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Bottled water has become the choice for people who are healthy and thirsty. Bottled water is all over the world. But some say the planet’s health, and people’s health may be suffering from it.
The idea that bottled water is safer for humans may not be true. The Natural Resources Defense Council of America said, “There is no promise that because water comes out of a bottle, it is cleaner or safer than water from the tap.” Another New York City-based action group added that some bottled water is “really just tap water in a bottle—sometimes more clean, sometimes not.”

It is not proven that bottled water is better than tap water. Nick Reeves from the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management said, “The high mineral content (含量) of some bottled water makes them not good for feeding babies and young children.” Also, most bottled water doesn’t have fluoride (氟化物), which can make teeth stronger. Kids are drinking more bottled water and less fluoridated tap water, and some say that’s behind the recent rise in bad teeth.
Storing is another problem. Placed near heat, the plastic bottles can produce bad chemicals (化学物质) into the water.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used worldwide to bottle water each year. The plastic can take between 400 and 1,000 years to break down.
In terms of energy use, plastic bottles are also not cheap. One report said that if water and soft drink bottlers had used 10 percent recycled materials in their plastic bottles, they would have saved about 72 million gallons of gas.
So, if you are worried about the effect of bottled water on the Earth, you can take the following steps.
● Drink from your tap. Unless your government warns against this, it should be fine.
● Get a container (容器). Carry your tap water in a steel or a lined drinking container, and clean it between uses.
● Keep it cool. Don’t drink from a bottle that has been sitting in the sun, don’t store it near chemicals, and don’t reuse plastic bottles.
● Choose glass containers over plastic if possible. When finished, recycle!
小题1:What is the main idea of the article?
A.Drinking tap water is the only choice for people.
B.Glass containers are better than plastic bottles.
C.Plastic bottles are harmful to the environment.
D.Bottled water may not be as good as we think.
小题2:What can we learn about plastic bottles from the article?
A.They break down in less than 300 years.B.They can be used for many other things.
C.They are a risk to the environment.D.They are cheap to make.
小题3:According to the article, we can know that bottled water is __________.
A.no problem for the environmentB.more expensive than tap water
C.always safer than tap waterD.better for babies
小题4:Which of the following about tap water is NOT mentioned in the article?
A.There are a lot of problems storing tap water.
B.Bottled water can be just tap water in a bottle.
C.It may be better for your teeth.
D.It may contain fluoride.


小题2:C细节理解题。根据文章第五段According to the Environmental Protection Agency, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used worldwide to bottle water each year. The plastic can take between 400 and 1,000 years to break down.可知塑料瓶对环境有害。故C正确。
小题3:B细节理解题。根据文章第六段中In terms of energy use, plastic bottles are also not cheap.可知瓶装水不便宜。故B正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Boys at the top of the pecking order(长幼次序) either by birth or because their older brothers died score higher on IQ tests than their younger brothers. 
Norwegian researchers now report that it’s a matter of what they call social rank in the family that gives the first born the highest scores or, if the first born had died young, the next oldest. 
Kristensen and Bjerkedal studied the IQ test results of 241,310 Norwegian men drafted(征兵) into the armed forces between 1967 and 1976. All were aged 18 or 19 at the time. 
The average IQ of first-born men was 103.2, they found second-born men averaged 101.2, but second-born men whose older brother died young scored 102.9. And for third-borns, the average was 100.0. But if both older brothers died young,the third-born score rose to 102.6.
The findings provide “evidence that the relation between birth order and IQ score is dependent on the social rank in the family and not birth order as such.” they concluded.
It’s an issue that has been hotly discussed since at least 1874,when Sir Francis Galton reported that men in noticeable positions tended to be firstborns more often than would have been statistically (统计) expected.
Since then, several studies have reported higher intelligence scores for firstborns, while other analyses have questioned those findings and the methods of those reports.
“These two researchers prove that how study participants(参与者) were raised, not how they were born, is what actually influences their IQs,” said Sulloway, an American professor, who was not part of the research team.
“The elder child pulls ahead,” he said, “perhaps as a result of learning gained through the process of tutoring younger brothers and sisters”. 
“The older child benefits by having to organize and express its thoughts to tutor youngsters”, he said, “while the later born children may have no one to tutor.”
小题1:According to Norwegain researchers’ finding, which of the following is linked to boys’ IQ?
A.Birth orderB.Position in the family
C.Parents’ social rankD.Educational experience
小题2:What does the sentence “It’s an issue that has been hotly discussed” underlined in Paragraph 6 mean?
A.Many people take interest in IQ study.
B.IQ study has gone further and further.
C.Many people do research on boys’ IQ.
D.Opinions are divided on the conclusion.
小题3:According to Kristensen and Bjerkedal’s test results, parents can make youngsters smarter by ________.
A.treating them as the oldest child
B.teaching them as the oldest child
C.talking to them as much as possible
D.encouraging them to express thoughts


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Today, when a fire breaks out, you can be sure a citizen with a cell-phone camera has posted it to Facebook or Twitter, or sent it to the media. But up to now, that citizen has not been able to easily send images and details of what is happening to the people who need it most: police, firefighters and building-security people who must respond, and whose ability to help is often measured in minutes, if not seconds.
That's about to change. A one-year old company called Elerts has developed a system that's designed to mobile and social technologies to speed the flow of information between citizens and emergency workers in time of danger. The system involves free mobile applications—iPhone and iPad app(应用软件)is available now—that eyewitnesses can use to report incidents and get public-safety warnings. And Elerts is offering a management console(控制台)for security firms and universities to receive the reports and distribute warnings and instructions, like a map with the best evacuation route(疏散路线).
The service is the brainchild of Chris Russo, deputy fire chief in the coastal town of Hull, Mass. As mobile communications sped up, he grew increasingly frustrated by his inability to communicate effectively with colleagues and the public, particularly with people who are at the scene and might be able to provide help.
"Remembering situations when communications failed puts a pit in my stomach," Mr. Russo says. Last summer, he was in a search at a beach for a missing boy, who went into a bathhouse but didn't come out. First responders feared an abduction (绑架) on the beach or shark attack. The child's mother, who didn't speak English well, was so sad that she couldn't remember what color shorts he had on. Mr. Russo had no photo of the child, and no ability to turn to beachgoers.
Two long hours later, the boy was spotted by a low-flying helicopter lost and alone on the beach crying—a lucky break. "If 5 percent of beachgoers had an app to receive a message and send in sightings of a lost boy, the happy ending might have come much sooner," Mr. Russo said.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A moving story of Chris Russo.B.An app for reporting emergency.
C.A cell-phone instant service.D.An app for firm management.
小题2:What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.Makes me feel frustrated.B.Causes a stomachache.
C.Arouses my interest.D.Leaves a hole in my stomach.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that emergency workers ____.
A.have to carry out rescue work in minutes
B.must send images and details immediately
C.need images and detailed information badly
D.have to turn to Facebook and Twitter for details
小题4:The author takes Chris Russo's experience as an example to ____.
A.advertise his creativity in communication
B.show readers the working principle of the new system
C.make the passage more interesting to read
D.inform readers how Russo got the idea of the service


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Did anyone find the names of “Great Britain”, “the United Kingdom”, “England” and “the British commonwealth” which have the same meaning? Strictly speaking, these names all refer to something different. None of them are exactly the same as any of the others.
The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well, which you can see on the map. Great Britain, or Britain, refers to the larger of the two main islands. But the word “Britain” is often used as a short form for the United Kingdom or you call it the UK.
Now as for England, it refers simply to the largest of the three countries on the island of Great Britain. The United Kingdom is the name of the state and the official name of the country, which many people popularly refer to England.
Finally, the Britain commonwealth is the usual name for what is left of the British Empire (帝国). This change shows the weakening of British Empire and the rising of the national liberation movements throughout the world today.
小题1:According to the passage, we know that _____________.
A.Great Britain has the same meaning as Britain
B.all the names refer to England
C.the United Kingdom has the same meaning as Britain or England
D.all the names in the first paragraph have the same meaning
小题2: It is clear that the British isles refer to _____________.
A.Britain, England and the UK
B.the two main islands and thousands of small ones
C.three countries and several islands
D.Great Britain or the United Kingdom
小题3:We can infer that           .
A.The country hasn’t an exact name.
B.Few people know its real name.
C.All the names have exact meaning.
D.Generally speaking,the names can all be used to stand for the country.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right relationship (关系) between the British isles (BI), Britain (B) and England (E)?
A. B>BI>E. B. BI>E>B.        C. E>B>BI.    D. BI>B>E.
小题5:If you want to write to someone in Edinburgh that lies in Scotland, you should write the address as _____________.
A.Edinburgh, England
B.Edinburgh, Scotland ,Great Britain
C.Scotland, Edinburgh, England
D.Great Britain, Scotland, Edinburgh


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After commuting, cooking dinner and doing household chores, the average parent has just 30 minutes to devote to their children in the evenings, according to a new study. One in four working parents worry that half an hour simply isn’t enough, while almost half fret that they aren’t a good enough parent during the week.
However, parenting experts believe just 12 minutes a day may be enough for mothers and fathers to fully reconnect with their child — as long as they ask the right questions. Child psychologist Dr Claire Halsey said asking a series of open-ended questions can help improve parents’ relationship with their children.
Among the questions recommended in the research are: “How many times have you smiled today — what made you laugh?”; “Can you act out what you did at breaktime?”; “Who is taller — mummy or your teacher?” and “What are the names of the toys you played with today?” Parents of older children are advised to start up a conversation with: “I’ve got a great story for you but I want one in return… you first!” or “Tell me some school gossip … I’m all ears!”
Dr Halsey, working with the makers of Ribena Plus, who commissioned the research, said: “There is no one as tough on their own parenting skills as a parent — but this study shows there is no need for parents to be so harsh. It’s hard for working parents to juggle all their responsibilities and it can feel like guilt is simply a parent’s lot — but it’s absolutely not. By using clever tactics such as a little preparation alongside use of open-ended questions — such as ‘Tell me what the best bit about your day was?’ — parents can reduce the time worrying about chores and work and spend more time learning about their children’s day.”
小题1:The underlined word reconnect in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.discussB. communicateC. understandD. combine
小题2:According to Paragraph 1, almost half of the working parents ________.
A.can spare only about half an hour to be with their kids every day
B.spend their daytime commuting, cooking dinner and doing household chores
C.worry that half an hour’s stay with their kids is far from enough
D.fear that they aren’t a good enough parent during the week
小题3:What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.I will be glad to listen.
B.I will be very interested.
C.I will listen carefully.
D.I will call your teacher at school.
小题4:Which of the following open-ended questions is for a three-year-old child?
A.Where are you off to with your friends this weekend?
B.Who played the best in your football match today?
C.What science project are you doing at the moment and can I help with it?
D.What are the names of the toys you played with today?
小题5:What does Dr Halsey intend to tell us in this passage?
A.It is not necessary for parents to spend too much time with their children.
B.It is natural that working parents do not afford more time to reconnect with kids.
C.It is important that working parents learn more parenting skills.
D.It is clever that parents ask their kids questions instead of doing chores.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In a cab, a woman seemed in such a hurry. She constantly rushed the cab driver to drive quickly. She was so absorbed in her own thoughts of getting to the airport as soon as possible that she was not aware they were going by a different route.
All of a sudden, a young man got inside the cab. He took her handbag in which she had put her visa, passport, and all the money for the trip.
The cab driver, who was in collusion with the robber, left her in the exactly middle of a dark street. She thought that she was rather unfortunate in the very situation.
During the very night, she was told a piece of shocking news. Tears came down her cheek. Flight 360, the plane that she should have got on board, had crashed. Had she not lost her important belongings, she could surely have lost the thing far more precious——her life.
Sometimes bad things really happen. There are times when nothing seems to go our way. So what should we do about it? We must get rid of all these frustrations and start all over again in the faith that we will get what we deserve. 
Don’t waste your time and energy on things that can’t be changed. Continuous worrying will only affect your health and you’ll be doing much more damage than what was previously done.
What if it was the other way round? What if we never ran out of good luck?
There was a man who won the lottery. He became greedy and wasted all his money on everything he could get his hands on.
But when he one day made it to the front page of the newspaper again, it was a different story. He had been killed because of his riches. If you attain good luck, you can never be too secure about it. Life is so unpredictable. You never know what will happen next.
Live one day at a time. We sometimes subject ourselves to unnecessary emotional trouble. But please don’t forget: sometimes misfortune can be the source of happiness. Live for the moment. Do what must be done for the present and the future will turn out just fine. Believe me. And believe in yourself. As Captain Planet always says, “The power is yours!”
小题1: The underlined phrase “in collusion with” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________.”
A.was forced byB.was fighting bravely against
C.was doing one’s best to begD.had cooperated with
小题2: From the passage, we learn that ________.
A.robbers are sure to get what they want
B.somebody never runs out of good luck
C.the woman was lucky to miss her flight
D.if one feels oneself lucky, he or she will continue to be so
小题3: The writer presents the second example in order to ________.
A.warn people of the danger of winning the lottery
B.tell people life is unpredictable
C.encourage people to buy lottery
D.persuade people not to be greedy
小题4: According to the author, which of the following choices is the correct attitude to adopt to life?
A.Never waste any time or energy because time is so limited.
B.One needn’t be worried or feel frustrated. Believe in yourself.
C.Even while everything appears to be going smoothly, we should keep fully alert.
D.Worrying about what you don’t have
小题5: The passage above is intended to tell us ________.
A.misfortune sometimes is a blessing
B.we should save up for a rainy day
C.fortune just goes with those prepared minds
D.both losses and gains go hand in hand


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval (准允), he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way. Several weeks ago, I was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines. I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he would concentrate better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didn’t even notice he was doing it, he got up again. I was getting frustrated (受挫), but then it hit me. I started noticing his answers were much quicker and accurate when he stood up. Could he be more absorbed while standing up?
This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet, calm child was a sure way to success. This child would have the willpower to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life.
Now those same people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA and personality qualities, and all you can do is loving and accepting them. As parents, throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to be our kids’ best cheerleaders, guiding them and helping them find their way.
I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Obviously, he is concentrating just in his own way and not mine. We need to learn to accept our kids’ ways of doing things. Some way may have worked for me but doesn’t mean we need to carry it through generations. There is nothing sweeter than being personal and unique (独特的). It makes us free and happy and that’s just the way I want my kids to live their own life. 
小题1:Time and again the author got his son seated in order to make him ______.
A.work fastB.go politeC.stay relaxedD.keep attentive
小题2:The underlined “it” (in the first paragraph) probably refers to ______.
A.his son’s doing better while standing up
B.his failure in keeping his son under control
C.his own experience as a school boy
D.his disappointment with his active child
小题3:By this passage, the author attempts to tell other parents to ______.
A.correct their kids’ manners from the early ages
B.respect and trust their kids’ ways of behaviors
C.develop a good relationship with their children
D.guarantee their children’s freedom at home
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Parental help with teens’ study
B.Adult influence on teen growth
C.Kids’ success in their own styles
D.Friendship between generations


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred if affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.
There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person can’t tell the differences between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man sees everything in shades of green--- a strange world in deed.
Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions very small things called “cones”. These help us see in a bright day and tell the differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes(形状) but not color. Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will. In similar way human being also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.
小题1:The passage is mainly about ______.
A.color and its surprising effects on drivers
B.women being luckier than man in that fewer of them are color blind
C.danger caused by color blindness
D.color blindness and how our eyes tell different colors and shapes
小题2:According to the passage, with the help of “cones” we can _____.
A.tell different colorsB.see in weak light
C.tell different shapesD.tell orange from yellow
小题3:Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?
A.Women are more careful.
B.There are fewer color blind women.
C.Women are fonder of driving than men.
D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.
小题4:Which of the following statements about color blind people is true?
A.Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing colors.
B.None of them can see deep red but all can tell blue from green.
C.None of them can tell blue from green but all can see deep red.
D.All of them are lucky enough to see everything in shades of green.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are various aspects that go into making a successful school, and success can be measured in various ways. Often, the teachers are praised for a school’s success and blamed for its failure. Yet, in order for a school to be effective, it must be a place where teaching and learning can easily take place, and that requires the hard work of more than just educators. Students must take learning into their own hands and feel as if what they are doing is as important as it actually is. This can only be done with the cooperation of every adult that is involved in the students’ life. Some of these individuals often go unnoticed, yet the role they play in the students’ lives is immeasurable.
In the school, administrative assistants greet students at the start of the day and answer a large quantity of questions. When an assistant remembers a student’s name or even something special about that student, it communicates to him that he is cared for. The assistant can also give that extra encouragement for a student to make better choices, especially when they are visiting the principal’s office.
Meanwhile, though cafeteria workers have a short space of time to interact with students, they can make a big difference as well. Beyond meeting nutritional needs, cafeteria workers may also on occasion meet the emotional needs of the students they serve. Students benefit from positive interaction with adults, and cafeteria workers may give that extra bit of encouragement that a child needs.
Custodians (管理员) are usually underappreciated for what they offer to schools. They have to be knowledgeable about everything from cleaning to fixing the most intricate (复杂的) tools. They get to school early in the morning before teachers arrive and lock up late at night after the last student has left from the after-school event. They also make sure teachers are equipped with the necessary items and prepare the rooms so that they are ready for learning. A great custodian also gives that kind word or extra smile to that student who needs it most.
小题1:The purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.emphasize the role teachers play in a school
B.highlight the contributions of other staff at school besides teachers.
C.tell us who make the greatest contributions to a school
D.explain what contributes to the success of a student
小题2:If an assistant remembers a student’s name, the student will feel that _________.
A.he is paid particular attention toB.he is special
C.he has done something wrongD.he has made progress in study
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about cafeteria workers?
A.It’s enough for them to cook for the students.
B.It’s hard for them to interact with the students.
C.They have the most interaction with students at school.
D.They can also meet the emotional needs of the students.
小题4:How does the author feel about the staff mentioned in the text?

