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11.Unfortunately,concerned about instability in the job market,many students are worried about facing an ever more uncertain future and consequently they have begun to feel lost,according to a survey.The survey,conducted by the Social Survey Institute of China,covers more than 2,000 college students from big cities,such as Beijing and Shanghai.
Tapping into (利用) this vast network of students,the survey revealed about 75 percent enjoy their lives on campus,feel free from restraints (限制) and are filled with enthusiasm.Nevertheless,16.7 percent"lost ones"of the students refer to life as boring and aimless while 8.3 percent complain about the heavier study load they must now bear.Undoubtedly,pressure exists,and 75 percent of the students are worried about finding a job upon graduation.Around half of all participants have no clear career plan after graduation and a high 41.7 percent admit they have not thought about it.Only 8.3 percent have a clear idea of what they want to do and are confident of achieving their hopes and dreams.
The question"Are you a popular guy"seemed to provoke a mixed response from participants with 58.3 percent answering positively,leaving 41.7 percent as unsure,91.7 percent of the students thought they got along very well with others,the final 8.3 percent finding it difficult to choose a particular answer.Independent answers such as"do things in your own way"and"forget other people's opinions"seemed to be popular among modern college students with 75 percent conforming more or less to this attitude.25 percent alone admitted to worrying about comments from other people.
The survey also discovered a strong feeling of confidence among students when dealing with interpersonal relationships and that personalities were slightly influenced by the surrounding environment.Most students criticized the phenomenon of suicide on campus.58.3 percent urged authorities to discover hidden social reasons behind suicide,thus helping to prevent it.33.3 percent thought students who try to commit suicide will not be able to face life's bigger challenges in the future even if they survive.Surprisingly,8.3 percent confessed that they once wanted to kill themselves,but finally decided against it.
45.What is college life like in the eyes of most students according to the passage?C
A.Easy               B.Interesting         C.Stressed              D.Aimless
46.How many students refer to life as boring in the survey?A
A.More than 334        B.More than 166   C More than 1,500   D.More than 625.
47.The underlined phrased"provoke a mixed response"(in Paragraph 4)probably means"B".
A.answer in a mixed way                                  
B.give a variety of answers
C.have sympathy for other students                    
D.suddenly begin to affect someone
48.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?D
A.What should college life be like?
B.Lost students in China
C.Do things in your own way.
D.Frustrated college life.

分析 本文属于教育类的短文阅读.主要介绍了对大学生的校园生活进行的一项调查.了解大学生的心理变化和对未来的计划等,其中叙述了部分学生的低落情绪以及有自杀倾向学生的动态等.

45.C.细节理解题.根据短文中第二段Undoubtedly,pressure exists,and 75 percent of the students are worried about finding a job upon graduation.可知,大学生的校园生活虽然安逸,但是他们普遍充满了压力,担心就业的问题;故选C.
46.A.数字计算题.根据短文第二段中Nevertheless,16.7 percent"lost ones"of the students refer to life as boring and aimless while 8.3 percent complain about the heavier study load they must now bear,在受访的2000名学生中,16.7%的学生认为大学生活是乏味的,由此可推断应该是约300多人,More than 334符合这一数量;故选A.
47.B.词义理解题.本段叙述的是针对"在大学里你受欢迎吗"?这一问题进行的问卷调查,后面列举了不同数量的学生的回答,由此可推断provoke a mixed response的意思应该是give a variety of answers;故选B.

点评 本篇文章是日常生活类阅读.日常生活类阅读理解题是高考常考的题材之一,它注重考查考生对整体理解和细节的把握,有一定难度,要求考生对相关话题要有所了解以及对文章大意准确把握,做题时要结合语境做出正确的选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.He           for the first time in his life that night.(  )
A.gets drunkB.got drunkC.was drinkingD.is drunk


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.breathe(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The more ways we have of looking at a problem,the more likely it is(越有可能)that we can find a solution.(likely)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.-Is Bob still performing?
-I'm afraid not.He is saidto have left(离开)the stage already as he has become an official.(leave)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The plane _____ at 7:00p.m,so I have to be at the airport by 6:40at the latest.(  )
A.leavesB.is to leaveC.will have leftD.has left


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane _______.(  )
A.is taking offB.takes offC.has takenD.took off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.CatherineⅡhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St.Petersburg __________ she spent her summers.(  )
A.whereB.whichC.thatD.at which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I will speak to the person ______ and ask him to give you another pair or give your money back.(  )
A.in returnB.in reliefC.in commonD.in charge

