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            A  ★★★★☆

    Every year 10 to 15 percent of babies bom in the ?.S. end up in the neonatal intensive care unit(新生儿重症监护病房) (NICU) of a hospital because of heart problems or other issues. And for the parents of those children,NIC? nurses are their rock.

    “Care in the NIC? is intensive,” one nurse,Renee Hendrix,says in the video Tiny Miracles put out by Kleenex in recognition of annual Neonatal Nurses Day. “Our babies are in great danger,” she continues. “I treat them like I would want somebody to treat my baby when I’m not there. That’s the most important thing.”

     But to her,gratitude is the most important thing in this video,which shows the nurse,who works at WellStar Kennestone Hospital,became very happy because of the thank-you messages from 17 families of her former patients.. The video producers surprise Hendrix by opening a door to show each of those grateful families gathered together to thank her in person,along with the babies she saved. “Are you kidding me?” in the video Hendrix screams. “All my favorit? people are in one room!” Aft?r hugging her former patients,she says in the video,UI love taking care of these babies. I don’ t do what I do for any kind of thank you but it's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated."

     This campaign(活动) of thanks is continuing in social media as well,with other NIC? families cheering on the nurses who made a difference in their lives. It’s all part of the job,though,according to Hendrix. She says being a NIC? nurse makes her gain more than what she devotes. “Working with babies that you thought would never even make it out of here and knowing that you had a part in helping them survive is a wonderful feeling,” she says.

1. What is the purpose of the video Tiny Miracles?

   A. To show how nurses treat babies.

   B. To celebrate Neonatal Nurses Day.

   G. To show how the sick babies are doing now.

   D. To advertise the neonatal intensive care unit.

2. Why did Hendrix scream?

   A. Someone played jokes on her.

   B. She was surprised to see the video producers,

   C. She saw her former patients and their families.

   D. A nurse,s opening the door suddenly frightened her.

3. What does Hendrix think of her job?

   A. It is difficult.   B. It is tiresome,

   C. It is interesting.   D. It is rewarding.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The dream of a NIC? nurse

   B. Showing gratitude when necessary

   C. Many babies bom in the ?.S. end up in NIC?   

D. A NICU nurse gets thanks from the kids she's saved 


1.B. 细节理解题。由第二段中的put out by Kleenex in recognition of annual Neonatal Nurses Day可知,这个íí频是为了庆祝新生儿护士节。

2.C. 细节理解题。由第三段中的surprise Hendrix by opening a door to show each of those grateful families gathered together to thank her in person,along with the babies she saved可知,她尖叫是因为 她看到自己以前救助过的婴儿及其家属都来了。

3.D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的She says being a NICU nurse makes her gain more than what she devotes 以及 is a wonderful feeling 可知,她感觉自己作为护士收获的很多,特别是受到了她救助过的 婴儿及其家属对她的感谢,她觉得她的王作是值得 的。

4.D. 标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了在新生儿重症 监护病房工作的护士受到了她曾经照顾过的新生 儿及其家人的感谢,故选D项。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第29期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking the Guinness Records. Over the last 25 years,he 1      (break) nearly 93 Guinness Records. More than twenty of these he still holds,including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming 2        soccer. Instead he attempts to break

records in very imaginative 3      (event) and in very interesting places.

Recently,he achieved his dream 4        breaking a record in all seven continents,including hula hooping in Australia,pogo stick jumping 5        water in South America,6       performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America.

While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect,in 7       ( real) they require an enormous amount of strength and 8       ( fit) as well as determination.

Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are 9       (walk) . You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay 10        your head.

1.                  2.         3.         4.          5.      

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Health is the most important thing in the world. Nothing is more important than health. If our money,houses,or even our clothes are taken away,we can still survive. 1       That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

How can we keep healthy? In order to eat healthily,I usually avoid eating food high in fat,like French fries or cookies,which are junk food.2       I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

      Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What's more,I think friends are an important part of one's health.4       I always feel better when I am with friends than I am alone. When I am with friends,I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It's good to stay with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly,I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do,but not many people can manage them.5      

   A. On the other hand,doing exercise is very important.

   B. There are some people who like staying alone,but they keep healthy.

   C. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts don't easily get sick.

   D. But if our health was taken away,it is certain that we would surely die.

   E. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

   F. I only eat little meat.

   G. Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。

            The danger of success

    A new climber prepared to climb the Alps across the Swiss border. He invited two 41 (experience) guides to keep him company.

    They took a very dangerous mountain road. But 42 (protect) by the two excellent guides,he did not feel any danger. They climbed the long road,and 43 (final) arrived at the peak (顶峰) . The climber wanted to enjoy the feeling of standing on the peak first,so 44 guides moved aside and let him walk ahead.

    On the peak the young climber was so 45 (excite) that he forgot the strong wind 46 could blow at any time. He jumped up,47 (cheer) for his victory. Just at this moment,one guide caught up 48 him and pulled him down to the ground.

    “Kneel(跪) on the ground quickly!” he shouted. “You’ 11 not be safe 49 you kneel on the ground now!”

    There are too many times we want to stand tall and enjoy our success. But it is at these moments that we most easily 50 (appear) in the strong wind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

               C ★★★★☆

    Following the crowd may not always be in a person's best interest. But new research suggests something different. Scientists have known that close friendships help health. Lonely people are more likely to get sick. That's true for both teens and adults. Those findings inspired Joseph Allen and his team to look at teen behavior.

    So they followed 171 teens,starting when the kids were just 13. The same 171 people were interviewed again as adults,at ages 25,26 and 27. Whether teens held in their feelings or expressed them to a close companion also influenced their later health. Those who held in their feelings were more likely to become sick as adults. What’s more,the study found that teens who went along with what their friends wanted,rather than being independent,were also healthier in their twenties.

    The (关系) held up even after the scientists took other possible influences on health into consideration. Weight,family income and drug use were all examined. Going along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also weak points. Teens who are more independent are likely to do better in school. And peer ^essure may lead some kids to. do risky thi?gs.

    Tara Dumas is ? (心理学家) in London. She says that the study’s findings not only are interesting but alsft emphasize the value of teen friendships. She wants to know what will happen when peers encourage each other to behave in ways that are unhealthy,such as smoking or drinking. She wonders whether those friendships will still lead to healthier adults.

    Dealing with peer pressure is a challenge. It is not as simple as just saying ‘no” ” Allen says. “Finding the right balance is the key. Parents need to understand fhe pressures teens face,” he adds.

9. What is the main idea of the text?

   A. It's not easy to get along with peers.

   B. It's important to deal with teens’ pressure.

    C. Adults should pay attention to teens’ health.

   D. Teen friendships may make healthier adults.

10. According to Allen,a boy who doesn’t like following the crowd may .

   A. do well in school work

   B. have an unsuccessful life

    C. end up smoking or drinking

    D. easily become overweight 

11. Tara Dumas seems ?

   A. excited to encourage friendships

   B. unwilling to let teens make friends

    C. doubtful about unlimited friendships

   D. happy with what teen friends do together

12. What should parents do according to the text?

   A. They should learn to say no to teens.

   B. They should think based on teens’ situation.

    C. They should encourage teens to be independent.

   D. They should make a balance between work and family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A.B.C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I'm sure each and every single action we perform in our lives is to seek happiness. 21,what we seek is actually hidden within ourselves.

    Although I don't have many personal experiments in my own life,I 22 believe that we can never 23 real happiness outside US. If we 24 to find happiness from something or someone outside US,then it's never going to be a 25 one. Maybe that will last for a day or for a few months.

    For example, .you have a 26 mobile phone with which you can only make phone calls that are your basic 27 . You may feel unhappy,28 yourself in the midst of your friends who are playing around with their high-tech 29 . Now,thinking that you will 30 happiness with a new phone,you buy a new phone with all possible 31 in it. You think you are the happiest person in this world only until you 32 a friend having a better one than yours. At that very moment your happiness 33 and you start thinking you should have 34 this one. You feel unhappy again.

    Here your happiness is 35 based on a mobile phone. You had given the power of 36 your happiness to a lifeless electronic instrument.

    The moment we start 37  things outside to make ourselves happy,it's going to be a(n)38 ending process. Instead,we should focus on things within US. Now high-tech products appear every minute. 39 all those things should only be seen as something that can make our life 40 . They can never give US permanent happiness that we seek in our lives.

21. A. However   B. Therefore   C. Besides   D. Otherwise

22. A. regularly   B. immediately    C. suddenly   D. completely

23. A. mention   B. find   C. spread   D. destroy

24. A. agree   B. tend   C. happen   D. learn

25. A. big   B. light   C. fresh   D. lasting

26. A. simple   B. small   C. beautiful   D. modem

27. A. principles   B. requirements   C. conditions   D. characters

28. A. seeing   B. remembering  C. helping   D. guessing

29. A. media   B. databases   C. computers   D. phones

30. A. understand   B. get   C. discuss   D. imagine

31. A. knowledge   B. information   C. features   D. chances

32. A. come across   B. look after   C. cheer for   D. refer to

33. A. develops   B. arrives   C. disappears   D. hides

34. A. repaired   B. bought   C. designed   D. produced

35. A. sometimes   B. possibly  C. hardly   D fully 

36. A. showing   B. deciding   C. doubting   D. sharing

37. A. focusing on   B. taking down   C. dealing with   D. giving up

38. A. already   B. probably C. still   D. never

39. A. And   B. So   C. But   D. Or

40. A. slower   B. earlier   C. easier   D. worse


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出修改后的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    Once there was a rich man whom got a serious eye disease. Afraid of go blind he got a famous doctor to treat his eyes. The doctor advised himself to avoid bright light for a month As soon as the doctor left,the rich man closed all his windows but replaced all the bright and colorful curtains '.in dark-colored ones. One month late,the doctor paid a visit his patient to check on his recovery. To the doctor's surprise,everything in the house were dark and dull.Then he said to the man, “In the fact,you could have .bought a pair of sunglass instead of Spending SO much money making everything darker.” 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

       Seated me at my desk,I began to write a letter thank Gao Hui for all her help last week. Last Monday evening,my mother fall ill suddenly. Since my father was in another city on the business,I got very anxious. Have no idea what to do,I phoned my best friend Gao Hui for help. She and her mother,which is a doctor,came to help US immediately. It was under their help that my mother made a quickly recovery. Gao Hui is always ready to help me when I am in troubles. She had helped me overcome a lot of difficulties.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    learning how to see Words

    Each time we see the familiar or same thing,we should see something new.

    In high school,I had a teacher who made me aware of this concept,although it took many years before I appreciated it fully.

    One day,Mrs. Lambert,my English teacher,brought in several baskets filled with all kinds of stuff. Each of us took something and wrote a composition about it for homework. The next day,the baskets reappeared,and we were instructed to select the same object. This time we had to write a composition about the object without repeating anything from the first one.

    Over the next few days the same thing happened,with each day bringing an increasing sense of (失意) as we tried to see something new in a familiar object. I will never forget the last piece I wrote about my blue and white Delft fisher boy. After struggling to find something different to say,I got inspired to write a poem. It allowed me to see beyond the porcelain ( figure and into the 從sence (本质) of the character. Mrs. Lambert had shown me how to use my own eyes and creativity to see what I otherwise would have looked at and dismissed.

    Fifty years later,as I remember Mrs. Lambert,I wonder,are schools today showing kids how to use their own eyes to see beyond the superficial and into the essence of things? This,I believe,is the most important lesson a child can take into adulthood.

True (T) or False (F) :

1. Mrs. Lambert used to give her students too much homework.()

2. It can be inferred from the text that the author is thankful to Mrs. Lambert. ()

