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There comes a time in a person's life when childhood fantasies (幻想) end and reality begins. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) to be Mum and Dad, and fade away. I don't know if most people remember this event, but I know it happened to me.

On a(an) summer day, my grandfather told me one of his crazy stories. I headed off to the Indians that grandpa said lived in the woods. But after some hours searching without success I gave up. Tired and , I went to ask grandpa.

"How come of your stories ever come true?"

"Well, sometimes you have to make them come true," he answered. "I once had a friend named Huck Finn who made his own adventures."

He to tell me about his buddy (密友) Huck, who floated down the Mississippi River on a raft. I sat listening to him, every word he said. When he finished, I went off to have my own .

Two hours later I had a small and badly made raft. I took it to the along with a branch from a tree to use as an oar (桨). I couldn't and had been told many times to stay away from the pond. But today I had the raft so with a big shove; I pushed it out and jumped on top.

I was fine for a total of four seconds; then I started to . , I tried to use the branch to paddle (划桨) in, but pushed myself farther out. Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation: I ,

From the edge of the pond came my sister and cousins who easily rescued me. As my raft sank, did my belief in my grandpa. Although I never stopped loving him, something in our relationship that day.

Looking back now, I can see that the change wasn't in my grandfather, but in me. I was .

1.A. happen B. end up C. work out D. turn out

2.A. heroes B. friends C. memories D. stories

3.A. how B. when C. so D. clearly

4.A. special B. interesting C. hot D. ordinary

5.A. meet B. track C. find D. check

6.A. unhappy B. cheated C. discouraged D. disappointed

7.A. neither B. none C. nothing D. any

8.A. continued B. loved C. started D. agreed

9.A. doubting B. believing C. remembering D. thinking of

10.A. adventure B. plan C. raft D. game

11.A. river B. waters C. pond D. stream

12.A. row B. swim C. water D. bathe

13.A. fall B. realize C. fear D. sink

14.A. Frightened B. Nervous C. Clear-headed D. Fighting

15.A. nearer B. close C. back D. up

16.A. then B. rather C. right D. only

17.A. jumped B. screamed C. sought help D. wept

18.A. thus B. also C. so D. such

19.A. changed B. disappeared C. lost D. happened

20.A. thinking for myself B. becoming clevererC. growing up D. learning from my experience
























1. D考查短语 :根据There comes a time in a person's life when childhood fantasies (幻想) end and reality begins. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) to be Mum and Dad,可知这里意思是圣诞老人和复活节的兔子被证明是母亲和父亲。Happen发生;end up结束;work out解决;turn out结果是。。

2. A考查名词 :根据There comes a time in a person's life when childhood fantasies (幻想) end and reality begins. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) to be Mum and Dad, and fade away.可知这里意思是英雄也消失了。Heroes英雄;friends 朋友;memories记忆;stories故事。

3. 考查引导词 :根据I don't know if most people remember this event, but I know it happened to me. 可知这里意思是但是我知道我是什么时候发生变化的。How怎样;when什么时候;so所以;clearly明确地。

4. D考查形容词 :根据On a(an) summer day, my grandfather told me one of his crazy stories.可知这里意思是在一个普通的夏天。Special特殊的;interesting有趣的;hot热的;ordinary普通的。

5. 考查动词 :根据But after some hours searching without success I gave up.可知这里意思是我去寻找印第安人。Meet遇到;track跟踪;find寻找;check检查。

6. 考查形容词 :根据But after some hours searching without success I gave up.可知我又累又沮丧。Unhappy不快乐;cheated欺骗;discouraged沮丧;disappointed失望的。

7. B考查代词 :这里意思是为什么你的故事一个都没有变成现实?neither 两者都不;none没有一个;nothing没有东西;any任何。

8. C考查动词 :根据He to tell me about his buddy (密友) Huck,可知这里意思是他开始告诉我他的密友Huck的故事。Continued继续;loved喜爱;started 开始;


9. B考查动词 :根据I sat listening to him, every word he said.可知这里意思是我相信他说得每一句话。Doubting质疑;believing相信;remembering记得;thinking of想起。

10. A考查名词 :根据"I once had a friend named Huck Finn who made his own adventures."


11. C考查名词 :根据后文I couldn't and had been told many times to stay away from the pond.可知这里意思是我把它带到了池塘。River小河;waters海域;pond池塘;stream河流。

12. B考查动词 :根据and had been told many times to stay away from the pond.可知我不会游泳。Row划船;swim游泳;water水;bathe洗澡。

13. D考查副词 :根据 , I tried to use the branch to paddle (划桨) in, but pushed myself farther out. Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation: I ,可知本句意思是然后我开始下沉。Fall落下;realize 意识到;fear害怕;sink下沉。

14. A考查形容词 :根据I tried to use the branch to paddle (划桨) in,可知这里意思是很害怕。Frightened害怕;Nervous紧张的;Clear-headed头脑清楚的;Fighting打架。

15. C考查副词 :根据I tried to use the branch to paddle (划桨) in可知这里意思是我尝试用树枝后退。Nearer接近;close紧密;back后退;up向上。

16. 考查副词 :根据Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation: I ,可知这里意思是但是却让我自己被推得更远了。Then那时;rather相当;right正确;only结果却。

17. B考查动词 :根据Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation可知我尖叫。Jumped跳;screamed尖叫;sought help寻找帮助;wept流泪。

18. 考查连词 :根据As my raft sank, did my belief in my grandpa.可知这里意思是我对我祖父的信仰也沉没了。Thus因此;also也;so也;such如此。

19. :根据Although I never stopped loving him, something in our relationship that day.可知这里意思是在那天,我们的关系改变了。Changed改变;disappeared 消失;lost失去;happened发生。

20. C。考查短语 :根据Looking back now, I can see that the change wasn't in my grandfather, but in me.可知这里意思我长大了。growing up长大。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建三校联考高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿:

1.学会学习; 2.学会做人; 3.……



Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.______________________________________________



Thank you!



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届陕西兴平秦岭中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

His father feels like ________a walk after dinner while his mother would like ______TV at home.

A. taking; watching B. to take; to watch

C. taking; to watch D. to take; watching



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁省大连市高三第一次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1、 家庭

2、 工作

3、 业余生活

注意:1、次数100左右;2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好

I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁省大连市高三第一次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment . “We didn’t know at that time that there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it, ”says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.

But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement . Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement. “The understanding has increased many, many times, ”says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first Earth Day.

According to US government reports , emissions (排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10. 3 million tons a year to 5. 5 tons . The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9 . Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with , the world is a safer and healthier place . A kind of “Green thinking ” has become part of practices .

Great improvement has been achieved . In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs , ; today in 1995 there are about 6, 600 . Advanced lights , motors , and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution .

Twenty –five years ago , there were hardly any education programs for environment . Today , it’s hard to find a public school , university , or law school that does not have such a kind of program . ” Until we do that , nothing else will change! ” say Bruce Anderson .

1.According to Anderson , before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___

A. the social movement B. recycling techniques

C. environmental problems D. the importance of Earth Day

2.Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?

A. The grass –roots level B. The business circle

C. Government officials D. University professors

3.What have Americans achieved in environmental protection ?

A.They have cut car emissions to the lowest

B. They have settled their environmental problems

C. They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.

D. They have reduced pollution through effective measures .

4.What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph ?

A. Education B. Planning

C. Green livingD. CO reduction



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁沈阳铁路实验中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Hearst Castle

Hearst Castle is a palatial park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark.It was designed by architect Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until 1947.In 1957 , the Hearst Corporation donated thefortune to the state of California.Since that time it has been maintained as a state historic park where the estate and its considerable collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.Despite its location far from any urban center, the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.

Guided Tours

There are several tours which highlight various parts of the castle and gardens.

●Tour One is recommended for first time visitor.It now includes the movie, Hearst Castle Building the Dream.

●Tour Two gives visitors a closer look at the main house's upper floors, Mr. Hearst's private suite, the libraries, and the kitchen.

●Tour Three looks at the Castle's North Wing, guest rooms and guest house Casa Del Monte.

●Tour Four features the impressive gardens and grounds, the largest guesthouse, the wine basement, and the Hidden Terrace.

●The evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearst's own visitors might have.

Ticket Prices

Hearst Castle accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.Free day use parking is available for automobiles, motorcycles, tour buses and recreational vehicles.



Ages 6 – 17

Experience Tour



Tours 2, 3 or 4

$ 24

$ 12

Evening tour



* Children under 6 are free when accompanied by a paying adult.

Reservation Information

While tickets may be purchased at the Visitor Center upon arrival, tour reservations are strongly recommended and may be reserved online now or by calling 1 - 800 - 444 - 4445, see below for times.

Reservation Call Center Hours





8AM to 6PM

8AM to 6PM


9AM to 5PM

9AM to 3PM

Visit www. Hearstcastle. org for more information.

1.If you are quite interested in wine, which tour will you choose?

A.Tour One. B.Tour Two.

C.Tour Three. D.Tour Four.

2.If a young couple take Tour One with their 5-year-old son, how much will they pay for the tickets?

A.36. B.60. C.48. D.75.

3.Which of the following is the available time to book tickets by phone?

A.At 8 AM on Monday in February.

B.At 9 AM on Sunday in March.

C.At 7 PM on Friday in September.

D.At 6 PM on Saturday in October.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁大连第二十高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Nicolai Calabria has already become one of the best 106-pound wrestlers. He has successfully climbed to the top of the highest mountain in Africa, and most importantly, he’s changed the attitude of any normal person who watches him compete.

The 17-year-old teenager has one leg. He was born that way, but his goal is to show it’s not the one thing that defines him. He would also be the first one to tell you that he just wants to prove to others and himself that he’s just like other normal ones.

When Calabria was young, his parents tried different prostheses(假肢)to find out which was most comfortable for their son as he tried to keep up with the family, who has a preference for sports.

At first, the Calabrias had their middle child in a prosthesis that looked and functioned like a real leg, but soon they decided to choose a different path when they found it wasn’t beneficial to his movement. Then the family moved him to arm crutches(手杖)and from there a new burst of energy was found.

Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer. When the Calabrias moved to Concord, they had a hard time persuading the town soccer team to allow a child like him to compete with able-bodied kids. After months and months of debates and meetings, the family received the answer they were looking for. Since then, witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a fixed event in the Concord community.

“At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community; however, now I have nothing but admiration for the fact that he’s been allowed to play, and people see that he adds value to game,” his father said. “I just think it’s a great result.”

1.This passage shows us a boy with one leg __________.

A. can do what a normal teenager can

B. is realizing as many dreams as he can

C. can make a sport event more valuable

D. can add value to society

2.We can learn from Paragraph 5 that __________.

A. Calabria proved to be the most excellent player of the team

B. it was not easy for Calabria to be accepted to the town soccer team

C. Calabria’s parents didn’t allow him to play soccer at first

D. there are some other disabled children in the soccer team

3.In Paragraph 5, the underlined part probably means __________.

A. a must-see B. a planned programme

C. an extra game D. a special occasion

4.It is implied in the last paragraph that Nicolai’s father __________.

A. has been discouraged since Nicolai played soccer

B. thinks that Nicolai is playing a key role in the team

C. is very delighted that Nicolai can play soccer in the team

D. hasn’t expected that Nicolai can be allowed to play soccer



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十一单元练习卷2(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-Mary, would you like to come to my birthday party? -_____.

A. Of course, you could B. Sure. Go ahead

C. Sorry, you may not D. No, you mustn’t



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was a cold December and Mrs. Bell wanted to do a lot of shopping. She waited until it was Saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought. They went to a lot of shops, and Mrs. Bell bought everything she could think of.

She often stopped and said, “Look, Peter! Isn’t that beautiful?”

“All right, my dear. How much is it?” answered Mr. Bell, and then he took money out to buy it for her.

It was almost dark when they came out of the last shop, and Mr. Bell was tired. He was thinking about a nice drink by the side of a warm fire home. Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, “Look at that beautiful moon, Peter!”

Without stopping, Mr. Bell answered at once. “All right, dear. How much is it?” Then he took his wallet out of his pocket.

1.Mrs. Bell took her husband to the shops because .

A.he liked beautiful things

B.he liked to do shopping too.

C.she wanted him to pay money

D.he was always free

2.Mrs. Bell bought in the shops.


B.a drink

C.the most beautiful thing

D.a number of things

3.Mr. Bell shopping.

A.was addicted to

B.was thinking about

C.was tired of

D.was very interested in

4.According to the last paragraph, we know Mr. Bell .

A.wanted to buy the moon

B.did not really know what his wife was saying

C.was a millionair

D.did not like the idea of buying the moon


