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Honesty play an important role in our daily life. It is not only the best policies, but a principle of dealing with affairs. Take the friendship for example. If you are honest man, your friends will be honest to you on return. When you are sad, he will comfort you; when you were in trouble, they will help you. However, if you are a dishonest man, and your friends will leave you alone sooner or late. What¡¯s worse, you will be looked down upon by them and regard as a public enemy. In short, honesty is very important in our daily life. Honesty is absolute essential for a good and happy life.


¡¾1¡¿play ¡úplays

¡¾2¡¿policies ¡úpolicy


¡¾4¡¿on ¡úin

¡¾5¡¿he ¡úthey

¡¾6¡¿were ¡úare

¡¾7¡¿È¥µôand (your friends will leave¡­)

¡¾8¡¿late ¡úlater

¡¾9¡¿regard ¡úregarded

¡¾10¡¿absolute ¡úabsolutely



¡¾1¡¿play ¡úplays ¿¼²éÖ÷νһÖ¡£±¾¾äµÄÖ÷ÓïÊÇhonesty³Ïʵ£¬ÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö²»¿ÉÊýÃû´ÊͬʱҲÊdzéÏóÃû´Ê¡£×öÖ÷ÓïµÄʱºò£¬Î½Óﶯ´ÊҪʹÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ£¬ËùÒÔ±¾¾äʹÓÃplays¡£

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Volunteer Opportunities Abroad

Working place: Brasov, Romania

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: Romanian

For those looking to break into the competitive world of journalism (ÐÂÎŹ¤×÷), this is for you! You will be working at ¡°The Village¡±, an English and Romanian language magazine. As a writer you will work on special tasks, reporting local events with guidance from the editor. You will be interviewing local people, writing reports, and taking photographs. You will also have the chance to live with a local host family to experience their culture.

Working place: Koh Sdach, Cambodia

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 15~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Khmer

Volunteers joining our project (ÏîÄ¿) in Cambodia will travel to the island of Koh Sdach. You will become part of this tiny island, learn to dive (DZˮ), and take part in valuable social projects.

During your stay you will complete a course to learn to dive. After that you will take part in dives to clean up rubbish under the sea and collect information on rare fish. During the two weeks you may also have the chance to join in a village fun day where volunteers play games with the village children.

On this project you will spend two weeks living with a host family and coaching soccer in friendly West Africa! You will spend your two weeks in Accra helping local children develop their soccer skills. You will develop their skills and confidence while having fun playing soccer at the same time.

¡¾1¡¿¡°The Village¡± is the name for _________.

A. a local magazine

B. a volunteer project

C. the task given by the editor

D. the place where volunteers live

¡¾2¡¿ What will the volunteers in Cambodia do?

A. Help with fishing.

B. Give a diving course.

C. Do some cleaning work.

D. Teach the village children.

¡¾3¡¿The underlined word ¡°coaching¡± probably means ________.

A. nursing B. watching

C. playing D. teaching

¡¾4¡¿All the volunteers of the three projects will ________.

A. work for two weeks

B. be at least 16 years old

C. stay with local families

D. learn the local language


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º





Last Friday _____________________________________________________________




¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Opened in 1847, the London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. Today it houses over 760 different species of animal and is the only zoo in London where you can experience big animals.
Explore the ¡°Into Africa¡± exhibit (Õ¹ÀÀ) where you can come face to face with some of Africa's most unusual animals including hunting dogs, or try ¡°Meet The Monkeys¡± an exciting walk-through experience. Other top exhibits include the Butterfly Paradise, where you can enjoy many species of butterfly as they fly around you.
Make sure you don't miss feeding time at the Penguin Beach and find out more about these popular creatures from the zoo's experienced keepers. Penguin Beach, with a very large pool and underwater viewing areas, allows visitors to be close to the penguins like never before.
Built in 2013, Tiger Territory is a great experience taking visitors deep into the world of these wonderful creatures.
Rainforest Life is London's only living rainforest, where visitors can meet a variety of beautiful rainforest species including. In the all-new ¡°Night Life¡± area you will discover the bats, and rats.
With over 12,000 animals to see and incredible animal displays taking place throughout the day (including feeds and keeper talks), no visitor leaves disappointed. Learn more about London Zoo in our Interview with a Zoo Keeper on our London Pass Blog.
You can visit the London Zoo for free with a London Pass¡ªa fantastic saving of 23 for adults and over 16 for children. Children aged 3-4 will be charged on entrance fee for London Zoo.
£¨1£©How is London Zoo different from other zoos in London?
A.It is the largest zoo in the world.
B.It has the most animals.
C.It opens all year around.
D.It has large animals.
£¨2£©Where can visitors watch hunting dogs?
A.In the ¡°Into Africa¡± exhibit.
B.In the Butterfly Paradise.
C.At the Penguin Beach.
D.In the Tiger Territory.
£¨3£©According to the third paragraph, visitors can learn more about Penguins from ________.
A.a guide
B.a film
C.an advertisement
D.the zoo's keepers
£¨4£©If you want to visit London Zoo for free, you had better ________.
A.have a London Pass
B.interview a zoo keeper
C.visit with children aged 3-4
D.learn more about London Zoo


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression (ÓÇÓô) as young adults.
The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to survey the relationship between media (ýÌå) use and depression. They based their findings on more than 4,000 adolescents who were not depressed when the survey began.
As part of the survey, the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily. They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio. Media use totaled an average of five and one-half hours a day. More than two hours of that was spent watching TV.
Seven years later, more than seven percent of the young people had signs of depression. The average age at that time was twenty-one. The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies, video games or radio, etc. But the study did find that every extra hour of television meant an eight percent increase in the chances of developing signs of depression. Young men were more likely than young women to develop depression given the same amount of media use.
Last December, a popular magazine published a study of activities that help lead to happy lives. Researchers from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people. The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active, to join in outdoor activities and to hang out with friends.
£¨1£©We can learn from the survey that ______.
A.computer games are teenagers' favorite
B.teenagers enjoy watching TV very much
C.newspaper is not included in the survey
D.most teenagers prefer to listen to the radio
£¨2£©What can we know from Paragraph 4?
A.Movies and video games may cause depression.
B.Less than 7% of the young people became depressed.
C.An increase in television watching raises the risk of depression.
D.Young women had higher chances of becoming depressed than young men.
£¨3£©According to the passage, what can we conclude?
A.Teenagers should not watch television any longer.
B.Teenagers play more video games instead of watching TV.
C.Teenagers should be active in taking part in outdoor activities.
D.Teenagers should be more active in reading magazines and newspapers.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º





×¢Ò⣺1. ÿ´¦´íÎó¼°ÆäÐ޸ľù½öÏÞÒ»´Ê£»

2. Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕߣ¨´ÓµÚ11´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö¡£

I took a trip to China a few months before. If was a wonderful experience which I couldn¡¯t really describe it. We spent three weeks visit Beijing, Shanghai and several other tourist attraction. The close we approached the centre of China, the more I liked it. Then we went to Hong Kong last week, where I think is different from Beijing. It is noisiest and busiest place I have ever seen. And another thing that give me a deep impression was the people¡ªthey were so friendly. Anyway, the trip itself was interested. I can¡¯t wait to leave to China again.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Even if trees cannot walk, they are still on the move.

In parts of the Arctic, entire forests are moving northward. Across the Arctic, temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world. As that happens, the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra(¶³ÍÁµØ´ø) starts has been shifting northward. Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind. To do this, plants tend to grow horizontal(ˮƽµÄ) branches low to the ground. The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don¡¯t have enough energy to make seeds.

But as Earth¡¯s climate has been warming, trees no longer have to just grow horizontally. Many can instead grow up toward the sky. This takes less energy. And with all the leftover energy. these trees have started producing more seeds. This happens especially in places where the white spruce(°×ÔÆɼ) grows.

White spruce, which is a North American tree, is quite able to produce a lot of seeds, which can move long distances in the wind. When wind-blown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line, they eventually can sprout(·¢Ñ¿) new trees. This explains how a forest can move. Of course, the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough. But in recent years, the whole planet has been warming.

New trees will provide shelters for some snow, keeping the sun¡¯s rays from making the white surface disappear. Instead, the trees absorb the sun¡¯s heat. This warms the surrounding air. The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds. That further boosts a forest¡¯s ability to expand. In addition, more trees will trap more snow, preventing much of it from being blown away. Snow can trap heat in the soil below, which encourages trees to grow. The recent rise of temperature has helped more trees grow. The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line. People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.

¡¾1¡¿What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?

A. The rising temperature.

B. The shrinking of northern tundra.

C. The fierce and cold wind.

D. The abundant resources in the north.

¡¾2¡¿What does the underlined word¡°this¡±in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. To produce more seeds.

B. To move northward.

C. To respond to the climate change.

D. To protect themselves from the cold wind.

¡¾3¡¿What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. New trees can trap the snow, which may make the soil colder.

B. The trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.

C. New trees can make the surrounding air warmer.

D. New trees can bring more food and shelter for local animals.

¡¾4¡¿The passage is most probably taken from _______.

A. a health report B. a science report

C. a fashion magazine D. a children¡¯s magazine


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º






×¢Ò⣺1. ÿ´¦´íÎó¼°ÆäÐ޸ľù½öÏÞÒ»´Ê£»


As a middle school student of Senior Three£®I do sports one and two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on£®I think it is very helpfully in me£®Take exercise makes me even more healthier so that I won't be ill very often. What's more, I also get myself relaxing in different kinds of sports. Only in this way I do a better job in my study in high spirits£®For doing physical exercise, I'm becoming stronger and more confident than ago£®I did think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day so people's health is important in modern life£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


As we know, it¡¯s the beginning of the end for TV. Apple has released Apple TV, a tiny white box that connects the shows and movies you¡¯ve downloaded from the computer, and wirelessly sends them to your TV screen.

No longer will you have to pay a monthly fee to your cable (ÓÐÏßµÄ) company to watch your favourite show. Apple¡¯s iTunes has made it possible to download a TV show for about $ 2, keep it stored on your computer and watch it whenever you want. It¡¯s a blow to the cable networks, which offer services that are often expensive and make hundreds of channels and thousands of shows nothing to watch.

American networks have gone one step further, allowing audiences to watch their shows for free online. If the cable companies don¡¯t keep up with technology, we¡¯ll soon be giving them up.

¡°This is the biggest kind of entertainment in history£¬¡± says Colin Dixon.¡°I don¡¯t think that traditional broadcasts ¡ª cable and satellite ¡ª are going away tomorrow, but they must change to keep market share.¡±

The Internet changes businesses at an unbelievable speed. Now it¡¯s happening with video. Canadians are being kept behind the times. Some Canadian channels are starting to follow American companies. Global offered Survivor: Cook Islands online, and CTV is doing the same for Degrassi: The Next Generation. And cable companies say that video on demand and personal video recording technology can compete with the Net.

¡°You watch when you want it£¬¡± says Michael Lee£¬adding that the Net doesn¡¯t give viewers the opportunity to just sit on the couch and flip (·­ÔÄ) through channels.

However, it takes time.

¡°Up until this year even the US sites didn¡¯t offer a lot of online content. We¡¯ve seen an explosion of it this fall£¬¡± she says.

¡¾1¡¿According to the text, Apple TV ________.

A. marks the end of TV

B. makes its users more convenient

C. can download movies from computers

D. can send movies to TV by wire

¡¾2¡¿The appearance of Apple¡¯s iTunes means ________.

A. good news for cable companies

B. the cable companies can earn a lot more

C. the serious situation for cable companies

D. the rapid development of technology

¡¾3¡¿According to Colin Dixon¡¯s words, which of the following agrees with his idea?

A. Cable companies need to turn to technology for help.

B. Cable and satellite will disappear at last.

C. There¡¯s no need for cable companies to change.

D. Traditional broadcasts are the only entertainment now.

¡¾4¡¿According to the text, what does the underlined word ¡°it¡± refer to?

A. The cable company.

B. The online content.

C. Viewers¡¯ opportunity.

D. The change of cable networks.

