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18.Gateway Academy Pre-Sessional Courses
Our pre-sessional courses are ideal for students who have a conditional place at a British university,but who need to achieve a certain level of English in order to be accepted.The course aims to provide students with the English language and study skills that they need in order to be successful at university or another academic establishment.It is important to note that completion of the course does not guarantee students'entrance into a university.It is necessary for students to show during the course that they have understood the information and skills that they have been taught,and can apply them to their work.
Pre-sessional students at Gateway Academy will benefit from:
●Small class sizes (no more than 10students per class)
●Twenty three hours of tuition per week
●Individual support and tutorials
●Regular guest lecturers
●The use of the Academy's study and recreational facilities,including the Language Library,the computer suite,and the academy's sports facilities.
●A varied social programme including evening entertainments and weekend excursions to popular tourist attractions and cities such as Stonehenge,Oxford and Stratford-on-Avon.
The course offers an all-around approach to learning,and covers reading,writing,speaking and listening skills.During the course,students will receive instruction on important techniques such as summary-writing,analysing essay titles,organising writing,note-taking in lectures,giving seminars and making presentations.Students will gain experience in working both individually and in groups.As part of the course,all students will work towards a 5000-word project in their own field of study.Students will receive guidance from their tutors on how best to conduct research and write it up effectively.Students will also work towards a presentation on the same subject.
There is no final examination.The attendance,successful completion of assignments and participation in class will be taken into account.Students will be given a full report on their progress at the end of the course.Students need to be aware that the course involves a great deal of coursework,which will require students to manage their time effectively.

59.From the passage we can learn thatD.
A.the course is suitable for students of all levels
B.the course will ensure your success at university
C.you can't go to university without taking the course
D.the course emphasizes the application of skills
60.Students who take the course will probablyA.
A.make an overall improvement in English
B.get chances to travel everywhere
C.teach themselves in their own field of study
D.take interest in making presantations
61.It is implied in the passage thatA.
A.students are evaluated continuously 
B.students listen to guest lecturers every day
C.students are free to attend their courses 
D.students should take part in sports activities
62.The passage is written in order toD.
A.suggest ways to prepare for the course  B.help readers find right courses
C.introduce approaches to English study   D.attract readers to the course.

分析 本篇文章是一则学院英语课程的介绍,在这里你会学习到许多英语技巧和应用,并且这里的管理比较严格,更能锻炼学生的自律和自主安排时间能力.

解答 59.D.细节理解题.由第一段they have understood the information and skills that they have been taught,and can apply them to their work,可知他们需要理解他们所学的信息和技能,并能将它们应用到工作上.故选D.
60.A.细节理解题.由第一段The course aims to provide students with the English language and study skills 可知课程旨在为学生提供英语和学习技巧,因此学生会在英语方面有很大改变.故选A.
61.A.细节理解题.由最后一段The attendance,successful completion of assignments and participation in class will be taken into account,可知出勤率,成功完成每一项任务和参与度都将被纳入成绩,即学生在平时是不断被评价的.故选A.

点评 本篇文章主要是细节理解方面的题型,需要考生通过跳读迅速找到对应的句子进行详细理解,句子的理解可以结合上下文意思,通过逻辑推理得到.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.In earliest times,men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of nature.
Some ancient people believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.
In reality,lightning is a flow of electricity formed high above the earth.A single flash of lightning 1.6kilometres long has enough electricity to light one million light bulbs (灯泡).
The American scientist and statesman,Benjamin Franklin,was the first to show the connection between electricity and lightning in 1752.In the same year he also built the first lightning rod (避雷针).This device protects buildings from being damaged by lightning.
Modern science has discovered that one stroke of lightning has a voltage (电压) o more than 15million volts (伏特).A flash of lightning between a cloud and the earth may be as long as 13kilometers,and travel at a speed of 30million meters per second.
Scientists judge that there are about 2,000million flashes of lightning per year.Lightning hits the Empire State Building in New York City 30to 48times a year.In the United States alone it kills an average of one person every day.
The safest place to be in case of an electrical storm is in a closed car.Outside,one should go to low ground and not get under trees.Also,one should stay out of water and away from metal fences.Inside a house,people should avoid open doorways and windows and not touch wires or metal things.
With lightning,it is better to be safe than sorry?
9.People once thought lightning came fromB.
A.the sky          
B.the gods       
C.the earth       
10.Lightning can travelD.
A.as quickly as water            
B.not so quickly as electricity
C.at very low speed             
D.at very high speed
11.Which of the following is NOT true?C
A.In the U.S about one person per day dies from lightning.
B.The Empire State Building frequently gets hit by lightning.
C.Swimming during a thunder storm is a good idea.
D.A closed car is the best place to be during an electrical storm.
12.According to the passage what do you think all buildings need?C
A.Metal fences.
C.lightning rods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.It is goodmanners(礼貌) to wait in line.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?Do you let a bad driver,impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee(36)Dyour day?
One day I was in a taxi and we headed(37)Dthe airport.We were driving in the(38)Blane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us.My taxi driver slammed on his(39)C,slid sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and (40)C the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started(41)D at usMy taxi driver just(42)Cand waved at the guy.And I mean he was really(43)A.So I asked,"Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call"The Law of the Garbage Truck".
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks.They run around full of(44)C,full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment.As their garbage(45)Bup,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on(46)C.Don't take it personally;Just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on.
Believe me.You'll be(47)B.Don't take their garbage and(48)Dit to other people at work,at home,or on the streets.Life's too short to wake up in.the morning with(49)D.The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what's(50)B in your life,Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you(51)Abad things more ofter than good things in your life,you store the bad memories more easily,and you(52)Athem more frequently.
Therefore,love the people who treat you right and ignore the ones who don't.Life is ten percent what you make it and  ninety percent how you(53)Bit!
When you follow"The Law of the Garbage Truck",you take back control of your life!You make room for the good by(54)A go of the bad.Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today(55)D the harvest you will reap tomorrow.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Laws that would have ensured pupils from five to 16received a full financial education got lost in the‘wash up'.An application is calling on the next government to bring it back.
At school the children are taught to add up and subtract(减法) but,extraordinarily,are not routinely shown how to open a bank account-let alone how to manage their finances in an increasingly complex and demanding world.
Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum in England.Children from five to 16should be taught about everything from pocket money to pensions,they say.And that was exactly the plan preserved in the Children,Schools and Families bill that was shelved by the government in the so-called"wash-up"earlier this month-the rush to legislation before parliament was dismissed.Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum(课程).
As the Personal Finance Education Group (Pfeg) points out,the good habits of young children do not last long.Over 75% of seven-to 11-year-olds are savers but by the time they get to 17,over half of them are in debt to family and friends.By this age,26% see a credit card or overdraft(透支) as a way of extending their spending power.Pfeg predicts that these young people will"find it much harder to avoid the serious unexpected dangers that have befallen many of their parents'generation unless they receive good quality financial education while at school."
The UK has been in the worst financial recession(衰退)for generations.It does seem odd that-unless parents step in-young people are left in the dark until they are cruelly introduced to the world of debt when they turn up at university.In a recent poll of over 8,000people,97% supported financial education in schools,while 3% said it was a job for parents.

71.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.how to manage school lessons
B.how to deal with the financial crisis
C.teaching young people about money
D.teaching students how to study effectively
72.It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs thatA.
A.the author complains about the school education
B.pupils should not be taught to add up and subtract
C.students have been taught to manage their finances
D.laws on financial education have been effectively carried out
73.The website and the consumer campaigner joined toD.
A.instruct the pupils to donate their pocket money
B.promote the connection of schools and families
C.ask the government to dismiss the parliament
D.appeal for the curriculum of financial education
74.According to Pfeg,D.
A.it is easy to keep good habits long
B.teenagers spend their money as planned
C.parents are willing to pay the debt for their kids
D.it will be in trouble if the teenagers are left alone
75.A poll is mentioned toA.
A.stress the necessity of the curriculum reform
B.show the seriousness of the financial recession
C.make the readers aware of burden of the parents
D.illustrate some people are strongly against the proposal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The Grapes of Wrath (愤怒的葡萄) ) is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939.The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction shortly after its publication.It is frequently read in American high school and college literature classes due to its historical context and enduring legacy.
Set during the Great Depression,the novel focuses on the Joads,a poor family of tenant farmers (佃农) driven from their Oklahoma home by drought,economic hardship and agricultural industry changes.Due to their nearly hopeless situation,the Joads set out for California.Along with thousands of other"Okies",they sought jobs,land,dignity,and a future.As might be expected,the image created by the title serves as a vital symbol in the development of both the plot and the novel's greater thematic concerns:from the terrible oppression (压迫) will come terrible wrath (愤怒) but also the liberation of workers through their cooperation,which are implied but are not stated directly within the novel.
Steinbeck wrote:"I want to put a tag (标签) of shame on the greedy bastards (杂种) who
are responsible for this."This work won a large following among the working class due to
Steinbeck's sympathy to the workers'movement and his accessible prose style.
At the time of publication,Steinbeck's novel"was a phenomenon on the scale of a national
event.It was publicly banned and burned by citizens,it was debated on national talk radio; but above all,it was read."Part of its impact arose from its passionate (饱含深情的) description of the difficult situations of the poor,and in fact,many of Steinbeck's contemporaries (同代人) attacked his social and political views.Bryan Cordyack writes,"Steinbeck was attacked as a propagandist(鼓动家) from both the left and the right of the political views.The most heated of these attacks came from the Associated Farmers of California; they were displeased with the book's description.of California farmers'attitudes and behaviors toward the migrants (季节工.They blamed the book as a'"pack of lies".Some accused Steinbeck of exaggerating (夸大) camp (工棚) conditions to make a political point.Steinbeck had visited the camps well before publication of the novel and argued that their inhumane nature destroyed the settlers'spirit.
In 1962,the Nobel Prize committee cited Grapes of Wrath as a"great work"and as one of
the committee's main reasons for granting Steinbeck the Nobel Prize for Literature.Time
magazine and BBC respectively included the novel in their"100Best English-language Novels".

62.Which of the following could b'e part of the plot of the novel The Grapes of Wrath?A
A.The Joads family struggled their way through the hardships and harshness of life.
B,The Joads appealed to his fellow migrants to unite in the fight against the greedy farmers.
C.The Joads openly expressed their political dreams for equal rights and better lives.
D.The Joads lived peacefully in Oklahoma farming on their own land.
63.What does the underlined word"this"in Paragraph 4refer to?A
A.The hopeless situation of the poor.
B.The liberation of workers.
C.The impacts of The Grapes of Wrath.
D.The inhuman nature of the camps.
64.As Steinbeck's contemporaries,who might have had the deepest sympathy (共鸣) with the novel?C
A.A bankers who had just gone through a bankruptcy (破产).
B.A publisher who wanted to increase the business of his company.
C.A hardworking worker who had been struggling for a living.
D.A literary critic (评论家) who held the left point of political views.
65.The strength of the novel lies in the fact that itD
A.makes clear some strong political views
B.was blamed as nothing but"pack of lies"
C.was granted the Nobel Prize for Literature
D,exposes the true situation of the working class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Books which give instructions on how to do things are very popular in the United States today.Thousands of these"How to"books are available; in fact,there are about four thousand books with titles that begin with the words"How to".One book may tell you how to earn more money,another may tell you how to save or spend it,and another may explain how to give your money away.Many"How to"books give advice on careers (职业).They tell you how to choose a career and how to succeed at it.If you fail,however,you can buy a book called"How to Turn Failure into Success".If you would like to become very rich,you can buy the book"How to Make a Million".If you never make any money at all,you may need a book called"How to Live on Nothing?".One of the most popular types of books is one that helps you with personal problems.If you want to have a better love of life,you can read"How to Succeed at Love Every Minute of Your Life.?".If you are tired of books on happiness,you may prefer a book called"How to Make Yourself miserable?".
    Many of these books help people use their time better.Some people want books which will give them useful information about sports,hobbies,and travel.Other people use their free time to make repairs and improvements on their homes.They prefer books which give step by step instruction on how to repair things like plumbing (卫生管道工程) and electrical wiring,or on how to redecorate (重新装饰) or enlarge a house.
    Why have"How to"books become so popular?Probably because life has become so complex.Today people have far more free time to use,more choices to make,and more problems to solve."How to"books help people deal with modern life.
1.These"How to"books are written toC.
A.tell people on how to love their daily life             
B.earn money for the companies to survive in the competition
C.give people some good advice on how to do something they want to do 
D.give readers who want to know about America a deep impression
2.Before someone wants to find a good job,he had betterB.
A.buy a book on"How to Make a Million?"
B.read a book on how to choose a career and how to succeed at it 
C.make better use of his time in his daily life     
D.use his free time to look for it 
3.If people will not succeed in what he is doing,a book calledAcan give help.
A."How to Turn Failure into Success"
B."How to Make a Million?"
C."How to Succeed at Love Every Minute of Your Life?"
D."How to Make Yourself Miserable?"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.一You seem to be familiar with this city.
一I_____ here for three years.It's great to be back.(  )
A.will liveB.livedC.had livedD.live


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.The couple lost touch of each other,because their country was at wwar.

