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【题目】I got a new job in Catholic University in Washington. In addition to a good chance, I 1(offer) a new flat to live in. One summer vacation, apart 2 going to the park, I had not been outside my flat so as3 (do) an experiment about a disease. The 4 (result) of the experiment were 5 (value) to me and they would contribute to the success of my research. It is really difficult to draw 6conclusion without enough evidence. I felt quite puzzled,7 even made me doubt that the experiment would make sense.8 (gradual), I was not enthusiastic about it. After all, too much hard work and too little rest led to illness. One night, I went out to attend a lecture by a famous philosopher.9 (inspire) by him, I went back to continue the experiment and eventually got the expected result. How happy I was! The next day, I proudly announced that the disease was 10control.


1was offered


3to do









1考查被动语态。“我”与“提供公寓”之间是被动关系,所以用was offered。

2考查介词短语。此处表示除了去公园,自己没有出过公寓。apart from为固定短语,表示“除了”。


4考查名词单复数。根据谓语were 可知,result要用复数results。


6考查冠词。可数名词前要用冠词,“得出结论”是draw a conclusion。



9考查非谓语。根据句子成分分析,此句有谓语动词went,没有连词,因此要用非谓语,再根据inspire I 之间是被动关系,表被激励,所以用过去分词inspired。

10考查介词短语。根据语境可知,此处表示“第二天我自豪地宣告疾病得到了控制”。“得到控制”用under control。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 词数不少于100;

2. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯

3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。

参考词汇:晨曦希望小学Chenxi Hope School









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Ski touring is exactly that—touring on skis. It combines 1 best bits of skiing and mountaineering and provides the perfect way 2 (explore) the mountain in winter. The 3 (advantage) of ski touring are that you can really escape the crowds, enjoy the peace of the mountains and 4 (reward) with breathtaking views and exciting descents.

Ski touring involves both going up and down the mountain; both of 5 (they) present challenges and new skills are to be acquired. There is much to learn about getting up the mountain that improves efficiency and saves energy. 6, (similar) you want to be prepared to enjoy going down, which means learning to deal with the variety of snow conditions you will face. Because all ski touring is very demanding, you must be 7 good physical condition. The fitter you are, the 8 (much) fun you will have.

Rapidly changing conditions and the human factors are the primary reasons for accidents. The human factors include stress, poor 9 (communicate), over-confidence and tiredness. You should always ski within the limits of your ability, and make sure you know 10 to navigate (导航) properly with map and compass.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When will Nathan be back from Chicago?

A. Next summer. B. This fall. C. This winter.

2How does Nathan feel about working for a big newspaper?

A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Disappointed.

3What will Nathan likely be doing?

A. Organizing files. B. Copying papers. C. Keeping the trash cleared up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


If you said you were suffering from “burnout” in the early 1970s, you might have raised some eyebrows.

At the time, the term was informally to describe the side effects that heavy drug users experienced.

However, in 1974, a German-American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger found the volunteers at his clinic were struggling, too: their work was tough, and many were lacking in motivation. Freudenberger defined this condition as a state of extreme tiredness caused by constant overworkand borrowed the term “burnout” to describe it.

Late last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the problem will be recognized as a syndrome (综合征) “resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

Feeling the burn so how can you tell if you’re almost burned out?

“A lot of the signs and symptoms of pre-burnout would be very similar to depression,” says Siobhan Murray, a psychotherapist. She suggests looking out for bad habits, such as increased alcohol consumption and relying on sugar to get you through the day. Also watch out for feelings of tiredness that won’t go away or not having the energy to exercise or go for a walk. As soon as you begin to feel this way, Murray advises going to see your doctor. “Depression and pre-burnout are very similar. But it is still classified as an occupational phenomenon which is still best tackled by making lifestyle changes.”

And how do you know if you’re really on the edge of burnout? “Stress is really important, and anxiety is what motivates us to do well,” says Murray. “It’s when we’re continually exposed to stress and anxiety that it starts to turn into burnout.”

You’re pre-burnout: What’s next?

“Sometimes they feel the need to be too perfect so they’re having to work very hard to cover up that they’re not quite as good as everyone thinks.” Another therapist Walker says.

However, sometimes the work environment is the problem. According to a 2018 study of 7,500 US workers, burnout comes from unfair treatment at work, an unmanageable workload and not knowing what a person’s role should involve. Workers were also stressed out by a lack of support from their manager and punreasonable time pressure.

Whatever the cause of your burnout, Murray’s top tip is to be kind to yourself.

In Murray’s experience, a key driver of burnout is today’s culture of wanting it all. Often it’s just not possible to have a healthy social life and complete a big project at the same time. She says it’s vital to prioritize and not expect too much of yourself; when others seem like the perfect boss, parent and friend all at the same time, they’re probably misleading us.

If you feel that you might be close to joining the burnout club, take a step back, figure out what’s going wrongand let yourself off the hook.



1in the explanation of burnout

In the early 1970s, it referred to the side effects of drug 2.

Freudenberger used it to describe the state of those 3 volunteers under overworking conditions.

WHO will recognize it as a syndrome arising from the 4 to manage stress.

Symptoms of burnout

It shares some 5 with depression, such as tiredness and 6 of energy, due to people's continual exposure to stress and anxiety.

Causes of burnout

People are unwilling to admit that they are 7

Companies cant 8favorable working conditions.

Approaches to 9. burnout

Be 10to yourself: accept what you are; step away from it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How old is the woman’s grandfather?

A. 79.B. 78.C. 80.

2What did the woman’s grandfather do last winter?

A. He went in the hospital.B. He went on a cycling holiday.

C. He attended a skiing contest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For students at The Farm School in Hamilton, Virginia, the classroom is outside-every day.

Jaclyn Jenkins is a founder of the school. "The number one question immediately we get from parents is ‘what happens if it rains?’ And we say, ‘Bring an extra pair of clothes!’" Jenkins adds, "We still educate them. They also get energy. Their brains are working when they re moving. So, our goal is to always be outside."

The Farm School is a preschool-a place for three-and four-year-olds to learn and play. Teacher Alison Huff has taught at other schools. She says The Farm School gives its students more of a hands-on learning experience. For example, children use pumpkins to learn about colors and counting. They learn about measurements by planting seeds 30 centimeters apart. Huff says "We can use everything a regular preschool uses, but out in the garden."

Apart from planting vegetables and fruits, students help prepare food and clean up afterward. The school teaches the children to cook using the food they have grown. "They can see the advantages of what they have in the garden and taste it then instead of going to the grocery store and buying it," Huff says.

The preschoolers also lean words in languages other than English. Huff speaks in both English and Spanish. Her assistant speaks French and Arabic. She adds that a 3-year-old in her class speaks four different languages.

Farm animals are also an important part of the education program. Jaclyn Jenkins says the children learn about a different animal every month. Two months ago, she says, that animal was a cow. The children spent another month with a large bird-a turkey.

The children come home with new experiences, new knowledge and sometimes a few vegetables.

1What worries parents most about the school?

A. Children have to learn outside.

B. There are too many things to learn.

C. How to deal with it when it rains.

D. Whether there are enough teachers.

2What may the underlined word "hands-on" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Useful.

B. Practical.

C. Attractive.

D. Reliable.

3Which is part of the education program of the school?

A. Counting and measuring.

B. Raising animals.

C. Buying fruits and vegetables.

D. Cleaning the farm.

4Which of the following statements is true about the school?

A. Children have to cook for themselves.

B. Children in the school learn by doing.

C. Playing outside is the most important.

D. The goal is to have the children stay outside.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I had just spent the last 99 cents on my burger at Wendy’s drive-through (可开车点餐的外卖窗口)when my phone rang. My mind was still on the young man ______there, wearing just a T-shirt because he couldn’t ______a coat. My friend’s husband asked if I was home ______he had something he wanted to drop off.

I _____ home to find him standing in my entrance way with a big box. “Every Christmas our church does food baskets for a holiday meal. I ______you and your son,” he explained. Then he______ me two envelopes, inside one of which was a very _____gift card to the Walmart Supermarket. I tried ______to hold back the tears as I thanked him.

With my face still wet, I __ my son from his Christmas party and told him the ____of the night as he listened in __ . Then I looked at him and said. “Nathaniel, I think we need to go to Walmart.” “I was thinking the ___ thing, Mom.”

We examined every coat in the Men’s Zone before we______one and then made our way to the gift package area for a big bag. I pulled up to the drive-through for the second time that night. When the ______opened, I pushed the bag at the bewildered-looking(困惑的)young man. “It’s for you. Merry Christmas.”

“But you don’t even_____ me.”

“Doesn’t matter. I know you needed a _____ . Stay warm and have a good night.”

As I waved and______drove away, Nathaniel watched the young man try the coat on in front of his co-workers, who were smiling and admiring the coat, a few even ______quietly. My son spoke the words I was feeling: “Mom, I’ve never felt so______before!” “Me too, because no money could ever buy that feeling of helping someone who really ______it.”

1A. working B. living C. studying D. traveling

2A. change B. wear C. afford D. make

3A. although B. as C. while D. once

4A. raced B. called C. left D. remained

5A. cared about B. dealt with C. watched out D. thought of

6A. mailed B. sent C. handed D. showed

7A. beautiful B. generous C. decorated D. rare

8A. painfully B. gratefully C. purposefully D. unsuccessfully

9A. caught up B. picked out C. held up D. kept up

10A. accidents B. news C. events D. items

11A. fear B. anger C. disappointment D. amazement

12A. same B. opposite C. magical D. valuable

13A. preferred B. selected C. requested D. swapped

14A. curtain B. car C. window D. door

15A. recognize B. employ C. forget D. know

16A. bag B. coat C. card D. box

17A. hopelessly B. sadly C. slowly D. hurriedly

18A. crying B. jumping C. dancing D. sleeping

19A. sorry B. bad C. hopeful D. good

20A. needs B. ignores C. pays D. gets


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why did the speaker decide to start a new magazine?

A. To become famous. B. To start a different one. C. To get more money.

2In what respect is the magazine different from a local newspaper?

A. What it looks like. B. What it contains. C. Where one can buy it.

3Where can people get the information about film reviews?

A. In the first part. B. In the second part. C. In the third part.

4What can people find in the second half of the magazine?

A. Advice on local business development. B. Reviews of local artists’ works.

C. Articles about local people.

