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     It can be difficult to stick with your exercise programme when winter hits. The shortage of daylight,cold weather and strong desire to stay in your nice warm room can all work against you as you try to stay focused on your exercises.

    When it's cold,your muscles can get extra tight (紧的) which makes exercise uncomfortable and leaves you easier to get injured. In the warmer months,you may be able to get away with shorter warm-ups but,when it's cold,you may find you need a little extra time to get the blood flowing. Here are some tips for you to warm up before you do winter exercise :

    Try active warm-ups. Don’t waste time with inactive activities,instead,focus on doing activities that get your body ready. If you’re walking or running,start with an active walk and stay at that pace until you start to feel warmer. Gradually increase your pace and give your body extra time .

   Get warm before you head out. If you^e exercising outside,try warming up inside before heading out of the door. It's much easier to face cold temperatures when your body is already warm. Try walking around the house,going up and down the stairs. Just don't get too sweaty (出汗的) before you go outside or you’ll get a cold.

    Take a hot shower. If ifs really cold outside,you might even try a quick shower to wake you up and get you warm before you exercise.

Start easy. If you’re really unwilling to get moving,start with something easy like the morning or evening yoga (瑜伽) exercise. Giving yourself a transition (过渡) from bed to exercise can make exercise much more attractive.

51. List three factors that prevent you from doing winter

exercise based on the passage, (within 9 words)

(1) (2)


52. What*s the main idea of the passage? (within 9 words)

53. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words to complete the sentence, (within 6 words)

54. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

If you sweat too much in warming up,you will catch a cold after you go outdoors for winter exercise.

55. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.

51. (1) daylight shortage (2) cold weather (3) desire to stay inside/indoors

52. How to warm up before doing winter exercise.

53. to get the blood flowing

54. Just don5t get too sweaty before you go outside or you'll get a cold.

55. 你的肌肉在寒冷的天气里会变得格外僵 硬,这会使你运动起来感到不舒服且更加 容易受伤。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周测月考卷3 Module 3综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. —Do you know which floor he ran to?

—The light above the elevator that the elevator stopped at the fifteenth floor.

   A. signed   B. pointed

   C. recommended   D. indicated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe.

   A. twice as much   B. twice much

   C. twice much as   D. as twice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. You’ll in hospital if you drive so fast.

   A. round up   B. end up

   C. turn up   D. die up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 15.I'd like to buy a house which is modem,comfortable,and in a quiet neighbourhood.

   A. in all     B. above all

   C. after all   D. at all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


8. Where does the conversation take place?

   A. At the doctor's.

   B. At a kindergarten.

   C. In a shop.

9. What do we know about the child?

   A. He turns blue after eating.

   B. He seems tired after crying a lot.

   C. He drinks two quarts of milk a day.

10. What should the baby be fed on besides milk according to the man?

   A. Soup. B. Soft drinks.

   C Eggs


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

24. (2013 •新课标 II ) Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hos- pital.

   A. can be the patients

   B. can the patients be treated

   C. the patients can be treated

   D. treated can be the patients


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

卡面短文有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地 方增加、删除或修改某个单词。

增加:在画处如一个漏字符号(A ) ,并在其下面写 上该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后 的词。

注意:1. 每紅错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不 计分。

   Two years before,I travelled to Brazil and I rented for a car. Unfortunate,I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week. I called my parents,so I did not tell them what had happened. I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away,and that my mother

   would not sleep if she knew. Therefore,I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil. As a result,nobody knew truth. I still think that it was the right thing to do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Since Martha Payne's fight against a council ban on her publishing photographs of her school dinners became an Internet event,she has been tired with promises of book,TV and movie deals. But it has emerged the nine-year-old accepted only one offer after her successful bat-tle against censorship (审查) became an international big event on Friday.

    The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Naim,the celebrity chef (名厨) ,to help local council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates. The move emerged as Roddy McCuish,the local authority's leader,admitted the council had been wrong and offered to apologise to Martha when they meet later this week. Martha's case has become the world's third most talked about subject on the social networking site Twitter.

   David Payne,her father,yesterday said his daughter remains calm after the global attention,which drew more than five million people to her blog,NeverSeconds,where she posts photographs of her school dinners and rates them out of ten. “ Since this started,we’ve had offers to appear on television shows from all around the world—daytime TV from Japan and from Australia. We’ve had Hollywood agents talking about a book and TV and maybe a film,”the father said.

   “But we’ve turned them all down. Martha will be back in school on Monday and no doubt writing her blog. M However,she and her fellow pupils at Lochgilphead Primary School have agreed to help the council create a new menu. Martha has now raised more than

£ 75,000 for development charity Mary's Meals after 5 ,500 people contributed.

    Her blog attracted the wide attention last month when she posted a picture of a meal consisting of a pizza and lone potato croquette (炸丸子) ,saying she would struggle to concentrate in lessons because of so little food. Soon thousands of people from around the world were visiting the website to see what Martha had eaten that day,leaving comments and sending in photographs of their own lunches. But the council banned her from taking pictures last week,citing coverage in a Scottish newspaper calling for the school's dinner ladies to be fired.

41. Martha Payne became world famous for .

   A. publishing her own book

   B. her promises to play on TV

   C. her promises to play on movie

   D. publishing photos of her school dinners

42. What kind of man was Roddy McCuish?

   A. Interested in nutritious meals.

   B. Honest and considerate.

   C. Selfless and generous.

   D. Warm-hearted and hardworking.

43. How many foreign countries are mentioned to interview David Payne?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

44. The family refused to all the interviews to make Martha devoted to.

   A. her blog writing

   B. raising more money

   C. creating a new menu

   D. her study in school

45. According to the passage,when students are hungry,they are.

   A. difficult to concentrate on class

   B. likely to go out for food

   C. likely to post a picture of their meal

   D. ready to see what others eat

