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After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled(回忆), Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said, ‘You have to let me in .’ ”

“Impressed--she was a National Merit (全国英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in Brazil. Yale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.

On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled(炮击) the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.

“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Mrs. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”

Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict (冲突)zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying ‘Don’t do this.’ This is who she was, absolutely who she was and what she believed in: cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.

1.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can infer that ________ .

A. Yale was her last choice

B. Marie Colvin was confident of herself

C. Yale must keep its promise to Marie Colvin

D. Marie Colvin was good at persuading

2.Which of the following is the correct order to describe Marie Colvin’s life ?

a. She was doing a story in Syria and got killed.

b. She was admitted to Yale University.

c. She studied in Brazil as an excellent student.

d. She was hired by The Sunday Times of London.

e. She began to take an interest in journalism.

A. d→e→c→a→b B. b→c→d→e→a

C. e→d→c→b→a D. c→b→e→d→a

3.From the last paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Colvin ________.

A. dislikes the choice of her daughter

B. cares little about her daughter

C. knows her daughter very well

D. doesn’t fully appreciate her daughter

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. Covering Stories in a Dangerous Conflict Area.

B. Applying for Top Universities, a Successful Case

C. Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest.

D. Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syria.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江平湖当湖中学高一3月阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Making Peace with Your Parents

As a teen, you are going through big changes physically and mentally.Your interests are expanding(增加;扩大).1.

Here is the challenge: Kids need to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in that world.These conflicts(冲突)can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm house.Sometimes conflicts can’t be avoided.But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

For instance, try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry, tired, distracted , or hungry.A good time to talk is when you are all relaxed.Timing is everything.If the conversation begins to turn into an argument, you’d better calmly and coolly ask to stop the conversation----for now._2. Listen to what your parents are saying, and repeat it back to them.This shows them that you’re listening.3._.

Respect is the building block of good communication.People who respect each other and care about each other’s feelings can disagree without getting things ugly.

_4. How do you build trust? Trust comes by actually doing what you say you’re going to do.Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships.Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-makers----they’re interesting people who like to watch movies and go shopping----just like their teenagers!

What do you do if you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky(难以维持的;不稳定的)? 5.You can find supportive adults, such as a teacher or a coach, who can lead an ear.

Remember you can only change your own behavior.Your parents are the only ones who can change theirs.

A.It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you’re not on the same page.

B.You can pick it up again when everyone’s more relaxed.

C.And then you will be able to accept what your parents say.

D.Faced with the challenge, children don’t know what to do.

E.You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if your parents believe in you.

F.And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.

G.You may consider seeking outside help.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北辛集中学高一下期第一次阶段性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some aspects of a pilot’s job ___ be boring and pilots often ___ work at inconvenient times.

A.can,have to B.may,can

C.have to,may D.ought to,must


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北辛集中学高一下期第一次阶段性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I got up early this morning,but I ________ so because I was not on duty today.

A.mustn’t have done B.needn’t have done

C.didn’t need to do D.can’t have done


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川眉山中学高一5月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场)house in a large valley. ______ seemed to be all right,yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up,and angry,dark clouds _______ across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did. _____,the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly ____ Raul. The thunder(雷声)was so loud that he buried his ______ in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄声). He _____. There before him stood a tall, white____. An old man stared down at him from its back. “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?" asked Raul.“My name is Gray Cloud,”the old man answered_______."Come with me.”

Raul followed on his horse. A ______ feeling came over him. All _____ them the rain was pouring down,_______ not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be ______ back toward Raul' s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once he found _____ at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse,_____ his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were _______

Raul's father ran out across the yard to ______ him. "We have been _____ sick about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let's get in out of the _____.”

"Wait,”said Raul. "Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?"

"Can't say I…wait. I _____ my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was _______ by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?"

1.A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing

2.A. dropped B. fell C. rolled D. covered

3.A. Suddenly B. Strongly C. Quickly D. Hardly

4.A. beating B. blinding C. burning D. touching

5.A. nose B. hair C. neck D. head

6.A. looked up B. woke up C. lay down D. sat down

7.A. tiger B. horse C. lion D. elephant

8.A. lazily B. angrily C. coldly D. slowly

9.A. natural B. common C. strange D. bad

10.A. around B. beside C. through D. above

11.A. yet B. for C. so D. or

12.A. walking B. leading C. heading D. returning

13.A. them B. themselves C. him D. himself

14.A. shook B. waved C. held D. took

15.A. gone B. left C. followed D. lost

16.A. see B. meet C. beat D. ask

17.A. waited B. thought C. worried D. excited

18.A. yard B. wind C. grass D. rain

19.A. believe B. consider C. doubt D. forget

20.A. defeated B. caught C. damaged D. struck


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北黄冈蕲春县高一上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Hi Grace,

How’s it going? Sorry I haven’t emailed for a while, but I had so much to do!

I had told you about my decision to take up a sport. I knew I wasn’t fit and I wanted to get some exercise. But that wasn’t the only reason that I decided to do a sport. Students who play sports do better at school. 1. Exercise also helps learning and memory.

2. First, I tried soccer. I had played a bit of soccer before and I thought it wouldn’t be too bad. I knew I couldn’t run for very long without feeling tired. On the first day, I was able to run for the first ten minutes, but then I was so tired that I couldn’t even kick the ball!

Then, I tried volleyball. 3. I was able to run for the first twenty minutes and I wasn’t the slowest runner in the team! After a few weeks, I could run faster and longer. I was doing better and feeling better. 4. Maybe I’m not a team sport person after all!

Finally, I tried Kung fu. It’s a great sport that exercise the body and the mind. You learn to follow instructions carefully and do what you are asked to do. This is the right sport for me! 5. I feel so confident that I even showed some moves to the class last week! Can you believe it?

I hope you’re OK! Write and let me know what you’ve been doing!

Bye for now!


A. I got very excited about soccer.

B. But I couldn’t decide on a sport.

C. Running helps me to keep fit.

D. Things were a bit better this time.

E. Then I found volleyball terribly boring.

F. They are more confident and less stressed.

G. I practice twice a week and I haven’t missed a class.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北黄冈蕲春县高二上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


England is 1. largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided 2. (rough) into three zones.The zone nearest France 3. (call) the South of England,the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North.You find most of the population 4. (settle)in the south,but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England.Although these cities are not as large 5. those in China,they have world-famous football teams and some of 6. even have two!It is a pity 7. the industrial cities built in the 8. (nineteen) century do not attract visitors.For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns 9. (build) by the Romans.There you will find 10. more about British history and culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东阳春一中高一下期半期考试(第二次月考)英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。


注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

During the last summer holiday, my parents and I paid visit to my grandparents by train. There was a large number of people and the train was crowded, but everyone helped those who had lots of baggages and behaved politely. Along the way, we chatted happily and enjoyed beautifully views. At first, we saw one hill after other. Then which came into view were fields with green crops. In a six-hour trip, we arrived at my grandparents’house. Tired as I felt, but I was happy to see my grandparents,whom I haven't seen for a long time. It was really an excited trip because it was the first time that I had taken such a long-distance train.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水一中高一上期第二学段段中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








参考词汇:the class break, efficiency(效率), relaxation(放松), agreement(共识)

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