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Hello, everyone!It's my turn to say something
about graduation.Graduation is a time when we move on
from middle school________university.
Before________(毕业) from school, we usually have a
variety of activities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraging
words to one another in m________of our friendship,
or giving presents to our teachers to________(表达)
our thanks and respect.________, I have mixed feelings
about moving on.I want to stay and have more fun with
my________(朋友), but I have to realize my dream.
Graduation m________growing up and taking up more
responsibilities.We must face our future________(勇敢).
Whether we are ready or not, graduation is drawing near.
So I think________important for us to treasure every
minute of our time at school.To make our
dream come________, we must try our best.
1. to  2.graduating/graduation  3.memory  4.express  5.However 
6. friend  7. means  8. bravely  9.it/it's  10. true

科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州三中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:053


  Hello, everyone! I would like to share with you my first travel abroad.

  Last summer vacation, I took part in a/an _________(交流)programme with an American school.D_________ our visit, we stayed with host families, _________ gave us an opportunity to learn more about the American society.The main part of our programme was to _________(体验) The school life._________ with Chinese students, American students are more open and active.Besides, they have _________ homework and fewer exams.But we a_________ have a lot in common, like being crazy about NBA.When the visit was over, I made f_________ with some American students, who are very interested in Chinese _________(文化).

  The programme is of great b_________ to us the American students As well.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省同步题 题型:填空题

Here are ways to make friends.Firstly, you must learn to
say hello to your classmates.With a smile________your
face, you are more________(吸引) to people.
Secondly, you may try to ask________.A good way
to let other people know you are i________in them
is to ask about what they like.Thirdly, it is important for you
to be a good listener.Anyone l________to have a friend
to talk to.If he or she finds you are e________
to talk to, they would________you as their friends.
Finally, you should know that not all______(友谊)
work out.If someone doesn't want to be friends, move on to
________else.It is good to have friends who have
their own ideas and________(看法). Don't
expect everyone to be just like you.

