up in what has been an all-male field that disturb some gentlemen.
      Peiss tells me that after the 30's,pulling out a make-up case was no longer an issue.It became an accepted practice.I asked if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself.Sounding mildly shocked,she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward.Why?Because it would be"a gesture of inappropriate feminity(女性化)."One guess is that most professional women feel this way.There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks that remain in place all day without retouching.

61.According to the author,"My husband and I could have been a blanket wall."(Line 6,Para.1)most probably means"A".
A.We were of no existence in the French woman's eyes.
B.We looked at the French woman expressionlessly.
C.We were treated with an expressionless face.
D.We used books as a wall to avoid the woman's eyes.
62.In the author's opinion,sheD.
A.feels comfortable when making up in public.
B.makes up before any professional gatherings.
C.only makes up on social occasions.
D.allows public making up on certain occasions.
63.According to Peiss,nose powdering in an office was criticized mainly for the reason thatB.
A.normal office work was disturbed.
B.make dominance was emphasized there.
C.it discouraged women's interest in career.
D.it distracted make workers'focus on work.
64.Why do most professional women give up using lipsticks in public?D
A.Because they are worried about being looked down upon.
B.Because it implies women's disadvantages in academic fields.
C.Because they are ashamed to be seen making up in front of males.
D.Because it emphasizes their female features in wrong situations.
65.It can be inferred that in a highly open society,the differences between men and womenC.
A.have attracted little attention.
B.hinder the social development.
C.still call for great concern.
D.are attractive topics in talk shows.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Law enforcement agencies across the United States are using cameras to take pictures of automobile license plates.The idea is to build a computerized collection of information detailing the daily travel of millions of Americans.
      Detective Mohammed Tabibi uses a license plate reader,also known as a LPR to look for stolen vehicles."It has somewhat paid.We have caught some people involved in some serious crimes because of the LPR,"said Tabibi.
      The use of LPRs is growing across the United States.Some are fixed to poles along Roadsides,others are placed in law-enforcement vehicles.Privacy groups are concerned about the growing use of these devices.Jay Stanley is with the American Civil Liberties Union  ( ACLU)."What they  are  also doing  is  storing everybody's time,place,and  location.And  many police departments are holding that information indefinitely.You know in our society,the government doesn't follow you and invade your privacy and track you unless it has a specific  reason that you are involved in wrongdoing,"said Stanley.
      Kevin Rearden served as Captain of the Arlington county Police,who also headed the county's Homeland Security Department before he retired.He said county policy called for the  LPR information to be kept for six months."We originally had a two-month period,and the  detectives requested the chief extend it to six months because they found in so many investigations,keeping it for two months wasn't long enough,"said Rearden,"but other law  enforcement agencies that use the information may store it for unlimited periods of time."
     Supporters of privacy rights say they have no problem with police departments taking pictures of license plates to investigate crimes.But Jay Stanley says they're against storing the  information for long periods of time.
     However,Captain Rearden disagrees,"They  keep saying the word'tracking'.I would be  lucky if I could find you in a few places in Arlington at a particular time.By no stretch of the  imagination would I be able to track you."

56.What does the text mainly tell us?A
A.The use of LPRs is controversial.
B.Privacy protection is important.
C.LPRs help investigate crimes.
D.ACLU is involved in wrongdoing.
57.The function of a LPR itself is toB
A.give directions                          
B.take pictures
C.identify location                        
D.analyze information
58.Jay Stanley agrees thatB
A.tracking people all the time costs too much
B.using LPRs is likely to invade one's privacy
C.police are not allowed to store private information
D.every citizen is supposed to support the government
59.How long was the LPR information kept in the beginning?A
A.Two months
B.Six months.
C.Two years
D.Unlimited periods of time.
60.According to the last paragraph,Kevin Rearden thinks thatA
A.tracking is almost impossible
B.imagination never ends
C.he is lucky to live in Arlington
D.time and place are both important in tracking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.[1]Twenty-five years ago in San Diego,Karen Lange was asked by her neighbor,the husband  of a woman who had unknowingly picked up HIV,for help.Everyone else had turned their back  on the couple and the husband was desperate.Despite only knowing them for a short time,Karen agreed.
[2]The woman was in the last stages of a life.By her side,spending time with her and caring for her,was not her family,not her friends,but her next-door neighbor.In those moments,Karen's personal purpose in life became clear as she realized the major difference that we as individuals can have on another person's life.
[3]After her friend passed,Karen became involved in a local grass-roots organization called Mama's Kitchen,delivering meals to the critically ill,and eventually becoming a Board Member.She says that shethrew her energy in volunteering as a way to"help me feel better after her death and all the pain that I had seen."
[4]After a few moves around the country,Karen landed in Baltimore.At that time,some aspects of her life were‘‘difficult,''and she was working hard to get"out of a rut."Despite focusing on eating right,exercising,and trying to surround herself with positive people,she stayed in this rut,until she returned to volunteering.
[5]"It was volunteering at Moveable Feast that finally helped my soul and heart to heal,"Karen recalled.She found in the Bahimore-based nonprofit the same task as Mama's Kitchen in San Diego-to            people living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions.
[6]That is Karen's true gift-to be proof that giving of our own resources,especially our time,can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others,while also showing that volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person.

66.What happened to Karen's neighbor 25years ago?(no more than l0words)He was picked up HIV unknowingly..
67.What effect did volunteering at Moveable Feast have on Karen?(no more than 10words)
It helped hersoul and heart to heal.
68.Explain the underlined expression in Paragraph 3in English.(no more than 5words)
devoted herself to.
69.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 5with proper words.(no more than 5words)provide food to.
70.List out the benefits of volunteering according to the last paragraph.Volunteering can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others/Volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.---He was nearly drowned once.
---When was ______?
---_____ was in 2000 _____he was in middle school.(  )
A.that; It; whenB.this;This; that
C.that; This; whenD.that; It; that

