


1£®Where are these two people?

A£®In a restaurant

B£®In a shop

C£®In a vegetable market

2£®How old is the girl now?




3£®What is the man going to do?

A£®To meet the woman

B£®To move over one seat£®

C£®To sit between the woman and her friend£®

4£®What sport does the man like best?




5£®What musical instrument does the man play?


B£®The piano

C£®The violin

6£®Where is the woman going to work?

A£®A police station

B£®A train station

C£®A television station



7£®when is the woman going to New York?

A£®Next week

B£®Next month

C£®Next year£®


8£®What does the cheapest round-trip flight ticket cost?




9£®What will the three-week special include?

A£®Hotel, food and travels in Japan

B£®A free round-trip flight ticket£®

C£®Flight, hotel and two meals a day£®


10£®Why does the man want o make an appointment with the doctor?

A£®For a treatment

B£®For an interview

C£®For a checkup£®

11£®Why can't the man see the doctor right now?

A£®The doctor is not there£®

B£®The timetable is full£®

C£®The doctor himself is ill£®

12£®When can the man see the doctor?

A£®In the middle of next month£®

B£®At 9£º15 tomorrow£®

C£®On the ninth of next month£®


13£®Where are these two people?

A£®In a bookshop£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®In a language center£®

14£®Which course is the man in?

A£®The third course£®

B£®The fourth course£®

C£®The fifth course£®

15£®How long has the man been at the institute?

A£®For two years£®

B£®For two weeks£®

C£®For two months£®

16£®What does the man think of the classes?

A£®They are too large

B£®They should be much larger£®

C£®They are a bit small£®


17£®What did the man usually do before he went to school?

A£®He went to a nursery£®w*

B£®He played with his friends£®

C£®He stayed at home£®

18£®Why did he quickly run back to school after lunch?

A£®To play football£®

B£®To attend afternoon classes£®

C£®To play with his friends£®

19£®What did he start studying at junior secondary school?

A£®History and Latin

B£®Physics and Latin

C£®French and Latin£®

20£®When did the man enter senior secondary school?





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1£®How much time will they have to enjoy a drink?

A£®An hour£®

B£®Three quarters£®

C£®Fifteen minutes£®

2£®Who is Chris Paine?

A£®A computer engineer£®

B£®A book seller£®

C£®A writer£®

3£®What did the two girls do yesterday?

A£®They went to the English Evening£®

B£®They went to meet Jeff£®

C£®They became friends at the English Evening£®

4£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She's already visited the museum£®

B£®The man could probably go with Linda£®

C£®Linda will take him to the office£®

5£®What does the man want to do?

A£®To return a ticket to the woman£®

B£®To stay in London£®

C£®To buy a plane ticket£®




6£®What are the English people famous for?




7£®What do the English people prefer to do?

A£®Ask you to do anything inconvenient for them£®

B£®Wait for such service to be offered£®

C£®Make any offers readily£®


8£®What has happened to the man?

A£®He has been stolen£®

B£®He has locked himself out£®

C£®He forgot to lock the front door£®

9£®When did he lock all the windows?

A£®On Saturday£®

B£®On Friday night£®

C£®On Friday£®

10£®What is the woman most probably going to do?

A£®To look round£®

B£®To talk to others£®

C£®To ask more questions£®


11£®Where did the man live before?

A£®In Oak Creek apartments£®

B£®In a student dorm£®

C£®In a house he rented£®

12£®Where do two of the man¡¯s roommates come from?

A£®Italy and Japan£®

B£®Hong Kong and America£®

C£®Brazil and Japan£®

13£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She is friendly£®

B£®She likes to cook£®

C£®She wants to meet his roommates£®


14£®Why are the man and woman in the restaurant?

A£®It is inexpensive£®

B£®They are celebrating a birthday£®

C£®It was recommended by a friend£®

15£®How long does it take the woman to make an order?

A£®A year£®

B£®Only a moment£®

C£®A long time£®

16£®Why do they not order snails?

A£®Snails are not on the menu£®

B£®The restaurant doesn¡¯t have any left£®

C£®They are afraid of getting sick£®

17£®What will the woman order as a main course?

A£®French cheese and white wine£®


C£®Salad and French cheese£®


18£®Who is the man probably speaking to?




19£®Where is the speaker?

A£®In the classroom£®

B£®In the library£®

C£®In the office£®

20£®How does the man treat his job?

A£®He doesn't care about it£®

B£®He is serious about it£®

C£®He is tired of it£®


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1£®Where is this conversation probably taking place?

A£®In a department store£®

B£®In a shoe-repair shop£®

C£®At a track£®

2£®What number should the woman dial?




3£®Why was the color of the woman¡¯s socks changed?

A£®Because she dyed the socks blue£®

B£®Because someone ruined her socks£®

C£®Because of the deep color of the T-shirt£®

4£®What are the man and the woman discussing?

A£®What the woman should give her family£®

B£®The trouble within the man's family£®

C£®Why the man has so many clocks£®

5£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She prefers hot weather£®

B£®The man should visit Washington when it's cooler£®

C£®Visiting Washington is enjoyable despite the heat£®




6£®What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Good friends£®

B£®Brother and sister£®

C£®Operator and caller£®

7£®What does the woman want to do?

A£®To find where Ms£®Amanda Rhodes's lives£®

B£®To tell the man Ms£®Amanda Rhodes's name£®

C£®To know Ms£®Amanda Rhodes's telephone number£®


8£®How many times has the man skipped lunch this week?




9£®What time will the meeting begin?

A£®2¡Ã30 P.M£®

B£®3¡Ã00 P.M£®

C£®3¡Ã30 P.M£®

10£®Why didn¡¯t George ask his secretary to type the report?

A£®He didn't trust him£®

B£®He is already busy enough£®

C£®He needs to check on some sales figures before the meeting£®


11£®How did the man cut himself?

A£®With a knife£®

B£®On the edge of some metal£®

C£®On a piece of paper£®

12£®What surprised the man?

A£®How much the cut hurt£®

B£®How deep the cut was£®

C£®How easily he was cut£®

13£®What advice does the woman give the man?

A£®Take a pain reliever£®

B£®Go to a doctor£®

C£®Keep the cut closed£®

14£®What will the man probably do about the cut on his finger?

A£®Clean it£®

B£®Keep it elevated£®

C£®Put a bandage on it£®


15£®Who is the speaker?

A£®A specialist in oil-spill prevention£®

B£®A TV reporter£®

C£®The head of the oil company£®

16£®What is the main topic of the reporter?

A£®The number of volunteers who came to help£®

B£®What caused the oil-spill£®

C£®How the oil-spill was handled£®

17£®Who volunteered to clean up the oil?

A£®Businessmen, storekeeper, students and others£®

B£®Storekeepers, reporters, businessmen and others£®

C£®Scientists, technicians, businessmen and others£®




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1£®What is the woman going to do?

A£®Feel cool£®

B£®Start soon£®

C£®Stay there for five minutes£®

2£®How do you think of the man?

A£®He is the happiest man£®

B£®He is very rich£®

C£®He is poor£®

3£®Which is true according to the dialogue?

A£®The woman is not satisfied with her daughter¡¯s engagement£®

B£®The woman is worried about her daughter¡¯s sickness£®

C£®The man suggests that she should give more apples to her daughter£®

4£®What does the man mean?

A£®He will be away for a long time£®

B£®He is willing to do everything for her£®

C£®He will take the woman to another world£®

5£®What does the man mean?

A£®He tried to call the woman£®

B£®He was too busy to call the woman£®

C£®He spoke to the woman on the phone last night£®



6£®What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A£®Parent and children£®

B£®General and soldiers£®

C£®Doctor and nurses£®

7£®What will the soldier get?

A£®Completely new clothing£®

B£®Nothing new£®

C£®Good news£®


8£®Where did the conversation probably take place?

A£®At Mr£®French¡¯s office£®

B£®At Miss Maggie¡¯s house£®

C£®At Mr£®Robinson¡¯s office£®

9£®What was the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Husband and wife£®

B£®Teacher and student£®

C£®Manager and secretary£®

10£®Which of the following statements is true according to this conversation?

A£®Miss Martin¡¯s boyfriend lived near the office where she worked£®

B£®Mr£®French asked Miss Maggie to bring him a cup of coffee£®

C£®Mr£®French¡¯s office might be in any country but France£®


11£®What are they talking about in the dialogue?

A£®Basketball stars£®



12£®What is the true according to the dialogue?

A£®Michael Jordan won the value player last Saturday£®

B£®Yaoming is superior to the others£®

C£®Jordan is the best one in the woman¡¯s opinion£®

13£®How many basketball stars have been mentioned in the text?





14£®What is main topic of this dialogue?




15£®Why is Polly worried?

A£®He failed his last test£®

B£®He missed his teacher£®

C£®He's taking examinations soon£®

16£®Why does Polly turn to Sally for advice?

A£®She is older than he is£®

B£®She has been through a similar experience£®

C£®She is a medical student£®

17£®What does Sally suggest Polly do?

A£®Turn to the teacher£®

B£®Have a good sleep£®

C£®Stop taking the exam£®


18£®What were the boys doing?

A£®They were having a contest with the dog£®

B£®They were deciding who would have the dog£®

C£®They were playing games with the dog£®

19£®What did the man want the boys to do?

A£®To take the dog home£®

B£®Not to tell lies£®

C£®To give the dog to him£®

20£®Who told the biggest lie?

A£®The man£®

B£®The smallest boy£®

C£®The dog£®


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1£®How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?




2£®What will the speakers discuss?

A£®A report£®

B£®A computer£®

C£®A report on computer£®

3£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®A child£®

B£®A room£®

C£®A present£®

4£®What can we learn from this conversation?

A£®The woman does not get along well with the man£®

B£®The woman does not get along well with her roommate£®

C£®The man will talk with the woman¡¯s roommate£®

5£®Where are the two speakers now?

A£®On the first floor£®

B£®On the fourth floor£®

C£®On the fifth floor£®




6£®What was the woman doing before she went home?

A£®Typing a report£®

B£®Rewriting a report£®

C£®Reviewing a report£®

7£®Where did the woman have her dinner?

A£®In a restaurant£®

B£®In her office£®

C£®At home£®


8£®Why does the man feel surprised?

A£®The woman has found a new job£®

B£®The woman doesn¡¯t feel like leaving£®

C£®The woman disagrees with him£®

9£®What does the woman say about her department?

A£®there is a lack of trust£®

B£®There are serious problems£®

C£®There is too much pressure£®


10£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®Popular sports events£®

B£®TV programs people like best£®

C£®Things people do after work£®

11£®How did the woman do the research?

A£®She talked to people£®

B£®She sent letters to people£®

C£®She collected information from newspapers£®

12£®What do most people do in their spare time?

A£®Go to movies£®

B£®Read books£®

C£®Watch TV£®


13£®Where does this conversation take place?

A£®At the airport£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®On the street£®

14£®Why does the woman like San Francisco?

A£®It has less traffic£®

B£®It has the best food and music£®

C£®People there are friendlier£®

15£®Where does the woman come from?


B£®San Francisco£®


16£®What does the woman think of the man¡¯s English?





17£®How many people are there in the woman¡¯s family?




18£®What did the children think about having dinner together at home?

A£®They thought it was funny£®

B£®They disliked the idea at first£®

C£®They preferred eating with friends£®

19£®How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?

A£®Every Sunday£®

B£®Twice a week£®

C£®Three times a week£®

20£®Who finally set the time for these family dinners?

A£®The children£®

B£®The father£®

C£®The woman speaker£®


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1£®How long does the woman have to wait outside the shop?

A£®15 minutes£®

B£®45 minutes£®

C£®50 minutes£®

2£®What's the woman doing?

A£®Looking for her keys£®

B£®Putting on her coat£®

C£®Missing her friend£®

3£®How will the man go to the airport?

A£®By bus£®

B£®By taxi£®

C£®By motorbike£®

4£®Where are the two speakers?

A£®In a bookstore£®

B£®In a hospital£®

C£®At an office£®

5£®When is the man expected to see Professor Brown?

A£®On Monday£®

B£®On Friday£®

C£®On Tuesday or Wednesday£®



6£®What course is the woman going to study at that college?


B£®Basic Programming£®

C£®Advanced Programming£®

7£®How many students and staff are there at the college?




8£®Which club will the woman probably join?

A£®Tennis Club£®

B£®Table Tennis club£®

C£®Cinema Club£®


9£®Why was the woman on the underground train?

A£®She was going to work£®

B£®She was coming home from work£®

C£®She was traveling to another place£®

10£®What did the woman do when the robber pointed a knife at her?

A£®She ran to a policeman for help£®

B£®She called for help£®

C£®She caught hold of the man's knife£®

11£®Who caught the robber when he was running away?

A£®A policeman£®

B£®Two passengers£®

C£®The woman herself£®


12£®Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A£®In a hotel£®

B£®In a street£®

C£®At a furniture store£®

13£®What is the woman looking for?

A£®Her wallet£®

B£®The table£®

C£®A leather sofa£®

14£®How did the woman find out the item?

A£®She has bought one before£®

B£®She read an advertisement£®

C£®She saw one at her friend's home£®


15£®How does Bob seem to feel about his haircut?

A£®It is just what he wanted£®

B£®He enjoys having the latest style£®

C£®He dislikes it immensely(¼«Æä)£®

16£®What did Bob see on the floor?

A£®A broken mirror£®

B£®The hairstylist£®

C£®Piles of hair£®

17£®What do people keep saying to Bob?

A£®¡°Please put it back on£®¡±

B£®¡°It'll grow back£®¡±

C£®¡°It won't grow fast enough£®¡±


18£®In winter, what do John and Marsha do every morning?

A£®Turn off the solar collectors£®

B£®Open the curtains during the day£®

C£®Heat water for washing£®

19£®When do John and Marsha close the curtains in the morning?

A£®In summer£®

B£®In winter£®

C£®In autumn£®

20£®What do John and Marsha most probably do in winter?

A£®Turn off all the four collectors£®

B£®Take off two of the collectors£®

C£®Turn on the two collectors that help to heat the house£®

