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   It's easy to spot signs of physical suffering,but much emotional pain can be easily masked. 36 “We don't tend to have conversations about mental well-being,” says Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen,a clinic psychologist. Simply asking someone “How are you” may just get “Fine,thank you”,says Van Dahlen. “It's important to be aware of what could lead to somebody needing help they’ re afraid to ask for ,” she adds. The following are four signs a friend might need help.


   If you sense something different about the way your friend is acting — maybe he's not smiling much these days,for instance — trust your feelings and reach out. “Try saying ,‘I see these things. I care about you. Can I be of help?’ ” Van Dahlen says.

   He's unusually unhappy or annoyed.

   38 “It may take more than one time to follow up if you’ re talking to someone who is upset ,” Van Dahlen says,but if a friend responds with anger,that could mean you,re onto something.

   He's less put together than usual.

   Drinking more and ignoring personal hygiene (卫生) can be signs that someone is in trouble. Don’t consider these behaviors are nothing. 39 

   He seems overwhelmed(压倒) by life.

   No one is happy all the time,but if your once optimistic friend can't find anything to be hopeful about,he may be having thoughts of worthlessness,sadness and something negative. “40 ” says Van Dahlen, “so that more people can get the help they need."

   A. He's acting a bit more withdrawn.

   B. He doesn’ t seem like himself lately.

   C. Instead treat them as a sign to care for your friend.

   D. Getting angry quickly and easily can be a sign that something is wrong.

   E. It's a constant effort to bring into the open discussions about mental health,

   F. Many people avoid talking about it no matter how close they are to someone.

   G. We want people to get comfortable being more open and discussing mental health,



36. F。根据本空后的 We don't tend to have conversations about mental well-being 可知,“无 论人们跟某人有多亲密,他们都不会跟对方谈 论心理方面的问题”。F项中的it指代本空上一句中的 emotional pain。

37. B.根据下文中知 something different about the way your friend is acting可知,“朋友跟平不一样”是他心理出P问题的迹象之一。

38. D.根据本段的小标题 He's unusually unhappy or ann oyed可知,“易怒是(心理) 出问题的一个 迹象”。

39. C.根据本空前的 Don’t consider these behaviors are nothing可知,不要把这些不同寻 常的行为不当一回事,“而是要把它们当成你去 关爱朋友的迹象”。C项中的them指代上一句 中的 behaviors。

40. G。根据本空后的 So that more people can get the help they need 可推测,Van Dahlen“希望人们 能更自在地敞开心扉谈论心理健康”,只有这 样,更多的人才能得到他们需要的帮助。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第55期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。请你以学生会的名义用英语写一封倡议书,倡议高三 学生与母校完美告别。要点包括:

1. 学校对我们的影响;

2. 倡议内容:搞好学校卫生、和低年级同学分享学习经验、向老师们表示感谢等。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头及结尾己为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear fellow students,

   Before leaving our school,we call on seniors to say goodbye to our school in 及 perfect way.                                                                                                                       

   Come on,everybody!Let’s say goodbye to our school perfectly!

                                                    Student Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Try to imagine a world without noodles and you may begin to realize just how widespread this thin,tasty food has become. Discoveries in archaeology have proven it to be a surprisingly ancient food,dating back at least to 4000 B. C. Not surprisingly,however,given the noodle's widespread appeal and high status in more than a few culinary(烹任的) traditions,the claim to its invention is often a hotly contested subject.

   Many peoples have laid claim to its origination. Historically,both Italy and the Middle East have particularly battled for the title. Italian cooking is closely connected with the pasta noodle,but surprisingly the oldest recorded use of noodles in Italy only dates back to the 8th century,during the Arab conquest of Sicily,an island of Italy. This fact,along with the appearance of wheat flour in the Middle East around 5000 B. C., has led some to favor the Arab world as the more likely candidate to have first created noodles. However,recent evidence has cast some doubt on this theory,when the oldest known bowl of noodles was discovered in northwestern China.

   In 2002,a sealed bowl was unearthed from beneath ten feet of soil at the Lajia archaeological site,and found to contain a bowl of amazingly well-preserved noodles. After examination,scientists considered them to be about 4,000 years old. It was also determined that the noodles were not made of the wheat flour known at that time throughout the Middle East,but instead of two types of millet grain,which was widely grown tliroughout China as far back as 7,000 years ago.

   One of the most remarkable aspects of the find,however,as archaeochemist Patrick McGovern at the University of Pennsylvania points out,is the degree of skill required to fashion long,thin noodles like those found at Lajia. “This shows a fairly high level of food processing and culinary techniques,” he said.

   Although the Lajia discovery makes China home to the oldest known noodles,the origin of the noodle itself remains one of ancient history's many secrets.

29. There has been a worldwide debate over.

   A. what food is the oldest

   B. where the noodle was invented

   C. when the oldest food was discovered

   D. whether the noodle is the world's most popular food 

30. What can we conclude from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Wheat flour may come from Sicily Island.

   B. People in the Arab world first made noodles.

   C. The first noodles were made in the 8th century.

   D. Italy is less likely to be the noodle's birthplace.

31. What can we learn about the noodles found in 2002?

   A. They were in good condition.

   B. They were made of wheat flour.

   C. They were made 7,000 years ago.

   D. They were discovered in the Middle East.

32. What did Patrick McGovern wonder at?

   A. The long history of the noodles.

   B. The unique way of storing food.

   C. The way the noodles were made.

   D. The value of the archaeological find.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   At any given time,hundreds of postcards are transit(运输中) across the world as strangers communicate through a movement called Post-crossing.

   Emma Delaney says it's a sad day when there isn’t a postcard in her mailbox. She doesn't have a bunch of friends travelling overseas at the moment —she's just really action in the underground hobby of Postcrossing.

   “I've sent over 3 ,000 postcards,but T ve been doing it for close to seven years,” she says. “My husband,generally appreciative of my hobby,is sometimes frustrated by the amount of cardboard hanging around the house or in my car."

   Postcrossing is a hobby where strangers send each other postcards across the world. You register on the website,list your interests and preferences for postcards,then receive an address of a stranger on the other side of the world to send a ppstcard to.

   “I tend to send a lot of postcards of the local area because people are interested in where you're from and what you do,” Emma says.

   From Uzbekistan to Belarus and Kazakhstan to Moldova,Emma has a growing collection of photos from around the world. The postcards have helped shape her international travelling too. “I didn't travel overseas until I was 32 and a lot of the locations we chose for our honeymoon were selected because of the postcards I'd received."

   “Some people see sending mail as being a bit boring and unfashionable,but Postcrossing is popular and lots of people are fascinated that I do it."

The Postcrossing project has just celebrated its eighth birthday and has over 400,000 active members in 215 countries. The group says they’ve delivered over 18 million postcards.

   And while postal workers aren't supposed to read people's postcards,Emma says she's happy for them to do so at her post office in Shellharbour. She even encourages her correspondents to say hello to the Australia Post staff.

   “It's a hobby that I continue to do because I find it enjoyable and relaxing."

24. Emma Delaney's friends.

   A. do a lot of travelling

   B. send her lots of postcards

   C. share the same hobby as her

   D. aren't active in travelling abroad 

25. What's Emma's husband's attitude towards her hobby?

    A. Somewhat annoyed.

   B. Totally unconcerned.

   C. Deeply disapproving.

   D. Strongly supportive.

26. What's the benefit of being involved in Postcrossing according to Emma Delaney?

   A. Broadening the mind.

   B. Deepening friendships.

   C. Giving others a helping hand.

   D. Bringing her family more happiness.

27. The Postcrossing project .

   A. delivers both postcards and official letters

   B. was set up a couple of years ago in Australia

   C. has granted membership in 215 countries all over the world

   D. receives more public approval compared with sending mail


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是学生会主席李华。你的美国朋友卡尔正在你市度假,请你代表学生会给他写一封电子 邮件,邀请他给同学们做报告。要点如下:

1. 时间:下周三下午3点到5点;

2. 报告内容:如何提高英语口语,美国学生的日常生活以及中美差异。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾己为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Carl,



 Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I'm walking around a street on Detroit's west side,looking at the house where my mother lived in the 1930s. A neighbor,understandably curious,bounds over.

   “I'm the king of Glendale,M Keith Harris says. Harris loves Glendale Street — so much so that he’s purchased nine properties for $42,000. “I'm.not done yet,” he says. “I'm going to buy more and rent them." I'm glad to hear this. Glendale could use more investment. So could Tuxedo Street,a few blocks away,where my father grew up. So could Detroit.

   I've seen all the photos showing Detroit in ruins. Now I've come to see for myself what's happened to what was America's fifth largest city around 1950. Then there were more than 1. 8 million residents(居民) ;now there are fewer than 700,000.

   This is where my family settled after immigrating to the United States in the 1920s,moving into neighborhoods fiiled witi people just like them.

   The handwritten 1940 census(人口 普查) page for Tuxedo Street literally illustrates the story: It shows a long list of Jewish names and the places from which Jews fled. The neighborhood was so insular (与世隔绝的) that when my American-bom mother went to kindergarten,she couldn't speak English.

   Those families don't live here anymore. Some houses have become empty lots. But some are tidy symbols of survival and pride. Keith Harris owns one of those homes. We have clean-up-the-block day,” he tells me. aWe are trying to make it better.w

   “Visitors like me walk these streets all the time,” he says, “Some people came and cried like babies." Maybe they shouldn't have. Though much is gone,there are seeds of hope across the city. Harris has planted some of those seeds. “We invest in this block,” he says, “because we want to stay."

21. Why does Keith Harris say he's the king of Glendale?

   A. He invests heavily in Glendale.

   B. He's a popular resident in Glendale.

   C. He knows everything about Glendale.

   D. He has the most attractive house in Glendale.

22. According to the text,Detroit .

   A. has a splendid history

   B. is able to bounce back

   C. has few houses for rent

   D. is attracting lots of visitors

23. What do we know about the author's mother?

   A. She had no gift for language.

   B. She lived in Tuxedo Street in the 1930s.

   C. She immigrated into the US in the 1920s.

   D. She had little access to other cultures as a kid.

24. Clean-up-the-block day was held to.

   A. maintain its Jewish style

   B. promote the image of Glendale

   C. brighten up local residents’ life

   D. set an example for the whole city


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everybody in the world is seeking happiness 一 and there is one sure way 61. (find) it. That is by 62.(control) your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend 63. outward conditions,but inner conditions.

   It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing 64.

makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. For example,two people may do 65. same thing in a place; both may have about an equal amount of money and status — and yet one may be 66. (depress) and the other happy. Why? Because they see things 67. (different) . I have seen just as many happy faces among the poor farmers 68. work very hard in the fields as I have seen in air-conditioned offices in New York,Chicago or Los Angeles.

   Abraham Lincoln once 69. (say) that “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." He was right. If you decide to be happy,then you will always find plenty of 70. (reason) to be happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



So you’re between the ages of 13 and 24. What makes you happy? Spending time with family was the top answer to that open-ended question,according to a survey—more than 100 questions asked of 1 ,280 people aged 13-24 carried out by the Associated Press on the nature of happiness among America^ young people.

Next was spending time with friends. And good news for parents: nearly three quarters of young people say their relationship with their parents makes them happy.

“They’re my foundation ,” says Kristina St. John,17, a high-school student from Queens in New York. “My mum tells me that even if I do something stupid,she's still going to love me. Just knowing that makes me feel very happy. ”

Other results are more disconcerting. While most young people are happy with the way their lives are going,there are racial differences: the survey shows whites to be happier than blacks. A lot of young people feel stressed,particularly those from the middle class,and females more than males.

You might think money would be clearly tied to a general sense of happiness. But almost no one said “money” when asked what makes them happy,though people with the highest family incomes are generally happier with life. However,having highly educated parents is a stronger predictor (预示物) of happiness than income.

Young people think marriage would make them happy and want to be married some day. Most also want to have kids.

Finally,when asked to name their heroes,nearly half of-them mentioned one or both of their parents. The winner,by a nose (以些微之差) :Mum.

56. What's the meaning of the underlined word “disconcerting” in Paragraph 4 ? (1 word)


57. What are the top two things that make young people happy? (No more than 10 words)


58. Do most American young people want to marry? Why? (No more than 10 words)


59. What can we infer from the last paragraph? (No more than 7 words)


60. Among the young people who would be more likely to feel stressed? (No more than 6 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   I had an argument with my friend Ben yesterday because his favorite movie,which I thought was not interested. After the argument,he went off without say goodbye to me. I was so angry on him. In the afternoon I started to feel sad because he is my best friend. After school,I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usually. He gave me a strange look and turned away. But,this time,he does say goodbye to me quietly. Later,while I was watching TV at home,the phone rang. This was Ben and he said he was sorry for that he did. He felt like childish. I said never mind. Now I feel much better since we are still good friend.

