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  Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. Many people feel that the United States has the worst taxes in the world.

  Taxes are the money that people pay to support their government. There are generally three levels of government in the United States: federal(联邦的), state, and city; therefore, there are three types of taxes.

  Salaried people who earn more than four to five thousand per year must pay a certain part of their salaries to the federal government. The percentage varies for different people. It depends on the salaries. The federal government has a two-level income tax: that is, 15 or 28 percent. $17, 850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below $17, 850 and 28 percent above.

  The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, or any of the other forty-eight states. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government. Of course, the percentage for the state tax is lower. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which people buy in the state. Some states use income tax and sales tax to raise their revenues(税收).

  The third tax is for the city. This tax comes in two forms: property tax(residents who own a home have to pay taxes on it)and excise tax(货物税), which is collected on vehicles in a city. The cities use this money for education, police, public works, etc.

  Since Americans pay such nigh taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes. People always complain about taxes. They often say that the government misuses their tax dollars. They all believe that taxes are too high in this country.

(1)In the United States, taxes are collected to provide revenues for ________.

[  ]

A. the federal government

B. the state government

C. the city government

D. the three levels of government

(2)How much money does an American earning $40, 000 per year pay to the federal government as income tax according to the passage?

[  ]

A. 28% of this income.

B. 15% of this income.

C. $17,850.

D. $5,000.

(3)What happens to buyers when a sales tax is collected?

[  ]

A. They have to pay more than what the item costs.

B. They can pay less than what the item costs.

C. They have to pay exactly what the item costs.

D. They will all give up buying the item.

(4)What tax does an American have to pay to the city if he owns a car?

A. Property tax
B. Excise tax
C. Income tax
D. Sales tax

(5)After reading the passage, we might feel that Americans seem to be ________.

[  ]

A. satisfied with their taxes

B. proud of their taxes

C. unhappy about their taxes

D. very angry at their taxes


(1) 此题设计的意图是检测读者对事实的综合判断能力.短文第二段叙述了 There are generally three levels. of government in the United States: federal, state, and city, therefore there are three types of taxes我们再根据下文对三级政府税收办法的叙述,就可以归纳概括出D为正确选项.

(2) 这是一道推理判断题.根据短文第三段叙述的The federal government has a two-level income taxthat is15 or 28 percent.$17, 850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below $17, 850 and 28 percent above.可以判断出,正确答案为A.

(3) 该题检测读依据该篇内容对深层信息进行推理判断的能力.由短文第四段中Other states have a sales taxwhich is a percentage charged to any item which people buy in the state.我们可以知道,购物者除偿付货物的原价外,还要按规定纳一定百分比的税,由此可以推断出正确答案为A.

(4) 这是一道考查读者是否透彻理解并掌握文章所提供信息的题目.短文倒数第二段中This tax comes in two formsproperty tax (residents who own a home have to pay taxes on it)and excise taxwhich is collected on vehicles in a city.便清楚地说明了B是正确选项.

(5) 此题的设计是检测读者依据该篇中的陈述进行推理判断的能力.读者应能够透过语句表层准确地理解作者的意图. 我们读了短文最后一段叙述的美国人对种类繁多税收的抱怨和不满情绪的叙述,就不难判断出正确答案为C.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西桂林十八中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:050



  One of Britain's most popular reality TV programmes has returned to our screens for a fifth series.The Apprentice sees 16 ambitious individuals competing for a job with electronics tycoon(巨头)Sir Alan Sugar.

  The Apprentice is a BAFTA award-winning British reality television series in which fl group of aspiring young businessmen and women compete for the chance to win a£100,000-a-year job as“apprentice”to the British business tycoon Alan Sugar, The Baron Sugar.Winners have gone on to work at Amstrad, an electronics manufacturing company founded by Sir Alan(but since sold to BSkyB), or one of Sugar's other companies, Viglen, Amsprop or Amshold.The Apprentice, billed as a“job interview from hell”, is similar in format to the American series of the same name, which stars entrepreneur Donald Trump.

  With endless talk of financial crisis, redundancies(过剩)and cut-backs, it may come as no surprise that thousands of brave hopefuls applied for the show.The chosen 16 will compete in a series of business tasks and do their best to escape elimination.Not one of them wants to hear the fateful words:you're fired.

  It should also be noted that this year's apprentices are not going, to be allowed to forget the terrible economic climate quite so easily.At the launch of this year's TV show, Sir Alan announced that some episodes have been“specifically made towards recognition of what difficult times we are in”.

  The tasks will as usual be tough tests of business wisdom。team-working and leadership skill.They will also make for some funny viewing.British viewers will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the crazy decisions of the wanna be apprentices.But perhaps the most entertaining feature of the show will be watching the hopefuls squirm(局促不安)and quarrel in the。boardroom.It is here they will have to explain just why they have failed each task so badly.

  What drives people to take part in the show is difficult to say.Some are clearly motivated by the promise of a six-figure salary and some claim they want the experience of working with a successful businessman such as Sir Alan.One thing is for sure.the contestants will all gain some level of celebrity.The show is a regular ratings winner.

  To date, there has been one big winner and that is the show's creator, Mark Burnett.Originating in the US, The Apprentice's winning format has been copied all over the world and with the hype(炒作)surrounding this latest series, it looks as though the show will have success for many years to come.


What's the aim of contestants'taking part in The Apprentice?

[  ]


Tb acquire a good job.


To meet famous people.


To win some prize money.


To obtain some experience.


What is special about this year's The Apprentice?

[  ]


There will be more contestants.


There will be more famous people.


It is affected by the financial crisis.


1t is supported by Sir Alan Sugar.


The tasks in The Apprentice lay emphasis on the following EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


a good knowledge of business


an ability t0 organize and manage


being willing to work with other people


being good at dealing with exam questions


According to the writer, ________.

[  ]


The Apprentice won't be popular for long


Mark Burnett is one of the biggest winners


people take part in the show mainly for fame


The Apprentice is the best way to attract talents


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Part-time Waitress

Busy café needs honest and good-looking waitress for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. Call Li Ling at 0732-8536724 after 6 pm.

Delivery (投递) Person

Young, healthy person able to deliver heavy boxes of books. Must have a driver’s license and can carry heavy boxes. We’re looking for a person for this position. Call Liu Fang at 0732-7887766 at any time.

Nanny Wanted

Kind, hard-working nanny wanted to look after three friendly children. Must be experienced and have childcare quail fications(资格). Please call Chen Yiping at 0732-6774538 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m  

These are _______ in the newspaper.

A. notices          B. ads          C. stories          D. news

If you can get the job in the café, you must be a _______.

A. pretty young woman               B. good-looking boy

C. cool young man                   D. hard-working student

Who can do the delivery job?

A. A beautiful woman who is good at selling books.

B. A person who has been a taxi driver for more than 40 years.

C. A beautiful and hard-working girl.

D. A strong young man who can drive.

Which of the four statements is true?

A. You can call Chen Yiping in the evening.

B. If you want to call Li Ling, do it in the morning.

C. You can call Liu Fang at any time.

D. If you want to call Li Ling, you can do it in the afternoon.

What’s the Chinese for the underlined word “nanny”?

A. 奶奶             B. 阿姨             C. 保姆             D. 护士


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers(young people aged from13~19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ study the language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected—much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.

“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”

At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize(批评)American schools,” he said. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”

This year ________teenagers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries.

twenty-three hundred

thirteen hundred

over three thousand

less than two thousand

The whole exchange programme is mainly to__________.

help teenagers in other countries know the real America

send students in America to travel in Germany

let students learn something about other countries

have teenagers learn new languages

Fred and Mike agree that__________.

America food tasted better than German food

German schools were harder than American schools

Americans and Germans were both friendly

There were more cars on the streets in America

What is particular in American schools is that________.

there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings

there are a lot of after-school activities

students usually take fourteen subjects in all

students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Benjamin Banneker was a farmer,inventor,astronomer writer and antislavery supporter.He created the first American—built striking clock.
That fall,as usual,Benjamin rode to the nearby town for supplies.He couldn’t wait to get to the end of the road and buy the things his mother wanted.Then he could have a good talk with the folks in town.The truth was,as much as Benjamin loved his mother and father and three sisters,what he really enjoyed was talking about books or math problems or what was happening in other parts of the colonies(殖民地).
It was about l0 o’clock by the sun when Benjamin arrived at a store.He ordered a bolt(一卷)of white cloth for his mother and looked around for someone to taik to.Benjamin’s heart jumped like a rabbit when he saw a friend holding a gold watch.Benjamin had always wanted to figure out how clocks and watches worked.The friend saw Benjamin and let him sit down for a good talk.
Late that afternoon,Benjamin rode home,slowly.He didn’t want to harm the watch that his friend had let him borrow.That nigh after supper,Benjamin carefully laid the watch on the table and pulled the candle closer.“This is a watch,”he said.“A man in fown lent it to me,and now I’m going to take it apart and draw the pieces.Then 1’11 put it back together again.Benjamin held his breath and gently took the back off the watch.
Every evening for a week,Benjamin sat at the table with the watch.He copied eaeh tiny
wheel and pin.When the week was up,he put the pieces back togelher and returned the watch to its owner.Then Benjamin got a good night’s sleep.
The next day when the farm work was done,Benjamin went into the woods to 1ook for just the right pieces of wood.Not too old,not too dry,not too green,not too soft.
For two years,Benjamin farmed all day and worked on his wood pieces at night.In1753,two years after he had borrowed the watch,Benjamin put all the pieces together.Benjamin had made his own clock.
1.The most likely reason the author wrote the passage was to__________.
A.show the influence Benjamin Banneker’s family had on him
B.present reasons for Benjamin Banneker’s fascination with clocks
C.explain Benjamin Banneker’s reason for becoming an inventor
D.give an example of Benjamin Banneker’s strong will and intelligence
2.Benjamin especially looked forward to going to the store to __________.
A.avoid work on the farm    B.purchase white cloth
C.meet interesring people    D.show his new clock to others
3.Why did Benjamin most likely hold his breath when he took the back off the watch?
A.He feared his friend might want to get the watch back.
B.He was very nervous about taking apart a precious object.
C.He wanted to time how long it would take to finish the job.
D.He was afraid that broken watch parts would fly into his face.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解



If you think American cooking means opening a package and throwing the contents into the microwave oven (微波炉), think again. On one hand, it’s true that many Americans have cold cereal  ( 谷类食品 ) for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and instant dinners. From busy homemakers to working people, many Americans enjoy the convenience of fast food that can be ready to serve in 10 minutes or less. On the other hand, many Americans realize the importance of cooking skills. Parents-especially mothers-see the importance of training their children- especially daughters. Most Americans think that there’s nothing better than a good home-cooked meal. But with cooking, as with any other skill, good results don’t happen by accident.

Probably every cook has his or her own way of cooking. But there are some basic skills that most people follow. For example, baking is a main method of preparing food in America. For that reason, Americans would find it next to impossible to live without an oven. American cooks pay special attention to the balance of foods, too. In planning a big meal they try to include meat, a few vegetables, some bread and often a dessert. They also like to make sure the meal is colouful. Having several different colors of food on the plate usually makes for a healthy meal.

For those who need guidance in their cooking, or for those who have just run out of ideas, recipes are a great help. Recipes list all the ingredients for a dish ( generally in the order used ), the amount of each to use, and a description of how to put them together.

61.This passage mainly tells us that _______________.

A.Americans usually have fast food, but they pay special attention to cooking as well.

B.without an oven, Americans find it impossible to live conveniently.

C.Americans pay special attention to recipes and nutritious meals.

D.Americans like to have several different colors of food on the plate.

62.The underlined word “ convenience “ in the first paragraph means _______________.

A.the lower and acceptable price

B.being suitable to one’s comfort or needs.

C.The high quality and low price.

D.The unusual taste of the food.

63.Many Americans have cold cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and instant dinner because ______________.

A.they like instant food very much

B.they don’t like cooking at all.

C.most American working people are busy and don’t have time to cook

D.fast food is delicious and it usually contains a lot of vitamins.

64.By saying “ But with cooking, as with any other skill, good results don’t happen by accident, the author means _____________.

A.good cooking doesn’t come easily; it needs a lot of practice

B.just like any other skill, cooking may bring good results

C.cooking comes from one’s gift, not through practice

D cooking can lead to accidents

65.From the passage, we know that _____________.

A.Americans don’t care about food

B.Americans are not good at cooking because they like to use recipes

C.an oven plays an important role in cooking for Americans

D.while cooking, Americans usually run out of ideas


