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1. After the terrible earthquake. the villagers ________(开始重建家园).
2. We ________(给某人深刻印象) deeply by your lecture.
3. The film ________(使想起) me of what I had experienced abroad.
4. He is ________(缺乏. 缺少) responsiblity.
5. No politicians can ignore the power of the ________(新闻界).
6. Man can ________(控制. 制服) nature.
7. It ________(要求) that he give the evidence.
8. He doesn't agree with the ________(环境) here.
9. After he graduated. he worked as an ________(助教) at a university.
10. The wife always ________(顺从. 屈从) to her husband's will.
1.settled down to rebuilding their homes2.were impressed3.reminded 4.lacking in   5.press
6.master7.is required8.surroundings9.assistant 10.bends

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. The button is designed ________(调节音量) of the MP3.
2. He is recognized as a fully ________(合格的, 胜任的) teacher.
3. I ________(建议他找个律师) for advice.
4. There is no place ________(比你的家更舒适).
5. The liquid medicine ________(服前需摇匀).
6. They ________(承认自己错了).
7. He is always ________(忙于工作).
8. Who will ________(接替约翰当主编) after he retires?
9. Do you have any ________(评论) on young people's dying hair?
10. We have had another ________(丰收年).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. She is fully ________(忙于) in looking after three small children.
2. Too much stress and tiredness often lead to the lack of ________(集中注意力学习).
3. He ________(被指控) stealing things from the supermarket.
4. I had ________(内疚感) because I hadn't done enough to help him.
5. The flight was delayed due to the ________(技术问题).
6. He is a ________(有才华的音乐家);in other words. , he has ________(音乐天赋).
7. A lot of money is spent on ________(国防).
8. Prison is a place for ________(惩罚罪犯).
9. The expansion of the factory will mean the ________(雇用) of sixty more ________
    (雇员). , which is a great task for ________(雇主).
10. I don't ________(赞同) smoking in bed.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. The teacher ________(计算) the average mark of the class.
2. As a ________(革命者), he organized many ________(革命的) activities.
3. IQ stands for ________(智力) quality.
4. She ________(具有有利条件) of a good education.
5. Generally speaking, there are four ________(类型) of blood.
6. Red is ________(我们的首选) when I do some shopping.
7. After two days' talk, they came to an ________(达成一致) at last.
8. I think we can work together ________(创造一个更好的系统).
9. ________(就我个人而言) I don't know him, but I've read his books.
10. A trip to the museum is ________(计划) for next Tuesday.
11. She programs possible moves that I can use if ________(一个新的情形出现).
12. The road ________(蜿蜒曲折) through the hill.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1. You don't need to ________(打扮) just to go the pubjeans and a Tshirt will do.
2. We may never discover what ________(发生) that night.
3. A service was held ________(纪念) those who had died in the earthquake.
4. She was ________(盼望) seeing the grandchildren again.
5. I felt ________(好像) I'd been lying in the sun for hours.
6. What time will we have to ________(动身) for the station tomorrow?
7. She ________(出现) at my house late one night.
8. He promised to help and he ________(实现诺言).
9. How long can you ________(屏住呼吸) in water?
10. Your hair and eyes ________ me ________ your mother.(使想起)
11. I never thought that they were ________(开玩笑) me. I was very disappointed.
12. On Sundays children often ________(玩得高兴) each other. They are very happy.
13. After the heavy rain the machines were kept running ________(日夜) to pump water.

