精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he set aside all his allowance for over two months to
buy holiday presents for those he loved.  He had __1__ twenty dollars. The third Saturday in
December Mark __2__ that he had made a list and had his money in his pocket.  
     I drove him to a local drug store, the modern version of __3__ we used to call the "Five and
Dime".  Mark __4__ a hand basket and went off on his own while I waited __5__ at the front of the
store.  It took Mark over 45 minutes to __6__ his presents.  
     The smile on his face as he __7__ the checkout counter was truly joyful. The clerk rang up his
__8__ as I politely looked the other way.  Mark kept within his budget and reached into his pocket for
his money.  It was not there.  There was a hole in his pocket, __9__ no money. Mark stood in the
middle of the store holding his basket, tears__10__ his cheeks. Then an amazing thing happened. A
__11__ in the store came up to Mark. She __12__ to his level and took him in her arms and said,
 "You would do me the greatest __13__ if you let me replace your money. It would be the most
wonderful present you could ever give me. I only ask that one day you __14__ it on.  One day, __15__
you grow up, I would like you to __16__  someone you can help.  When you do help other persons, I
know you will feel as __17__ about it as I do now." Mark took the money, tried to dry his tears and
ran to the checkout counter as fast as he could go. I think we all enjoyed our __18__ that year almost as
much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.  
     I would like to say "thank you" to that __19__ woman. I would like to tell her that four years later
Mark went house to house __20__ blankets and coats for the people in the Oakland fire and he thought
of her.  
(     )1. A. made        
(     )2. A. declared    
(     )3. A. which        
(     )4. A. picked up    
(     )5. A. happily      
(     )6. A. pick out    
(     )7. A. left        
(     )8. A. allowance    
(     )9. A. and          
(     )10. A. coming down
(     )11. A. man        
(     )12. A. knelt down  
(     )13. A. service    
(     )14. A. transplant  
(     )15. A. when        
(     )16. A. meet        
(     )17. A. wise        
(     )18. A. gifts      
(     )19. A. impossible  
(     )20. A. donating    
B. saved        
B. mentioned    
B. that          
B. brought up    
B. eagerly      
B. pick up      
B. approached    
B. purchases    
B. so            
B. breaking down
B. teacher      
B. turned down  
B. favor        
B. provide      
B. if            
B. share        
B. good          
B. things        
B. inevitable    
B. collecting    
C. earned      
C. announced  
C. what        
C. pulled up  
C. carefully  
C. pick off    
C. escaped    
C. money      
C. but        
C. getting down
C. customer    
C. looked down
C. harm        
C. pass        
C. while      
C. find        
C. honest      
C. helps      
C. individual  
C. fetching    
D. paid            
D. recognized      
D. where          
D. built up        
D. patiently      
D. send out        
D. seated          
D. performance    
D. then            
D. rolling down    
D. waiter          
D. settled down    
D. good            
D. supply          
D. even though    
D. ask            
D. friendly        
D. lives          
D. incredible      
D. purchasing      
1-5: BCCAD         6-10: ABBCD       11-15: CABCA     16-20: CBADB

科目:高中英语 来源:河北省月考题 题型:完形填空


     Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy  __1__scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on __2    him.  
     One fine day recently, he went 3 a walk in the countryside, but as  __4 _he has a book in his hand.
When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadn’t gone far_ 5 __he run into a big cow and fell
down. In the  fall, he had lost his glasses, without which he couldn’t see anything. He thought he had hit
his head __6___a fat   lady. “I’m sorry, Madam.” He said politely__7 __searching for his glasses. As
oon as he had___8__, he realized his mistake.
     Soon he was fixing his mind on his book___9__and paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely
been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, ___10__both his book and his glasses. This time 
he got very     angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the “cow” a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses,
he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horror.

(     )1.A. fish     
(     )2.A. there    
(     )3.A. more     
(     )4.A. happened 
(     )5A. on       
(     )6.A. swimmer  
(     )7.A. threw    
(     )8.A. deep     
(     )9.A. but      
(     )10.A. pushing  
(     )11.A. place    
(     )12.A. seeing   
(     )13.A. decided  
(     )14.A. while    
(     )15.A. turned   
(     )16.A. nervous  
(     )17.A. wrapped  
(     )18.A. save     
(     )19.A. on       
(     )20.A. boat     

B. boas        
B. it        
B. may         
B. went      
B. within       
B. guard     
B. looked    
B. cool      
B. so           
B. draggig     B. period       B. smiling      
B. went        
B. till        
B. looked       B. afraid       
B. left      
B. thank     
B. out       
B. blanket   

C. was         
C. whe         
C. muh          
C. arrivd       
C. in            
C. soldir       
C. jumd        
C. dirty         
C. and           
C. holdig       
C. secod       
C. lookig       
C. agred        
C. for           
C. hurrid       
C. excitd       
C. placd        
C. wrp          
C. away         C. camea      

D. birds         
D. that          
D. little        
D. came          
D. under         
D. player        
D. turned        
D. cold          
D. or            
D. catching      
D. moment        
D. shouting      
D. promised      
D. as            
D. stood         
D. angry         
D. threw         
D. help          
D. off           
D. screen      

