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3. Wendy's success has nothing to do with good luck.     (是多年的努力工作) that has made her what she is today.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. The sales assistant told me exactly the same thing.(the thing that)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Major League Baseball (MLB) had a problem that was hard to deal with this week,as word spread that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Department of Justice are investigating the St Louis Cardinals. Employees of the team may have hacked(非法侵入) into the computer database of the Houston Astros. If the investigation proves that the Cardinals did do the act,it will be considered not only unsportsmanlike but also illegal.

   In a statement,the MLB said it is aaware of and has fully cooperated with the federal investigation into the illegsd act of the Houston Astros' baseball operations database.The organization added,“Once the investigative process has been completed by federal law enforcement officials,we will judge the next steps and will make decisions immediately.w The investigation began after the Astros* internal trade talks were posted anonymously(匿名地) on the Internet last year. People wanted to know who was responsible for making the private information public.

   The two major-league teams had been competitors for a long time,but things became even worse when the Astros hired Jeff Luhnow as their general manager in 2011. Luhnow had previously worked for the Cardinals as head of their player development department. Investigators think the Cardinals may have been able to get inside the Astros’ database using Luhnow's old passwords from when he was working for the St. Louis team.

   This is the first known case of a professional sports team hacking another team's network,but some cybersecurity(网络安全) experts say other teams may have done it before without getting caught. Craig Newman,chairman of the privacy and data security practice of the New York law firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler,told The AssociatedPress that it would be “irresponsible” to assume this is the first incident of hacking in the world of professional sports.

6. What happened to the Cardinals according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It was in cooperation with MLB.

   B. It was in need of the FBI’s help.

   C. It was under investigation.

   D. It was under construction.

7. Which event led to the investigation into the incident of hacking?

   A. The Astros' website went down suddenly.

   B. The Astros' private information was uncovered.

   C. Newman commented on the Cardinals' trade talks.

   D. The Cardinals’ private information was uncovered.

8. What cah we infer from the text?

   A. Jeff Luhnow betrayed his team on purpose.

   B. Jeff Luhnow's old information may have been used.

   C. Jeff Luhnow had been a general manager before 2011.

   D. Jeff Luhnow was not allowed to use the Astros' database.

9. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refers to .

   A. hacking other teams' network

   B. stealing money from a competitor

   C. offering a competitor useful information

   D. providing untrue information for other teams

10. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A sports report.

   B. A finance report.

   C. A computer textbook.

   D. A newspaper advertisement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A Thousand Splendid Suns,1. (write) by Khaled Hosseini,shows the influence that Afghanistan’s violent history has had on individuals ,2. (especial) its women.

   Hosseini describes the 3. (life) of Laila and Mariam,and their struggle against society and the Taliban .They are both married to a shoemaker,Rasheed,4. is constantly abusing them. Initially,Mariam,Rasheed's first wife,doesnt like Laila,but she soon realizes 5. she is in desperate need of a friend.

   Khaled Hosseinis purpose is 6.(show) the hardships of women in Afghanistan and all they must stand in the household as well as society. The constant fear of a bomb 7.

(hit) a house appears frequently in the story,making 8. all the more heart-breaking.

   A Thousand Splendid Suns is a remarkable story of two women in a society that is 9.(willing) to see Mariam and Laila as equals. Not only 10. Hosseini tell a story of women trying to survive,but he gives the reader knowledge of a lifestyle that is foreign.I’ m happy to recommend the book to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. There will be enough food for (你邀请的任何人) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. So beautiful (was,girl,the) that nobody could talk of anything else.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. She should get a job but she (won’t”isn’t) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


3. My uncle was absolutely delighted with the present,but my aunt didn't.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. (When was it,Was it when) Sam came back home that you knew what had happened?

