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Two businessmen were invited to a dinner at home of a college professor. One of the men had 26  education and felt  27  that he might make a fool of himself, so his friend said, “Don’t worry. Just do 28   I do. Don’t talk about  29  that you don’t really understand.” The first man managed to get  30  the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had   31  too much and began to get  32 .

A guest asked him   33  he liked Shakespeare(莎士比亚), and he answered, “It’s very   34  , but I prefer Scotch(苏格兰威士忌).” There was an unpleasant silence in the room, and soon people began to   35   .

When the two friends were out of the house,  36    man said to his friend, “You certainly made a fool of yourself by talking so stupidly about Scotch.” “What do you   37   ?” asked the other man. “What was  38   with it?” “   39   knows that Shakespeare isn’t a  40  ,” his friend replied.

(    )26.A. some          B. little          C. much         D. enough

(    )27.A. worried        B. happy         C. sad           D. glad

(    )28.A. whether        B. how          C. that           D. what

(    )29.A. it             B. what          C. anything       D. something

(    )30.A. up            B. through        C. across         D. on

(    )31.A. talked         B. drunk          C. eaten         D. said

(    )32.A. rude           B. worse         C. careful        D. good

(    )33.A. what          B. how           C. why          D. that

(    )34.A. well          B. happy          C. good         D. kind

(    )35.A. drink         B. smile           C. talk          D. leave

(    )36.A. another       B. other           C. the second     D. this

(    )37.A. speak        B. mean           C. observe        D. think

(    )38.A. the matter     B. the wrong       C. happening      D. going

(    )39.A. All          B. Every           C. Everybody      D. People

(    )40.A. professor     B. businessman      C. food          D. drink

26---40   BADCB   BABCD   CBACD  

