精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】Like it or not, there will be difficult times in our lives. You might lose your job, fail in your exams or have an illness. 1 Here are some ways not to lose hope during difficult times.

1. Have faith.

2 No matter how bad the situation is, things will turn out to be good in the end. Several years ago I failed to get my master’s degree. It was a really bad experience. 3 It was of much better quality than my previous university. Experiences like this strengthen my belief that having faith is important during difficult times.

2. Be around supportive people.

Going through difficult times is hard, and going through them alone is even harder. You need a group of positive people who can support you. 4 If you don’t, my suggestion is to start looking for one. Don’t wait until you need it, because it will be too late by then. You need the community before difficult times come.

3. Help others.

An additional benefit of being in a good community is that it encourages you to think about other people. It pushes you to help others and, therefore, think about other people 5 As a result, your situation won’t look as bad as it would be otherwise. Often the situation looks worse than it really is because we give too much attention. Shifting (移开) some of your attention away will put the situation in a better view.

A. Your community helps a lot.

B. Whatever it is, it’s important not to lose hope.

C. I changed my attitude towards failure.

D. In this way you take your focus away from yourself.

E. But I got a scholarship at an overseas university later.

F. You must believe that things will work out well eventually.

G. You should become part of a community that cares for one another.











4推理判断题。根据下文“If you don’t, my suggestion is to start looking for one.”可知此处是用来表示建议的,故G选项合适。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on diet to lose weight.
(2)Both of the two restaurants have their strength and weaknesses,so they decided to combine them together into a larger one.
(3)They stood there, glared at each other without a word.
(4)Knowledge can be of very benefit to everybody.
(5)China today is no longer that what she used to be thirty years ago.
(6)I'm very sorry to have had you wait for so long.
(7)—What do you think of the concert?
—I have never seen a more better one.
(8)His first memory seemed to be connecting with work.
(9)—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?
—No,but we have been tried to get in touch with them ever since.
(10)There is no possibility whether he will keep his word.He is always telling lies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Mr. Brown,
I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I would always remember what you said. “If you try to, you can be No.1!” I hope you'll have a pleasant journey home but will come to China again sometimes in the future, I will write again and send you photos we take together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many thought that after starring in the immensely popular drama, Nirvana in Fire, Hu Ge would____and actively seek new roles.
A.make a mountain out of a molehill.
B.have too many irons in the fire.
C.strike while the iron is hot
D.put the cart before the horse


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Cambridge Science Festival CuriosityChallenge
Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge!
The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) ispleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. The challengeinvites , even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to createartwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity how it inspires themto explore their world.
Students are being dared to draw apicture, write an article, take a photo or write a poem that shows what theyare curious about. To enter the challenge, all artwork or pieces of writingshould be sent to the Cambridge Science Festival, MIT Museum, 265 Mass Avenue,
Students who enter the CuriosityChallenge and are selected as winners will be honor at a special ceremonyduring the CSF on Sunday, April 21st. Guest speakers will alsopresent prizes to the students. Winning entries will be published in a book.Student entries will exhibited and prizes will be given. Families of those whotake part will be included in celebration and brunch will be served.
Between March 10th and March15h, each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and theCuriosity Challenge celebration. The program guidelines and other relatedinformation are available at :http:// cambridgesciencefestival.org.
(1)Who can take part in the Curiosity Challenge?
A.Cambridge locals.
B.School students.
C.CSF winners.
D.MIT artists.
(2)When will the prize-giving ceremony be held?
A.On February 8th.
B.On March 10th.
C.On March 15th
D.On April 21st.
(3)What type of writing is this text?
A.An exhibition guide.
B.An art show review.
C.An announcement.
D.An official report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


minority; equipment; amuse; charge; theme; jungle; get close to; technique; advance; various; profit; creature

Now you are in a dinosaur park. Coming here, you will find a kind of old , dinosaur, which died out millions of years ago. In our park, we are happy to show you dinosaurs, which lived in the Jurassic. The four-storied-building-high grass-eating dinosaurs are submissive (温顺的) and kind. You can towards them and touch them. But the of them are dangerous. The four-legged meat-eating dinosaurs are very cruel. Please don't them and don't try to give them food. The here is very thick and full of all kinds of animals that lived in the Jurassic. Without any specialand the leading of the guide, please don't step into it. OK, I'm sure that our park will anyone who comes here and you will a lot from it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A lot of people are interested in sea animals, especially the ones that are beautiful and smart. Although some are wild, and can be deadly, each is also unique in its own way. Whales, sharks and dolphins are the main subjects of sea-animal research, with dolphins standing out from whales and sharks for their friendly behavior with humans. No doubt the desire to learn some interesting things about dolphins has led you to this article, and you too are eager to know more about these sea creatures.

It is sometimes believed that Dolphins have been evolved from land mammals. Among sea mammals, dolphins are the most advanced in intelligence. You may be surprised to learn that they are close relatives of camels and cows. The debate on the origin of the dolphin is an unending one, however. Some believe that they evolved from land-based hoofed (有蹄的) mammals, others believe thattheyevolved from other different kinds of mammals many millions of years ago. There are about 32 types of dolphins that live in salt water, each unique in its color and body shape. Five other types live in fresh water.

A grown-up dolphin eats nearly 20 to 22 kilos of fish every day. The eating habits of dolphins depend on where they live, and on the season. Seasons in which fish are abundant are like party time for dolphins. Dolphins decide how much they are going to eat based on the fat content of the fish available. They’ve a good sense of understanding about their hunger.

The social skills and intelligence of dolphins make them very attractive for zoos and aquariums, where they are often trained to show off their diving skills. Dolphins also communicate with each other by special sounds.

1Scientists like to research dolphins mainly because _______.

A. they are friendly to humans B. they have good diving skills

C. they have unique bodies D. they are beautiful and clever

2The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to _________?

A. Camels and cows. B. Dolphins.

C. The relatives of dolphins. D. Hoofed mammals.

3We can know for sure from the second paragraph that dolphins ___.

A. evolved from land animals B. are the most advanced animals in the world

C. have a close connection with camels D. live only in salt water

4Paragraph 3 mainly talks about ___________?

A. How dolphins know they are hungry. B. How much dolphins eat daily.

C. What dolphins like to eat. D. The eating habits of dolphins.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 节约用水,避免不必要的浪费;

2. 节约用电,离开时确保关灯和其他电器;

3. 节约纸张等学习用品;

4. 主动向父母及周围亲朋宣传节约能源的思想。


Dear fellow students,

Our government is aiming to build a saving-based society.










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Last week Ideep into space,but a black hole. Then Ito Brazil and experienced surviving an airplane crash After that,I went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blindthat have never seen .
That is what visitors can do at Futuroscope,a science and technologybased theme park in France. It uses the mosttechnology. Visitors can parts of the world they have never experienced. The amazing,information together with many opportunities for hands on learning makes the world in a completely new way for visitors.
Visitors can buy tickets at the entrance,but tickets are also available online. Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. And also Futuroscope is easy to reach. Come ready to walk a lot—be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers.

