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11.Now many people strive to be a follower of the LOHAS movement.LOHAS means"lifestyles of health and sustainability."This term was coined in 2000by two American scholars.
Lohasians believe in leading a healthy lifestyle that is actively involved in preserving the earth's environment and resources.According to Lohasians,respect for one'own mental and physical health should exist in parallel with care for the earth's ecology.They believe their actions,in this way,can have a positive effect on our global environment,and might be able to minimize the negative effects of people's mindless and selfish consumption.
Take organic foods for example.Lohasians prefer them,not only because they are chemical-free and good for the human body,but also because they are cultivated using natural fertilizers,which do not harm the soil.Even more Lohasians turn to locally grown produce,the transportation of which consumes far less than that of imported goods.As global warming has become a universal concern,Lohasians are anxious to find ways to cut down on energy consumption.
Indeed,Lohasians are always considering the long-term impact of their behavior on the planet.As more consumers are adopting LOHAS values,this growing trend has dawned on the corporate world and they begin to practice responsible capitalism,which means providing goods and services using environmentally friendly and economically sustainable business practices.For instance,Coca-Cola's efforts in the area of sustainable packaging focus mainly on"using and reduce its impact on the environment.As a result,the company saved 89,000metric tons of glass in 2007alone,and,therefore,reduced carbon dioxide emissions to a level equivalent to that of the planting of more than 13,000acres of trees.
Clearly,LOHAS values have become a significant trend in the world today.Individual or corporate"cultural creative"are promoting these values by challenging old traditions and habits,and building new lifestyles.Although whether these practices will bring immediate confident that these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people today remains unknown,Lohasians are confident that these practices will benefit their children and future generations.All individuals should evolve into Lohasians and take action to save the planet,before it is too late.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)

78.Lohasians are convinced that through their responsible actions,The negative effects of people's mindless and selfishc onsumption might be reduced to a minimum.
79.Why is locally grown produce favoured by Lohasians?Because they use chemical-free and good for the human body,using natural fertilizers
80.Consumers'growing trend of LOHAS values has inspired companies toprovide goods and services using environmentally friendly.
81.In terms of their practices,Lohasians are not sure ofwhether these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people.

分析 本文为说明文.介绍乐活族---当下一种比较流行,重视环境和健康,崇尚可持续发展的生活方式.

解答 78.the negative effects of people's mindless and selfishc onsumption  根据第二段"They believe their actions,in this way,can have a positive effect on our global environment,and might be able to minimize the negative effects of people's mindless and selfish consumption."可以得出,通过乐活族的努力,"the negative effects of people's mindless and selfish consumption"即"人类自私消费的负面影响".
79.Because they use chemical-free and good for the human body,using natural fertilizers  第二段提到"they are chemical-free and good for the human body"以及"using natural fertilizers"所以乐活族支持这种农业种植.
80.provide goods and services using environmentally friendly  在第四段这句"practice responsible capitalism"提到一些公司受到乐活族观念的影响,也开始进行一些负责人的投资.
81.whether these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people   在最后一段"Although whether these practices will bring immediate confident that these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people today remains unknown"看出,乐活族倡导的这种生活方式到底能不能给地球和人类带来益处还不得而知.

点评 阅读表达主要考察学生对文章理解能力的考察.在答题时,需通读全文,并能注重问题信息的整合和重组,在字数限制内找出符合要求的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.The children goto school on foot every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

2.Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.How             you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Since the 1990s,education has been required for all South Africans from age seven to fifteen.Last December,the government announced that seventy percent of students passed their final examination to finish high school.In 2008 the passage rate was about sixty-three percent.There have been increases each year since then.
Professor Shireen Motala at the University of Johannesburg says that access to basic education is no longer the problem in South Africa.She says most children stay in school until they are about sixteen.The problem now,she says,is that large numbers of them leave without completing high school.
Students take an examination known as the matric in grade twelve,their final or"matriculation"year.Professor Motala notes that less than half the children who started school in 2000 sat for the matric last year.
Educational researchers also point to another problem.They say South African schools do not produce enough students with the skills for higher education in math and science.Many schools are not well-equipped.They do not have libraries at school.Ninety-two percent of the schools do not have libraries.
Also,education specialists say,in many cases,teachers and school principals do not have the skills or training to do their jobs.In other cases,they are simply not doing their duty to provide an education.
Professor Motala says a number of teachers were poorly trained during the system of apartheid (种族隔离制度),or racial separation in South Africa.Apartheid ended in 1994.
Secondly,she says,teachers have been confused by the many educational reform efforts in the last fifteen years.And,finally,she thinks language differences in the classroom have not gotten as much attention as they should.
South Africa's minister of basic education promises a number of improvements.
41.What does the underlined word"passage"most probably mean?D
A.Leave school                        
B.Receive education.
C.Take exams.
D.Pass the exam.
42.What's Motala's attitude towards the basic education for students in South Africa?A
43.Form the passage we know the matric isB.
A.an examination difficult for students to pass
B.an examination for students in grade twelve
C.the number of students leaving school
D.the number of students taking exams
44.Students in South Africa find it hard to get improved in math and science becauseC.
A.they drop out of school without finishing high school
B.teachers don't have the abilities to teach them
C.most schools can not provide enough equipment
D.there aren't such subjects in most schools
45.In which section of a newspaper can you most probably see the passage?C
A.Entertainment.B.News report.C.Education.D.Lifesty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

16.It was a hot summer day.My dad and I were ready to go out for a ride on the motorcycle with my friend Katie and the dog(36)Athe phone call came,a call that made that bright,beautiful day a cold,dark,(37)Done.
I had just put on my suit,shorts,and tank top(无袖紧身背心),and packed my bag with sunscreen and (38)Aelse I would need for the day.I ran into my parents'room to find Dad.When I saw him on the phone,he was crying.I'd never seen my dad cry before.My heart(39)A.what possibly could have happened?
"Max,I'm so sorry,"I heard him say.That's when it(40)Bme.I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dad's best friend for years.Suzie,his daughter,had a rare disease that mainly affected her body.Her brain was OK.She knew what was    (41)B; she knew that she had problems and was different from other kids.Once she told her dad that she wished she could die and be born in a different body.Yet although she couldn't live a normal life,she was still happy.
When Suzie and I were little,we spent quite a bit of time together.As we grew up,we grew(42)C.She lived in New York,and I lived in the Midwest.When Suzie was ten,she had to live in a(43)Din Virginia.About eight months before she died,Max gave us her number at the hospital and we talked on the phone at least twice a week(44)Athe end.In a way,she lived through me.After we found out about her(45)D,we made our plans to go to New York for the funeral.When she was alive,I sent her a Beanie Baby and she sent one back to me.I had(46)Dher another one but never had the chance to send it to her,so I took it to put in her casket(棺材).
To be honest,I learned so much from her.She gave me far more than I could ever give to her.I will never forget her or the talks we had.I now know that I must never (47)Banything for granted,especially my health and the gift of life.

41.A.getting onB.going onC.working onD.running on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Italians were reminded to slow down and relax on World Slow Day,an annual event celebrating life's simple pleasures.
"Let's take this day to stop and think about all the things we miss while we're rushing through our lives,"said Bruno Contigiani,the President of the Art of Living Slowly Association.Contigiani,62,a one-time high-powered manager,is now an ambassador for the slow life movement around the world.He started the first World Slow Day in 2007 to encourage the values of living and working at a more natural pace,and to make people rethink their daily lifestyle.
    Contigiani's association suggests"14 commandments (诫条)"for living better,such as waking up five minutes earlier to enjoy breakfast without rushing.Others include walking whenever possible,and reading in the evenings instead of watching television.
     This year,Contigiani left Italy where the event has spread around the country for Shanghai,one of the fastest moving cities in the world.The slow-living supporter said he wandered around the busiest streets of the commercial center for an entire aftemoon,inviting people to"slow down"."Among the"14  commandments',the one  about waking up five minutes  earlier was the most popular by far,"Contigiani said.
     Back in Italy,the now well-known event hosts a lot of activities,such as reminding people to  stop and  smell  the roses.In central  Milan:you  would probably be fined  if you walk  too fast.In parks and public spaces,free yoga and Tai Chi (太极拳) lessons are important parts of the events.
     Italian farmers'union noted that Italians spent less and less time preparing meals,a habit connected to rising levels of obesity.Therefore,the group said World Slow Day was a good opportunity to remind Italians to take extra time at meals in particular.
     World Slow Day is by now an  intemational event.A  total of 90"Slow Cities"in  11 countries inspired by the"live well"philosophy are supporting the day.

61.What's the best title of the text?C
A.Slow Life Supporters                    
B.Lifestyle of Italy
C.World Slow Day                        
D.Living Well
62.World Slow Day is intended toD.
A.tell people to walk slowly
B.encourage people to enjoy pleasant things
C.advise people to adjust to modern lifestyle
D.remind people to live and work at a natural pace
63.Which of the following goes against the"commandments"?C
A.Walking whenever possible.
B.Slowing down to smell flowers.
C.Watching TV in the evenings instead of reading.
D.Waking up five minutes earlier to enjoy breakfast.
64.We know from Paragraph 6 thatC.
A.obesity had little to do with eating quickly
B.free yoga in particular is popular with Italians
C.Italian farmers'union supported World Slow Day
D.Italians spent more and more time preparing meals
65.In which section of a newspaper is the text probably put?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Best bike-sharing cities in the world
When Citi Bike rolled onto the streets of New York this Memorial Day,it was treated as a national event and even international media took notice.In advance of the launch,one blog post on Le Monde's website claimed,"Bike share to conquer America."
The next major development was in Copenhagen,which introduced a coin-operated system in 1995 called Bycyklen,or"City Bike."For 17 years,these bikes zipped through the streets of Denmark's capital until the program was shut down late last year-it's getting an upgrade to third generation technology.
Sponsored by media giant Clear Channel,the French city of Rennes brought the next generation of bike share to the world in 1998 by replacing coin operation with card access and electronic booths.From there the technology has progressed,picking up GPS and real-time tracking along the way,and has spread throughout Western Europe-and the world.
According to the Bike Sharing World Map,maintained by DeMaio and Russell Meddin of Bike Share Philadelphia,there are 553 bike share programs in operation worldwide and another 193 in planning or under construction.
And they're not just in Europe and North America.The worldwide leader in bike sharing,as measured by the number of bikes,is China.According to data collected by the Earth Policy Institute,20 of the 25 largest bike share programs are Chinese.Its largest one,in the city of Wuhan,has twice the number of bikes as all of France's shares combined.
Although most of the systems share several characteristics-bikes with low theft value,electronic docking stations,ranked payment scales-different cities are trying different ways to make bike sharing work.
Take a look at Hangzhou,China,this city of 6.2 million near Shanghai,and you'll see what just may be the best bike share in the world.Although now second on the planet (and China) by size,the Hangzhou Public Bicycle system is one of the densest shares,and probably the most extensively used one,anywhere,largely because of its mixing into public transport:a single card grants access to subway,bus,ferry,taxi and bike share.Residents and tourists alike can put down a deposit of 200 Chinese Yuan (about 33)andrideforanhourforfreeinthissceniccityontheYangtzeDelta.Eachadditionalhouristheequalofonly0.15-one reason why riders put in a quarter-million rides a day.By 2020 it's projected to have 175,000 bikes.
71.What does the blogger mean by the underlined part"Bike share to conquer America."?C
A.Bike share is a national event.B.Bike share attracts international media.
C.Bike share is popular in America.D.America is a kingdom of bikes.
72.In 1995 citizens in the French city of Rennes can get access to bike shareAA.by putting coins into the system                             
B.by inserting a card into the system
C.by showing ID card to the booths                           
D.by boarding the docking station
73.Which of the following countries has the most bikes?D
74.Which of the following statements is TRUE about bike share?C
A.No thief will steal bikes
B.The payment is the same among cities.
C.Any city has her own way to operate it
D.There is no competition between cities.
75.If you tour in Hangzhou you can find the bike share there isB.
A.the most advanced in the world                              
B.a most successful example
C.free for local people                                                    
D.available at scenic spots.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Talking about buying cars,I prefer a car less than 100,000yuan to _____ over the amount.(  )

