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  More and more schools are being designed and used in ways that are friendly to the environment.These so-called green schools use less energy, cost less to run and are good for students.

  The newly renovated Sidwell Friends Middle School in the District has been awarded the highest rating by the U.S.Green Building Council for having a positive impact on the environment-arare honor.Soon the school will treat and re-use its wastewater, saving hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per year.

  The recycled water from sinks and toilets, which can’t be used for drinking, will be colored blue,“so we know it’s recycled, just in case it gets into the water fountains-not that it would,”joked Emily Bernstein,14, a Sidwell student and building tour guide.Water fountains will still use fresh city water.

  Sidwell students are studying the building itself in science classes to help them learn first-hand positive impact of green buildings.It’s affecting how they view the world around them.“If you see a [building ]being torn down, you think,”“They’re going to fill up a whole landfill with that,”said Matthew Malone, 13.

  In Prince George’s County, Suitland Elementary has been so successful that another green school is being planned, in Laurel, for the 2008-09 school year.

  At Suitland, a garden courtyard and uses rainwater, the roof is angled away from the sun to keep it cool; and skylights and tall windows let in lots of natural light.

  “You don’t have to switch on the light switch all the time,”said Rupert McCave, the county official guiding these projects.

  Green schools tend to be sunnier and more inviting than older buildings.In fact, a study done in Washington state showed that students at green schools performed better and were absent less.


From the text we learn that green schools _______.

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not only benefit the environment but also win high awards.


contribute both to the environment and to students development.


treat and recycle water from sinks, toilets and water fountains.


make more use of solar power and save more electricity than older schools.


From Matthew Malone’s words, we can see that _______.

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Sidwell students don’t like building being torn down


Sidwell students prefer green buildings to be set up


Sidwell students are thinking green under the positive influence


Sidwell students are equipped with knowledge of architecture


The passage is mainly about _______.

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green buildings


successful schools


students going green


environmentally-friendly schools


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省邢台一中2011-2012学年高二下学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  We have met the enemy and he i s our s.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkey-pox, a di sea se u sually found in the African rain fore st suddenly turn s up in children in the American Midwe st, it' s hard not to wonder of the di sea se that come s from foreign animal s i s homing in on human being s.“Mo st of the infection s we think of a s human infection s started in other animal s, ” say s Stephen Mor se, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedne s s at Columbia Univer sity.

  It' s not ju st that we're going to where the animal s are; we're al so bringing them clo ser to u s.Popular foreign pet s have brought a whole new di sea se to thi s country.A strange illne s s killed I sak sen' s pet s and she now think s that keeping foreign pet s i s a bad idea, “I don't think it' s fair to have them a s pet s when we have such alimited knowledge of them.” say s I sak sen.

  “Law s allowing the se animal s to be brought in from deep fore st area s without stricter control need changing.” say s Peter Schantz.Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call.Re searcher s believe infected animal s may infect their owner s.We know very little about the se new di sea se s.A new bug(病毒)may be kind at fir st.But it may develop into something harmful.Monkey-pox doe sn't look a major infectiou s di sea se.But it i s not impo s sible to pa s s the di sea se from per son to per son.


We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may ________.

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come from Columbia


prevent u s from being infected


enjoy being with children


suffer from monkey-pox


Why did I sak sen advi se people not to have foreign pet s?

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Becau se they attack human being s.


Becau se we need to study native animal s.


Becau se they can't live out of the rain fore st.


Becau se we do not know much about them yet.


What doe s the phra se “the wake-up call” in Paragraph 3 mo st probably mean?

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A new di sea se.


A clear warning.


A dangerou s animal.


A morning call.

