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6. It soon became clear that Andrew was (firm) in charge.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           The latest technology inventions in 3D printing are rapidly changing how things are being made. 

           At the International Manufacturing (制造业) Technology Show in Chicago,a little-known car maker became popular by manufacturing a car at the show.

           It was a fully functional car that was 3D printed in 44 hours and assembled(装配) in two days. The car is called a “Strati”,Italian for layers,so named by its designer Michele Anoe because the entire structure of the car is made from different layers of materials.

            The average car has more than 20,000 parts but this latest technology reduces the number of parts to 40. uThe goal here is to get the number of parts down and to drop the tooling costs to almost zero,” said John   B. Rogers Jr.? chief manager of Local Motors. “Cars are ridiculously complex,” he added,referring to the thousands of bits and pieces that are sourced,assembled and connected to make a vehicle.

             This technology can use a variety of materials to manufacture anything in complicated detail. Imagine if you could order a new car online according to your needs and pick it up of have it delivered to you the next day at a small part of the cost of buying one from a shop? What if you could make small parts at a lower cost rather than buying them from a parts supplier? What a great change would that be for the industry? It's already happening.

              One of the challenges with collecting antique (古老的) cars is replacing parts. You can't buy them because they're not in use and it's difficult to find the parts that fit. But now people can use 3D printing technology to make parts for their cars.

               John B. Rogers Jr. believes that in the near future a car will be made in just 60 minutes. The company is already organizing a worldwide network of “Microfactories” where you can order and pick up your personalized car.

25. What impressed people deeply at the show?

   A. A car maker.

   B. A 3D-printed car.

   C. The variety of cars.

   D. Technology inventions.

26. What do we know about the “Strati” car?

   A. It's a model car.

   B. It was made in Italy.

   C. It has over 2 ,000 parts.

   D. It was made within four days.

27. The questions in Paragraph 5 are raised to.

   A. analyse the latest technology

   B. challenge traditional car makers

   C. explain how the change happened

   D. show the advantage of the technology

28. What is John B. Rogers Jr's attitude towards the technology?

   A. Positive.  B. Doubtful.

   C. Surprised. D. Disappointed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. You should report any incident,   serious or minor it is.

2. The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people. it was a great evening.

3. The government claims that the economy is improving,but this survey suggests.

4. Two heart attacks in a year. It hasnt stopped him smoking, .

5. Because of the distance,the smoke is cool when it hits the food and doesn’t cook it.

6. There was a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier.

7. 1 could smell the ocean,some pine trees,and something else.

8. The city has its pleasures,but she wished for the quiet of country life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.  (五分之三) of the mobile phones on display are home-made.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Your face seems f. I've probably met you in the old days.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. All the people are (concern) about the growth of the younger generation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. 1 liked this film,although I found it (a bit duller / the dullest) than the directors last one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. —Oh dear,I forgot the textbook again.

—You , (have always left / are always leaving) something.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Sheryl forgot (brought,to bring) her purse,so I lent her ten dollars.

