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When you get in your car, you reach for it. When you're at work, you take a break to have a moment alone with it. When you get into a lift, you play with it.
Cigarettes? Cup of coffee? No, it's the third most addictive(使人上瘾的) thing in modern life, the cell phone. And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to curb their wishes to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships.
With its shiny surface, its smooth and satisfying touch, the cell phone connects us to the world even as it disconnects us from people three feet away. It affects us in ways its inventors in the late 1940s never imagined.
Dr. Chris Knippers, an expert at the Betty Ford Center in Southern California, reports that the overuse of cell phones has become a social problem not much different from other harmful addictions: a barrier to one-on-one personal contact, and an escape from reality.
Sounds extreme, but we've all witnessed the evidence: the person at a restaurant who talks on the phone through an entire meal, ignoring his kids around the table; the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband; the teen who texts messages all the way home from school, avoiding contact with kids all around him. Is it just rude, or is it a kind of unhealthiness? And pardon me, but how is this improving the quality of life?
Jim Williams, an industrial sociologist based in Massachusetts, he points to a study by Duke University researchers that found one-quarter of Americans say they have no one to discuss their most important personal business with. Despite the growing use of phones, e-mail and instant messaging, in other words, Williams says studies show that we don't have as many friends as our parents. “Just as more information has led to less wisdom, more acquaintances(熟人) through the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends,” he says.
If the cell phone has truly had these effects, it's because it has become very widespread. In 1987, there were only 1 million cell phones in use. Today, almost 300 million Americans carry them. The number of cell phones is far more than that of wired phones in the United States.
(1)Which of the following could probably best explain the title of the passage?
A.Cell phone users smoke less than they used to.
B.More people use cell phones than smoke cigarettes.
C.Cell phones have become as addictive as cigarettes.
D.Using cell phone is just as cool as smoking cigarettes.
(2)The underlined word “curb” in Paragraph 2 means ________.
(3)Which idea does the example of a woman talking on the phone in the car support?
A.Women use cell phones more often than men.
B.Talking on the phone while driving is dangerous.
C.Cell phones make one-on-one personal contact easy.
D.Cell phones do not necessarily bring people together.
(4)What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.How to make people get closer.
B.The advantages of wired phones.
C.How to use cell phones properly.
D.Giving an example to prove the bad effects of cell phones.

⑴主旨大意。文章讲的是现在很多人对手机有瘾,就像对香烟一样,手机也给人们的生活带来负面影响。第二段Cigarette? Cup of coffee? No, it's the third most addictive thing in modern life, the cell phone.可知作者想要表达现代人开始对手机上瘾。故选C。
⑵猜测词义。根据句子And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to curb their wishes to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships.专家们说抑制/控制住他们的希望紧紧拥抱它的愿望更困难了,也就是人们越来越难以控制对于手机的渴望。可知划线词curb“控制”和B项同义。故选B。
⑶推理判断。根据第三段中notes that cell-phone addiction is part of a set of symptoms in a widening gulf of personal separation.可知,这是为了说明手机把人们分离开。手机不一定能把人们聚集在一起。 故选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Could you please feed my pet dog for me while I'm away?
A.It's a pleasure
B.My pleasure
C.With pleasure
D.You're welcome


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I’m afraid there might have been an audience of about 100,000 watching his live concert in Bird Nest last night, ________?

A. weren’t there B. didn’t there

C. haven’t there D. hadn’t there


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Children in the United States eat too much pizza that some researchers now argue the food should join the ranks of sugary drinks and fast food for the harm they do to health.
In a new study, the researchers found that pizza is a large source of calories, saturated fat(饱和脂肪)and salt in children's diets.Children should not eat more than two slices of pizza for a meal,and should pair that with salad, rather than with another high-calorie food,the researchers concluded.
“Parents should aim to control pizza consumption(消费), particularly as a snack where it was shown to have a very adverse impact on children, and they should put their pizza dollars toward healthier brands.”Said Lisa Powel, director of the Illinois Prevention Research Center.
Pizza has become a matter of focus in recent years for researchers who look at the meals children eat, rather than the nutrients within them.Studies have found pizza is among the greatest sources of calories for children.
“Since pizza remains a common part of children's diet, we need to make 'healthy' pizza.”Powel said.To make pizza healthier, food producers should reduce its saturated fat and salt, and increase its whole grain content,” she said.
Whether or not pizza is harmful enough to be picked out as an unhealthy food, the study attracts attention to a larger issue with the modern American lifestyle, said Alexis Tindall, who was not involved in the flow research. “Many foods are eaten too frequently and in large sizes,” said Tindall.To solve the problem, people don't have to give up eating pizza, but instead, they can eat smaller and healthier pizza,”she said.
“Make it at home, instead of ordering it out where you don't have any control over how it's made.” Tindall said. “When we make it at home, we can choose healthier ingredients,increase the vegetables, reduce fat, and put in less cheese.Pizza doesn't have to be just pepperoni(意大利辣香肠)and cheese.”
(1)According to the research, children shouldn't eat
A.more than two slices of pizza in a day
B.two slices of pizza for a meal
C.pizza along with salad
D.more pizza with French fries
(2)Powel suggests healthier pizza should be made
A.with more ingredients
B.with less salt
C.in smaller sizes
D.at home
(3)The last sentence of the passage implies that pepperoni and cheese
A.are necessary ingredients of pizza
B.are not the only healthy ingredients of pizza
C.should all be replaced with healthier ingredient.
D.should be reduced by adding healthier ingredients.
(4)What is the best title for the passage?
A.Pizza—a real junk food!
B.How to prepare better meals for your kids?
C.Discover the harm of eating pizza
D.Bring in healthier pizza for Americans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment(约会) at 9:30.
The nurse had him take a 1 in the waiting area, 2 him it would be at least 40 minutes 3 someone would be able to see him. I saw him 4 his watch and decided,since I was 5 busy—my patient didn't 6 at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment. The gentleman said no and told me that he 7 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 8. He told me that she had been 9 for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be 10 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 11 knew who he was, that she had not been able to 12 him for five years now. I was 13, and asked him,“And you 14 go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?” He smiled and said. “She doesn't know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back15as he left.
Now I 16 that in marriages, true love is 17 of all that is. The happiest people don't 18 have the best of everything;they just 19the best of everything they have. 20 isn't about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
(1)A.breath B.test C.seat D.break
(2)A.persuading B.promising C.understanding D.telling
(3)A.if B.before C.since D.after
(4)A.taking off B.fixing C.looking at D.winding
(5)A.very B.also C.seldom D.not
(6)A.turn up B.show off C.come on D.go away
(7)A.needed B.forgot C.agreed D.happened
(8)A.daughter B.wife C.mother D.sister
(9)A.late B.well C.around D.there
(10)A.lonely B.worried C.doubtful D.hungry
(11)A.so far B.neither C.no longer D.already
(12)A.recognize B.answer C.believe D.expect
(13)A.moved B.disappointed C.surprised D.satisfied
(14)A.only B.then C.thus D.still
(15)A.curiosity B.tears C.words D.judgment
(16)A.realize B.suggest C.hope D.prove
(17)A.agreement B.expression C.acceptance D.exhibition
(18)A.necessarily B.completely C.naturally D.frequently
(19)A.learn B.make C.favor D.try
(20)A.Adventure B.Beauty C.Trust D.Life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People all need friends because nobody wants to be lonely and a friend can help you in good and bad times. You've made friends since childhood, but you still don't know who your true friends are. Here are some signs to tell you if your friend is a true friend:
Always honest
Honesty is important to keep a relationship alive. A true friend always tells you the truth. It may be hard sometimes but lying can destroy a friendship. It is important that your friend speaks honestly and never makes up stories.
There are always periods in your life when you have problems or difficulties. A true friend will always have time to listen to your problems and give advice. It may not be able to offer a solution to your problems but the fact that your friend made time to listen is a sign he/she cares for you. Your friend is not a true friend if he/she can never make time for you when you are in trouble. You also need to be reasonable and accept that your friend also has other things to do so he/she can't always listen immediately to your problems.
Always respectful
A true friend will always respect your opinion no matter whether he/she agrees or not. Your true friend may disagree but never insists that he/she is correct.
Always understanding
It is possible that some problems will arise between you and your friend. A true friend will always be forgiving and understanding even if it isn't his /her fault. We are all different people and we all make mistakes. A true friend is always forgiving and understanding because he/she doesn't want to take the risk of losing his/her best friend.
(1)What's the best title for the third paragraph?
A.Always happy for you
B.Always there for you
C.Always solve your problems
D.Always remember your important days
(2)According to the passage, what will a true friend always do?
A.Share the same interests with you.
B.Offer a solution for your problems in time.
C.Respect your opinion even if he/she disagrees with it.
D.Be a good listener and listen immediately to your troubles.
(3)What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?
A.To teach us how to make true friends.
B.To find out how long a friendship can last.
C.To introduce his experience in making friends.
D.To tell us how to find out if a friend is a true friend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】有陈老师教我,我在考试中会取得好成绩的。(用with +宾语+宾补的复合结构)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Exhibitions in the British Museum

Hokusai: beyond the Great Wave

Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) is widely regarded as one of Japan's most famous and influential artists.He produced works of astonishing quality right up until his death at the age of 90.This new exhibition will lead you on an artistic journey through the last 30 years of Hokusai's life—a time when he produced some of his most memorable masterpieces.

25 May—13 August 2017

Room 35

Adults£12,Members/under 16s free

Places of the mind: British watercolour landscapes 1850-1950

Drawn from the British Museum's rich collection,this is the first exhibition devoted to landscape drawings and watercolours by British artists in the Victorian and modern eras—two halves of very different centuries.

23 February—27 August 2017

Room 90

Free,just drop in

Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia

This major exhibition explores the story of the Scythians—nomadic tribes and masters of mounted warfare,who flourished between 900 and 200 BC.Their encounters with the Greeks,Assyrians and Persians were written into history but for centuries all trace of their culture was lost—buried beneath the ice.

14 September 2017—14 January 2018

Room 30

Adults£16.50,Members/under 16s free

Politics and paradise: Indian popular prints from the Moscatelli Gift

This display is part of the Museum's contribution to the India-UK Year of Culture 2017.It looks at the popular print culture of India from the 1880s until the 1950s.

19 July—3 September 2017

Room 90a

Free,just drop in

1If you are interested in drawings of natural scenery,you will probably go to______.

A. Room 35 B. Room 90

C. Room 30 D. Room 90a

2Which exhibition can you attend in October 2017?

A. Hokusai: beyond the Great Wave.

B. Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia.

C. Places of the mind: British watercolour landscapes 1850-1950.

D. Politics and paradise: Indian popular prints from the Moscatelli Gift.

3Where can we most probably find the passage?

A. In a health report. B. In a story book.

C. In a parenting magazine. D. In a tour guide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out oi his home to admire his new truck. To his 1 ( puzzle), his three-year-old son was 2(happy) hammering dents (凹痕) into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy’s hands into pulp(果浆汁) as 3 (punish). When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

4 the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to cut the fingers from both the boy’s hands. When the boy 5 (wake) up from the operation and saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, “Daddy, I’m sorry about your truck.” Then he asked, “6 when are my fingers going to grow back?”

The father went home and committed suicide.

Think about this story 7 next time someone steps on your feet or you wish to take revenge. Think first 8 you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can 9 (repair). Broken bones and hurt feelings often can’t. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is 10 (great) than revenge.

People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will impress us forever.

